blob: 58fde0c58a1bd0b973711b20de64e199a6bd6612 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package checklicenses
import (
// Licenses is an object that facilitates operations on each License object in bulk.
type Licenses struct {
licenses []*License
notices []*License
// NewLicenses returns a Licenses object with each license pattern loaded from
// the .lic folder location specified in the config file.
func NewLicenses(ctx context.Context, config *Config) (*Licenses, error) {
defer trace.StartRegion(ctx, "NewLicenses").End()
l := &Licenses{}
err := filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(config.BaseDir, config.LicensePatternDir),
func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
license, err := NewLicense(path, config)
if err != nil {
return err
l.licenses = append(l.licenses, license)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(l.licenses) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no licenses")
return l, nil
func (l *Licenses) GetFilesWithProhibitedLicenses() []string {
var filesWithProhibitedLicenses []string
set := map[string]bool{}
for _, license := range l.licenses {
if license.ValidType {
for _, match := range license.matches {
if !match.Used {
for path := range match.Files {
if !contains(license.AllowedDirs, path) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Prohibited: %q in %q\n", license.Category, path)
if _, found := set[path]; !found {
set[path] = true
filesWithProhibitedLicenses = append(filesWithProhibitedLicenses, path)
return filesWithProhibitedLicenses
func (l *Licenses) GetFilesWithBadLicenseUsage() []string {
var filesWithBadLicenseUsage []string
set := map[string]bool{}
for _, license := range l.licenses {
if len(license.BadLicenseUsage) > 0 {
for _, path := range license.BadLicenseUsage {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Not allowlisted: %q in %q\n", license.Category, path)
if _, found := set[path]; !found {
set[path] = true
filesWithBadLicenseUsage = append(filesWithBadLicenseUsage, path)
return filesWithBadLicenseUsage
func (l *Licenses) MatchSingleLicenseFile(data []byte, path string, metrics *Metrics, ft *FileTree) {
for _, license := range l.licenses {
if ok, match := license.Search(data, path); ok {
// Mark all single licenses file matches as used. Some of these files are used in the project
// directories that are skipped when traversing the file tree, so the files use the license
// won't be processed and marked as Used. This means that these files will be included in the
// output when analysing a GN target even if there is no dependency on the license but it is
// better to have false positives and not false negatives.
match.Used = true
ft.SingleLicenseFiles[path] = append(ft.SingleLicenseFiles[path], license)
ft.LicenseMatches[path] = append(ft.LicenseMatches[path], match)
func (l *Licenses) MatchNoticeFile(data []byte, path string, metrics *Metrics, ft *FileTree) {
custom := NewCustomLicense(path)
l.notices = append(l.notices, custom)
if ok, match := custom.Search(data, path); ok {
ft.SingleLicenseFiles[path] = append(ft.SingleLicenseFiles[path], custom)
ft.LicenseMatches[path] = append(ft.LicenseMatches[path], match)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error: failed to match custom license text '%v'\n", path)
// MatchFile returns true if any License matches input data
// along with the license that matched. It returns false and nil
// if there were no matches.
func (l *Licenses) MatchFile(data []byte, path string, metrics *Metrics) (bool, *License, *Match) {
for _, license := range l.licenses {
if ok, match := license.Search(data, path); ok {
return true, license, match
return false, nil, nil