blob: 64be00276abf3f209ca5b82a4be22619cf84ee43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/modular/session/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fpromise/result.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
namespace modular {
// Parse Modular configuration from JSON into a FIDL table.
// Returns either the parsed configuration or an error string.
fpromise::result<fuchsia::modular::session::ModularConfig, std::string> ParseConfig(
std::string_view config_json);
// Returns the default Modular configuration.
fuchsia::modular::session::ModularConfig DefaultConfig();
// Returns the Modular configuration as a JSON string.
std::string ConfigToJsonString(const fuchsia::modular::session::ModularConfig& config);
// A utility for writing the Modular configuration to a file.
class ModularConfigWriter {
// Creates a new |ModularConfigWriter| that writes to files in the directory |root_dir|.
explicit ModularConfigWriter(fbl::unique_fd root_dir);
~ModularConfigWriter() = default;
// Returns a |ModularConfigWriter| that writes to files in the /cache directory inside the
// component's namespace that is used for config persistence.
static ModularConfigWriter CreateFromNamespace();
// Writes the |config| to the file `startup.config`.
fpromise::result<void, std::string> Write(const fuchsia::modular::session::ModularConfig& config);
// Deletes the file `startup.config` if it exists.
fpromise::result<void, std::string> Delete();
fbl::unique_fd root_dir_;
// A utility for reading Modular configuration from a directory.
// Use |ModularConfigReader::CreateFromNamespace()| to read modular
// configuration from this component's incoming namespace.
class ModularConfigReader {
// Looks for the modular config file by searching |root_dir| for the
// following paths, in order, within the incoming namespace until it finds a
// path that exists.
// /config_override/data/startup.config
// /cache/startup.config (when persistent config_override is enabled)
// /config/data/startup.config
// If one doesn't exist, uses defaults.
explicit ModularConfigReader(fbl::unique_fd root_dir);
~ModularConfigReader() = default;
// Returns a ModularConfigReader which sources the config file from the
// incoming namespace.
static ModularConfigReader CreateFromNamespace();
// Returns the path to the config file in the /config/data directory.
static std::string GetConfigDataConfigPath();
// Returns the path to the overridden config file.
static std::string GetOverriddenConfigPath();
// Returns the path to the persistent config file.
static std::string GetPersistentConfigPath();
// Returns the path to the config file in the current package.
static std::string GetPackagedConfigPath();
// Returns the path to the allow_persistent_config_override marker file.
static std::string GetAllowPersistentConfigOverridePath();
// Returns true if a configuration file exists at the overridden config path.
bool OverriddenConfigExists();
// Returns true if a configuration file exists at the persistent config path.
bool PersistentConfigExists();
// Returns true if a configuration file exists in the current package.
bool PackagedConfigExists();
// Returns true if the allow_persistent_config_override marker file exists.
bool PersistentConfigOverrideAllowed();
// Returns the parsed `basemgr` section of the config.
fuchsia::modular::session::BasemgrConfig GetBasemgrConfig() const;
// Returns the parsed `sessionmgr` section of the config.
fuchsia::modular::session::SessionmgrConfig GetSessionmgrConfig() const;
// Returns the parsed config.
fuchsia::modular::session::ModularConfig GetConfig() const;
// Returns the given configuration as a JSON formatted string.
static std::string GetConfigAsString(
fuchsia::modular::session::BasemgrConfig* basemgr_config,
fuchsia::modular::session::SessionmgrConfig* sessionmgr_config);
// Reads the configuration, and if allowed, persists overriden configuration to |config_writer|.
fpromise::result<fuchsia::modular::session::ModularConfig, std::string> ReadAndMaybePersistConfig(
ModularConfigWriter* config_writer);
// Parses |config| into |basemgr_config_| and |sessionmgr_config_|.
// |config| The configuration as a JSON string.
// |config_path| The filesystem path to the config file, if it was read from a file.
// This is only used for logging error messages.
void ParseConfig(const std::string& config, const std::string& config_path);
// Sets |basemgr_config_| and |sessionmgr_config_| to default values.
void UseDefaults();
fbl::unique_fd root_dir_;
fuchsia::modular::session::SessionmgrConfig sessionmgr_config_;
fuchsia::modular::session::BasemgrConfig basemgr_config_;
} // namespace modular