blob: c7fd95f2307bf0deb7464973b83b2fc358606e44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace modular_config {
constexpr char kBasemgrConfigName[] = "basemgr";
constexpr char kSessionmgrConfigName[] = "sessionmgr";
constexpr char kSessionmgrUrl[] = "fuchsia-pkg://";
constexpr char kConfigDataDir[] = "/config/data";
constexpr char kPackageDataDir[] = "/pkg/data";
constexpr char kOverriddenConfigDir[] = "/config_override/data";
constexpr char kPersistentConfigDir[] = "/cache";
static constexpr auto kServicesForV1Sessionmgr = "svc_for_v1_sessionmgr";
static constexpr auto kServicesFromV1Sessionmgr = "svc_from_v1_sessionmgr";
// This file path is rooted at |kDefaultConfigDir|
constexpr char kAllowPersistentConfigOverrideFilePath[] = "allow_persistent_config_override";
// This file path is rooted at either:
// |kPersistentConfigDir|
// |kOverriddenConfigDir|
// |kDefaultConfigDir|
constexpr char kStartupConfigFilePath[] = "startup.config";
constexpr char kTrue[] = "true";
// Used by sessionmgr component_args.
constexpr char kArgs[] = "args";
// Basemgr constants
constexpr char kEnableCobalt[] = "enable_cobalt";
constexpr char kUseSessionShellForStoryShellFactory[] = "use_session_shell_for_story_shell_factory";
constexpr char kSessionLauncher[] = "session_launcher";
constexpr char kPersistUserArg[] = "--persist_user";
// Sessionmgr constants
constexpr char kComponentArgs[] = "component_args";
constexpr char kAgentServiceIndex[] = "agent_service_index";
constexpr char kServiceName[] = "service_name";
constexpr char kAgentUrl[] = "agent_url";
constexpr char kUri[] = "uri";
constexpr char kStartupAgents[] = "startup_agents";
constexpr char kSessionAgents[] = "session_agents";
constexpr char kRestartSessionOnAgentCrash[] = "restart_session_on_agent_crash";
constexpr char kDisableAgentRestartOnCrash[] = "disable_agent_restart_on_crash";
// Inspect property constants
constexpr char kInspectModuleSource[] = "module_source";
constexpr char kInspectIsEmbedded[] = "is_embedded";
constexpr char kInspectIntentAction[] = "intent_action";
constexpr char kInspectIsDeleted[] = "is_deleted";
constexpr char kInspectSurfaceRelationArrangement[] = "surface_arrangement";
constexpr char kInspectSurfaceRelationDependency[] = "surface_dependency";
constexpr char kInspectSurfaceRelationEmphasis[] = "surface_emphasis";
constexpr char kInspectModulePath[] = "module_path";
constexpr char kInspectConfig[] = "config";
// Shell constants
inline constexpr char kDefaultSessionShellUrl[] =
constexpr char kDefaultStoryShellUrl[] =
constexpr char kUrl[] = "url";
constexpr char kSessionShells[] = "session_shells";
constexpr char kStoryShellUrl[] = "story_shell_url";
} // namespace modular_config