blob: 3fa8c6fd4541362f4bffeaf68ab67c53a392da3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package checklicenses
import (
// FileTree is an in memory representation of the state of the repository.
type FileTree struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Path string `json:"path"`
SingleLicenseFiles map[string][]*License `json:"project licenses"`
LicenseMatches map[string][]*Match `json:"project license matches"`
Files []*File `json:"files"`
Children []*FileTree `json:"children"`
Parent *FileTree `json:"-"`
GnTarget string `json:"target"`
StrictAnalysis bool `json:"strict analysis"`
// filetreeByPath implements sort.Interface for []*FileTree based on the Path field.
type filetreeByPath []*FileTree
func (a filetreeByPath) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a filetreeByPath) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a filetreeByPath) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Path < a[j].Path }
// NewFileTree returns an instance of FileTree, given the input configuration
// file.
func NewFileTree(ctx context.Context, root string, parent *FileTree, config *Config, metrics *Metrics) (*FileTree, error) {
defer trace.StartRegion(ctx, "NewFileTree").End()
ft := FileTree{
SingleLicenseFiles: make(map[string][]*License),
LicenseMatches: make(map[string][]*Match),
abs, err := filepath.Abs(root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ft.Name = filepath.Base(abs)
ft.Path = abs
ft.Parent = parent
// If config.StrictAnalysis is true, we ignore all LICENSE files in the fuchsia directory.
if parent == nil {
ft.StrictAnalysis = config.StrictAnalysis
} else {
ft.StrictAnalysis = parent.StrictAnalysis
// If we are at a boundary where licenses change (e.g. "third_party" or "prebuilt" dirs),
// turn off strict analysis. We don't have enough control over 3p repositories to enforce
// having strict LICENSE information in all source files.
for _, dirName := range config.StopLicensePropagation {
if ft.Name == dirName {
ft.StrictAnalysis = false
// Some projects include a license file, but they aren't at the topmost folder of the project.
// Ideally, every project will also include a README.fuchsia file that points to the location
// of the license file. Until we can work on that, we maintain a list of mappings in the
// config.json file, mapping projects to their respective LICENSE files.
for _, customProjectLicense := range config.CustomProjectLicenses {
if strings.HasSuffix(root, customProjectLicense.ProjectRoot) {
licLocation := filepath.Join(root, customProjectLicense.LicenseLocation)
ft.SingleLicenseFiles[licLocation] = []*License{}
entries, err := os.ReadDir(root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Propagate forward the GN target of the parent. This will be overwritten if we find a
// file below.
if parent != nil {
ft.GnTarget = parent.GnTarget
for _, entry := range entries {
path := filepath.Join(root, entry.Name())
if strings.HasSuffix(path, "") {
ft.GnTarget = root
skippable, err := isSkippable(config, path, entry)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no such file or directory") {
log.Printf("skipping non-existing file: %s", path)
return nil, err
if skippable {
log.Printf("skipping: %s", path)
if entry.IsDir() {
child, err := NewFileTree(ctx, path, &ft, config, metrics)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ft.Children = append(ft.Children, child)
newFile, err := NewFile(path, &ft)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Warning: error creating file %v: %v\n", path, err)
// StrictAnalysis means don't rely on a project-level license. Verify that all source files
// include license information in their headers.
// TODO(jcecil): a file named LICENSE in the fuchsia tree will be
// entirely skipped when running in strict analysis mode, since it
// doesn't have a valid text extension. We should still analyze
// these files, even if we don't add them as SingleLicenseFiles.
if hasLowerPrefix(entry.Name(), config.SingleLicenseFiles) && !ft.StrictAnalysis {
// Add project-level license files (e.g. LICENSE.txt, NOTICE.txt) to the SingleLicenseFiles map.
ft.SingleLicenseFiles[path] = []*License{}
if newFile.shouldProcess(ft.StrictAnalysis, config) {
ft.Files = append(ft.Files, newFile)
} else {
log.Printf("ignoring: %s", path)
return &ft, nil
// License information from parent directories should be copied to each of its children, recursively,
// until we hit a boundary that signifies we're in a directory that is no longer a part of the parent
// project (e.g. hitting a "third_party" directory).
func (ft *FileTree) propagateProjectLicenses(config *Config) {
propagate := true
for _, dirName := range config.StopLicensePropagation {
if ft.Name == dirName {
propagate = false
if propagate && ft.Parent != nil {
for key, val := range ft.Parent.SingleLicenseFiles {
ft.SingleLicenseFiles[key] = val
for _, child := range ft.Children {
func (ft *FileTree) getFileTreeIterator() <-chan *FileTree {
ch := make(chan *FileTree, 1)
go func() {
var curr *FileTree
var q []*FileTree
q = append(q, ft)
var pos int
for len(q) > 0 {
pos = len(q) - 1
curr = q[pos]
q = q[:pos]
if len(curr.SingleLicenseFiles) > 0 {
ch <- curr
for _, child := range curr.Children {
q = append(q, child)
return ch
func (ft *FileTree) getFileIterator() <-chan *File {
ch := make(chan *File, 1)
go func() {
var curr *FileTree
var q []*FileTree
q = append(q, ft)
var pos int
for len(q) > 0 {
pos = len(q) - 1
curr = q[pos]
q = q[:pos]
for _, file := range curr.Files {
ch <- file
for _, child := range curr.Children {
q = append(q, child)
return ch
func isSkippable(config *Config, absPath string, entry os.DirEntry) (bool, error) {
for _, skipFile := range config.SkipFiles {
skipFile = filepath.Join(config.BaseDir, skipFile)
if strings.ToLower(entry.Name()) == skipFile || strings.ToLower(absPath) == skipFile {
return true, nil
if entry.IsDir() && len(entry.Name()) > 1 && (strings.HasPrefix(entry.Name(), ".") || strings.HasPrefix(entry.Name(), "__")) {
return true, nil
info, err := entry.Info()
if err != nil {
return true, err
if info.Size() == 0 {
// An empty file has no content to copyright. Skip.
return true, nil
sep := string(filepath.Separator)
skippable := false
for _, skipDir := range config.SkipDirs {
skipDir = filepath.Join(config.BaseDir, skipDir)
if skipDir == absPath || strings.HasPrefix(absPath, skipDir+sep) {
skippable = true
if !skippable {
return false, nil
for _, keepDir := range config.DontSkipDirs {
keepDir = filepath.Join(config.BaseDir, keepDir)
if keepDir == absPath ||
strings.HasPrefix(absPath, keepDir+sep) ||
strings.HasPrefix(keepDir, absPath+sep) {
return false, nil
return true, nil