blob: de4aa68a116b1828598343b2166a2156647c1165 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.pwm/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/pwm/cpp/banjo.h>
#include <lib/ddk/platform-defs.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <ddk/metadata/pwm.h>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
namespace pwm {
class PwmDevice;
using PwmDeviceType = ddk::Device<PwmDevice, ddk::Messageable<fuchsia_hardware_pwm::Pwm>::Mixin>;
class PwmDevice : public PwmDeviceType, public ddk::PwmProtocol<PwmDevice, ddk::base_protocol> {
static zx_status_t Create(void* ctx, zx_device_t* parent);
void DdkRelease() { delete this; }
// Ddk Mixins.
zx_status_t PwmGetConfig(pwm_config_t* out_config);
zx_status_t PwmSetConfig(const pwm_config_t* config);
zx_status_t PwmEnable();
zx_status_t PwmDisable();
void GetConfig(GetConfigRequestView request, GetConfigCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void SetConfig(SetConfigRequestView request, SetConfigCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void Enable(EnableRequestView request, EnableCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void Disable(DisableRequestView request, DisableCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
explicit PwmDevice(zx_device_t* parent, pwm_impl_protocol_t* pwm, pwm_id_t id)
: PwmDeviceType(parent), pwm_(pwm), id_(id) {}
ddk::PwmImplProtocolClient pwm_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
pwm_id_t id_;
// Protect against concurrent access from both the FIDL and Banjo interfaces.
std::mutex lock_;
} // namespace pwm