blob: 21c82b7064692b30712a5296fb95ee12df63f2cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/ddk/binding_priv.h>
#include <lib/ddk/device.h>
#include <lib/ddk/driver.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/async/dispatcher.h"
#include "lib/fidl/llcpp/wire_messaging.h"
// Allow redefining the zx_device_t struct. MockDevice cannot be in the mock_ddk namespace.
#define MockDevice zx_device
namespace mock_ddk {
// Generic protocol.
struct Protocol {
const void* ops;
void* ctx;
struct ProtocolEntry {
uint32_t id;
Protocol proto;
using ConnectCallback = fit::function<zx_status_t(zx::channel)>;
} // namespace mock_ddk
// MockDevice is an implementation of the opaque type zx_device which mocks much of
// device host functionality.
// Mock devices are created in one of two ways:
// 1) Calling FakeRootParent.
// 2) Calling device_add_from_driver (which may be done indirectly by DdkAdd)
// Since device_add_from_driver takes zx_device_t* parent as an argument, FakeRootParent()
// must be called before adding any other devices.
// MockDevice does not use any global variables, so multiple fake parents can exist without
// interfering with each other.
// The FakeRootParent is limited in functionality, but protocols and metadata can be added to it
// to facilitate a child device's needs.
// The fake root parent is also important because it controls the lifecycle of its descendants.
// Unlike the device host, the parent of each MockDevice holds the MockDevice's refptr.
// This allows drivers to "leak" the pointer to the device like normal during bind.
// However, it means that tests using MockDevices must retain the reference to the fake root parent,
// or all the descendent devices will be deleted, because
// the root parent will recursively release all of its children upon destruction.
// When this happens, the release() op will be called on the device, allowing it to delete
// any context it created.
// Importantly, this is a mock implementation, not a fake. Any libDriver calls will be
// recorded, but the mock will not take any automatic action. This may result in unexpected
// behavior during device initialization and removal.
// Initialization:
// The init() op is not automatically called on newly added devices. It can be manually called
// by calling MockDevice::InitOp().
// Removal:
// When attempting to remove dynamically devices, device_async_remove will not result in
// device removal.
// To process device removal, a helper function is provided below:
// ReleaseFlaggedDevices recursively searches the device tree and calls unbind and release
// on any device that has had device_async_remove called on it.
// Calling ReleaseOp() on a MockDevice will also cause it to be deleted.
// Things that this MockDevice does not handle (yet)
// Rebinding
// Composite devices
// Fidl messages
// Any automatic responses from the DDK
// The following libdriver calls:
// device_open_protocol_session_multibindable
// device_get_profile
// device_get_deadline_profile
// device_fidl_transaction_take_ownership
// get_root_resource
// device_rebind
// This needs to be a struct, not a class, to match the public definition
struct MockDevice : public std::enable_shared_from_this<MockDevice> {
// Create a Root Parent. This device has limited functionality.
static std::shared_ptr<MockDevice> FakeRootParent();
// Calls for tracking libdriver calls made that reference this device:
// The Register calls below create 4 functions each:
// REGISTER_CALL_TRACKER( InitReply ) creates:
// void WaitUntilInitReplyCalled(); <-- Blocking wait until InitReply is called
// void RecordInitReply(); <-- Records the InitReply call
// bool InitReplyCalled(); <-- Returns true if InitReply has been called.
// zx_status_t InitReplyCallStatus(); <-- Returns the status that was passed to InitReply
// The WaitUntil* functions are useful if you expect the reply/remove/etc to be called
// in a different thread.
#define REGISTER_CALL_TRACKER(varname) \
private: \
bool varname##_call_made_ = false; \
zx_status_t varname##_call_status_ = ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE; \
sync_completion_t varname##_call_made_sync_; \
public: \
void Record##varname(zx_status_t status) { \
varname##_call_status_ = status; \
varname##_call_made_ = true; \
sync_completion_signal(&varname##_call_made_sync_); \
} \
zx_status_t WaitUntil##varname##Called(zx::time deadline = zx::time::infinite()) { \
return sync_completion_wait_deadline(&varname##_call_made_sync_, deadline.get()); \
} \
bool varname##Called() { return varname##_call_made_; } \
zx_status_t varname##CallStatus() { return varname##_call_status_; }
// Functions for calling into the driver.
// These are functions that the DDK normally calls, but are exposed here for testing purposes.
void InitOp();
zx_status_t OpenOp(zx_device_t** dev_out, uint32_t flags);
zx_status_t CloseOp(uint32_t flags);
void UnbindOp();
void ReleaseOp();
void SuspendNewOp(uint8_t requested_state, bool enable_wake, uint8_t suspend_reason);
zx_status_t SetPerformanceStateOp(uint32_t requested_state, uint32_t* out_state);
zx_status_t ConfigureAutoSuspendOp(bool enable, uint8_t requested_state);
void ResumeNewOp(uint32_t requested_state);
zx_status_t ReadOp(void* buf, size_t count, zx_off_t off, size_t* actual);
zx_status_t WriteOp(const void* buf, size_t count, zx_off_t off, size_t* actual);
zx_off_t GetSizeOp();
zx_status_t MessageOp(fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, fidl_txn_t* txn);
void ChildPreReleaseOp(void* child_ctx);
bool HasUnbindOp() { return ops_->unbind != nullptr; }
cpp20::span<const zx_device_prop_t> GetProperties() const { return props_; }
cpp20::span<const zx_device_str_prop_t> GetStringProperties() const { return str_props_; }
const zx::vmo& GetInspectVmo() const { return inspect_; }
// Size is often set for the parent of a device, to be available when the device
// calls device_get_size
void SetSize(size_t size);
// Metadata is often set for the parent of a device, to be available when the device
// calls device_get_metadata
void SetMetadata(uint32_t type, const void* data, size_t data_length);
// Variables are often set for the parent of a device, to be available when the device
// calls device_get_variable.
// Passing in nullptr for |data| will unset the variable.
void SetVariable(const char* name, const char* data);
// device_get_protocol is usually called by child devices to get their parent protocols.
// You can add protocols here to your device or your parent device.
// if you want to add a protocol to a fragment, add the fragment's name as 'name'.
void AddProtocol(uint32_t id, const void* ops, void* ctx, const char* name = "");
// You can add FIDL protocols here to your device or your parent device.
// if you want to add a protocol to a fragment, add the fragment's name as 'name'.
// Devices will use `device_connect_fidl_protocol` or
// `device_connect_fragment_fidl_protocol` to connect to these protocols
void AddFidlProtocol(const char* protocol_name, mock_ddk::ConnectCallback callback,
const char* name = "");
// This struct can also be a root parent device, with reduced functionality.
// This allows the parent to store protocols that can be accessed by a child device.
// If IsRootParent returns true, only the following calls may target this device:
// device_get_protocol
// device_get_metadata_size
// device_get_metadata
// These calls will be able to target this type of device soon:
// device_get_fragment
// device_get_fragments
// device_get_fragment_count
bool IsRootParent() const { return parent_ == nullptr; }
const char* name() const { return name_.c_str(); }
size_t child_count() const { return children_.size(); }
// Count all the descendants of this device.
size_t descendant_count() const;
std::list<std::shared_ptr<MockDevice>>& children() { return children_; }
// Gets the child that was added to this parent most recently.
// Returns nullptr if no children exist.
MockDevice* GetLatestChild();
// Access the Device class that created this MockDevice (for example, devices which
// inherit from ddk::Device create a MockDevice when they call DdkAdd.)
template <class DeviceType>
DeviceType* GetDeviceContext() {
return static_cast<DeviceType*>(ctx_);
// load_firmware support
// First, set firmware by calling SetFirmware on a device.
// Then, when the device calls load_firmware, a vmo will be created with the
// firmware that was set.
// SetFirmware can store any number of path:firmware pairs.
// If path is empty, the firmware is stored in a way that will match any path
// that has not also been provided to SetFirmware to store another firmware blob.
void SetFirmware(std::vector<uint8_t> firmware, std::string_view path = {});
// Convenience version which takes string:
void SetFirmware(std::string firmware, std::string_view path = {});
// device_get_dispatcher support.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher() { return dispatcher_; }
// Set the dispatcher for this device. The mock ddk does not take ownership of the dispatcher. The
// caller is responsible for shutting down the async loop appropriately.
void SetDispatcher(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
zx::channel&& TakeClientRemote() { return std::move(client_remote_); }
constexpr static zx_protocol_device_t kDefaultOps = {};
// |ctx| must outlive |*out_dev|. This is managed in the full binary by creating
// the DriverHostContext in main() (having essentially a static lifetime).
MockDevice(device_add_args_t* args, MockDevice* parent);
// Calls make by the libdriver api:
// device_add_from_driver calls Create:
static zx_status_t Create(device_add_args_t* args, MockDevice* parent, MockDevice** out_dev);
// Allow device_add_from_driver to access the Create function
friend zx_status_t device_add_from_driver(zx_driver_t* drv, zx_device_t* parent,
device_add_args_t* args, zx_device_t** out);
// load_firmware_from_driver calls LoadFirmware:
zx_status_t LoadFirmware(std::string_view path, zx_handle_t* fw, size_t* size);
friend zx_status_t load_firmware_from_driver(zx_driver_t* drv, zx_device_t* device,
const char* path, zx_handle_t* fw, size_t* size);
// device_get_protocol and device_get_fragment_protocol call GetProtocol.
// Get protocol can get the normal protocols for the device, if fragment_name = "".
// Otherwise, it gets protocols associated with the fragment identified by fragment_name.
zx_status_t GetProtocol(uint32_t proto_id, void* protocol, const char* fragment_name = "") const;
friend zx_status_t device_get_protocol(const zx_device_t* device, uint32_t proto_id,
void* protocol);
friend zx_status_t device_get_fragment_protocol(zx_device_t* device, const char* fragment_name,
uint32_t proto_id, void* protocol);
zx_status_t ConnectToFidlProtocol(const char* protocol_name, zx::channel request,
const char* fragment_name = "");
friend zx_status_t device_connect_fidl_protocol(zx_device_t* device, const char* protocol_name,
zx_handle_t request);
friend zx_status_t device_connect_fragment_fidl_protocol(zx_device_t* device,
const char* fragment_name,
const char* protocol_name,
zx_handle_t request);
zx_off_t GetSize();
friend zx_off_t device_get_size(zx_device_t* device);
// device_get_metadata calls GetMetadata:
zx_status_t GetMetadata(uint32_t type, void* buf, size_t buflen, size_t* actual);
friend zx_status_t device_get_metadata(zx_device_t* device, uint32_t type, void* buf,
size_t buflen, size_t* actual);
// device_get_metadata_size calls GetMetadataSize:
zx_status_t GetMetadataSize(uint32_t type, size_t* out_size);
friend zx_status_t device_get_metadata_size(zx_device_t* device, uint32_t type, size_t* out_size);
// device_get_varaible calls GetVariable:
zx_status_t GetVariable(const char* name, char* out, size_t size, size_t* size_actual);
friend zx_status_t device_get_variable(zx_device_t* device, const char* name, char* out,
size_t size, size_t* size_actual);
// Default constructor for making root parent:
explicit MockDevice() {}
// Copies this device's metadata to all descendants.
void PropagateMetadata();
// list of this device's children in the device tree
std::list<std::shared_ptr<MockDevice>> children_;
// Stores the normal protocols under the key "", fragment protocols under their name.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::list<mock_ddk::ProtocolEntry>> protocols_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, mock_ddk::ConnectCallback>>
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, std::vector<uint8_t>> firmware_;
size_t size_ = 0;
// Map of metadata set by SetMetadata.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint8_t>> metadata_;
// Map of variables set by SetVariable.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> variables_;
// parent in the device tree
MockDevice* parent_ = nullptr; // This will default to a nullptr, for the root parent.
const zx_protocol_device_t* ops_ = &kDefaultOps;
// reserved for driver use; will not be touched by MockDevice
void* ctx_ = nullptr;
std::string name_;
std::vector<zx_device_prop_t> props_;
std::vector<zx_device_str_prop_t> str_props_;
zx::vmo inspect_;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_ = nullptr;
zx::channel client_remote_;
namespace mock_ddk {
// Helper function:
// Performs the unbind and release of any device below the input device that
// has had device_async_remove called on it.
// returns an error if there was a problem waiting for UnbindReply to be called.
// This function will call unbind devices that are to be removed, and block
// until device_unbind_reply is called.
zx_status_t ReleaseFlaggedDevices(MockDevice* device);
} // namespace mock_ddk