blob: 3a6d234652b95770760b0e973dee62a49225c39b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use crate::device::DeviceMode;
use crate::fs::pipe::Pipe;
use crate::fs::socket::*;
use crate::fs::*;
use crate::lock::{Mutex, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard};
use crate::task::*;
use crate::types::as_any::AsAny;
use crate::types::*;
pub struct FsNode {
/// The FsNodeOps for this FsNode.
/// The FsNodeOps are implemented by the individual file systems to provide
/// specific behaviors for this FsNode.
ops: Box<dyn FsNodeOps>,
/// The FileSystem that owns this FsNode's tree.
fs: Weak<FileSystem>,
/// The inode number for this FsNode.
pub inode_num: ino_t,
/// The pipe located at this node, if any.
/// Used if, and only if, the node has a mode of FileMode::IFIFO.
fifo: Option<Arc<Mutex<Pipe>>>,
/// The socket located at this node, if any.
/// Used if, and only if, the node has a mode of FileMode::IFSOCK.
/// The `OnceCell` is initialized when a new socket node is created:
/// - in `Socket::new` (e.g., from `sys_socket`)
/// - in `sys_bind`, before the node is given a name (i.e., before it could be accessed by
/// others)
socket: OnceCell<SocketHandle>,
/// Mutable informationa about this node.
/// This data is used to populate the stat_t structure.
info: RwLock<FsNodeInfo>,
/// A RwLock to synchronize append operations for this node.
/// FileObjects writing with O_APPEND should grab a write() lock on this
/// field to ensure they operate sequentially. FileObjects writing without
/// O_APPEND should grab read() lock so that they can operate in parallel.
pub append_lock: RwLock<()>,
pub type FsNodeHandle = Arc<FsNode>;
pub struct FsNodeInfo {
pub mode: FileMode,
pub size: usize,
pub storage_size: usize,
pub blksize: i64,
pub uid: uid_t,
pub gid: gid_t,
pub link_count: u64,
pub time_create: zx::Time,
pub time_access: zx::Time,
pub time_modify: zx::Time,
pub dev: DeviceType,
pub rdev: DeviceType,
/// st_blksize is measured in units of 512 bytes.
const DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_BLOCK: i64 = 512;
impl Default for FsNodeInfo {
fn default() -> Self {
FsNodeInfo {
mode: Default::default(),
size: Default::default(),
storage_size: Default::default(),
uid: Default::default(),
gid: Default::default(),
link_count: Default::default(),
time_create: Default::default(),
time_access: Default::default(),
time_modify: Default::default(),
dev: Default::default(),
rdev: Default::default(),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum UnlinkKind {
/// Unlink a directory.
/// Unlink a non-directory.
pub enum SymlinkTarget {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum XattrOp {
/// Set the value of the extended attribute regardless of whether it exists.
/// Create a new extended attribute. Fail if it already exists.
/// Replace the value of the extended attribute. Fail if it doesn't exist.
pub trait FsNodeOps: Send + Sync + AsAny {
/// Open a FileObject for this node.
/// The returned FileOps will be used to create a FileObject, which might
/// be assigned an FdNumber.
fn open(&self, node: &FsNode, flags: OpenFlags) -> Result<Box<dyn FileOps>, Errno>;
/// Find an existing child node and populate the child parameter. Return the node.
/// The child parameter is an empty node. Operations other than initialize may panic before
/// initialize is called.
fn lookup(&self, _node: &FsNode, _name: &FsStr) -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno> {
/// Create and return the given child node.
/// The mode field of the FsNodeInfo indicates what kind of child to
/// create.
/// This function is never called with FileMode::IFDIR. The mkdir function
/// is used to create directories instead.
fn mknod(&self, _node: &FsNode, _name: &FsStr, _mode: FileMode) -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno> {
/// Create and return the given child node as a subdirectory.
fn mkdir(&self, _node: &FsNode, _name: &FsStr) -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno> {
/// Creates a symlink with the given `target` path.
fn create_symlink(
_node: &FsNode,
_name: &FsStr,
_target: &FsStr,
) -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno> {
/// Reads the symlink from this node.
fn readlink(
_node: &FsNode,
_current_task: &CurrentTask,
) -> Result<SymlinkTarget, Errno> {
/// Create a hard link with the given name to the given child.
fn link(&self, _node: &FsNode, _name: &FsStr, _child: &FsNodeHandle) -> Result<(), Errno> {
/// Remove the child with the given name, if the child exists.
/// The UnlinkKind parameter indicates whether the caller intends to unlink
/// a directory or a non-directory child.
fn unlink(&self, _node: &FsNode, _name: &FsStr, _child: &FsNodeHandle) -> Result<(), Errno> {
/// Change the length of the file.
fn truncate(&self, _node: &FsNode, _length: u64) -> Result<(), Errno> {
/// Update as needed.
/// FsNode calls this method before converting the FsNodeInfo struct into
/// the stat_t struct to give the file system a chance to update this data
/// before it is used by clients.
/// File systems that keep the FsNodeInfo up-to-date do not need to
/// override this function.
/// Return a reader lock on the updated information.
fn update_info<'a>(&self, node: &'a FsNode) -> Result<RwLockReadGuard<'a, FsNodeInfo>, Errno> {
/// Get an extended attribute on the node.
fn get_xattr(&self, _name: &FsStr) -> Result<FsString, Errno> {
/// Set an extended attribute on the node.
fn set_xattr(&self, _name: &FsStr, _value: &FsStr, _op: XattrOp) -> Result<(), Errno> {
fn remove_xattr(&self, _name: &FsStr) -> Result<(), Errno> {
fn list_xattrs(&self) -> Result<Vec<FsString>, Errno> {
/// Implements [`FsNodeOps`] methods in a way that makes sense for symlinks.
/// You must implement [`FsNodeOps::readlink`].
macro_rules! fs_node_impl_symlink {
() => {
fn open(
_node: &crate::fs::FsNode,
_flags: crate::types::OpenFlags,
) -> Result<Box<dyn crate::fs::FileOps>, crate::types::Errno> {
unreachable!("Symlink nodes cannot be opened.");
#[allow(unknown_lints)] // TODO( remove this after toolchain roll when lint is known
#[allow(unused_macro_rules)] // TODO( remove unused macro rules and re-enable
/// Implements [`FsNodeOps::set_xattr`] by delegating to another [`FsNodeOps`]
/// object.
macro_rules! fs_node_impl_xattr_delegate {
($self:ident, $delegate:expr) => {
fn get_xattr(
name: &crate::fs::FsStr,
) -> Result<FsString, crate::types::Errno> {
fn set_xattr(
name: &crate::fs::FsStr,
value: &crate::fs::FsStr,
op: crate::fs::XattrOp,
) -> Result<(), crate::types::Errno> {
$delegate.set_xattr(name, value, op)
fn remove_xattr(
name: &crate::fs::FsStr,
) -> Result<(), crate::types::Errno> {
fn list_xattrs(
) -> Result<Vec<crate::fs::FsString>, crate::types::Errno> {
($delegate:expr) => { fs_node_impl_xattr_delegate(self, $delegate) };
// Public re-export of macros allows them to be used like regular rust items.
pub(crate) use fs_node_impl_symlink;
pub(crate) use fs_node_impl_xattr_delegate;
pub struct SpecialNode;
impl FsNodeOps for SpecialNode {
fn open(&self, _node: &FsNode, _flags: OpenFlags) -> Result<Box<dyn FileOps>, Errno> {
unreachable!("Special nodes cannot be opened.");
impl FsNode {
pub fn new_root(ops: impl FsNodeOps + 'static) -> FsNode {
Self::new_internal(Box::new(ops), Weak::new(), 1, FileMode::IFDIR | FileMode::ALLOW_ALL)
pub fn new(
ops: Box<dyn FsNodeOps>,
fs: &FileSystemHandle,
inode_num: ino_t,
mode: FileMode,
) -> FsNodeHandle {
Arc::new(Self::new_internal(ops, Arc::downgrade(fs), inode_num, mode))
fn new_internal(
ops: Box<dyn FsNodeOps>,
fs: Weak<FileSystem>,
inode_num: ino_t,
mode: FileMode,
) -> FsNode {
let now = fuchsia_runtime::utc_time();
let info = FsNodeInfo {
link_count: if mode.is_dir() { 2 } else { 1 },
time_create: now,
time_access: now,
time_modify: now,
Self {
fifo: if mode.is_fifo() { Some(Pipe::new()) } else { None },
socket: OnceCell::new(),
info: RwLock::new(info),
append_lock: RwLock::new(()),
pub fn fs(&self) -> FileSystemHandle {
self.fs.upgrade().expect("FileSystem did not live long enough")
pub fn set_fs(&mut self, fs: &FileSystemHandle) {
self.fs = Arc::downgrade(fs);
fn ops(&self) -> &dyn FsNodeOps {
/// Returns the `FsNode`'s `FsNodeOps` as a `&T`, or `None` if the downcast fails.
pub fn downcast_ops<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
T: 'static,
pub fn open(
current_task: &CurrentTask,
flags: OpenFlags,
) -> Result<Box<dyn FileOps>, Errno> {
// If O_PATH is set, there is no need to create a real FileOps because
// most file operations are disabled.
if flags.contains(OpenFlags::PATH) {
return Ok(Box::new(OPathOps::new()));
let (mode, rdev) = {
// Don't hold the info lock while calling into open_device or self.ops().
// TODO: The mode and rdev are immutable and shouldn't require a lock to read.
let info =;
(info.mode, info.rdev)
match mode & FileMode::IFMT {
FileMode::IFCHR => {
current_task.kernel().open_device(current_task, self, flags, rdev, DeviceMode::Char)
FileMode::IFBLK => current_task.kernel().open_device(
FileMode::IFIFO => Ok(Pipe::open(self.fifo.as_ref().unwrap(), flags)),
// UNIX domain sockets can't be opened.
FileMode::IFSOCK => error!(ENXIO),
_ => self.ops().open(self, flags),
pub fn lookup(&self, name: &FsStr) -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno> {
self.ops().lookup(self, name)
pub fn mknod(&self, name: &FsStr, mode: FileMode) -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno> {
self.ops().mknod(self, name, mode)
pub fn mkdir(&self, name: &FsStr) -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno> {
self.ops().mkdir(self, name)
pub fn create_symlink(&self, name: &FsStr, target: &FsStr) -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno> {
self.ops().create_symlink(self, name, target)
pub fn readlink(&self, current_task: &CurrentTask) -> Result<SymlinkTarget, Errno> {
let now = fuchsia_runtime::utc_time();
self.info_write().time_access = now;
self.ops().readlink(self, current_task)
pub fn link(&self, name: &FsStr, child: &FsNodeHandle) -> Result<(), Errno> {
self.ops().link(self, name, child)
pub fn unlink(&self, name: &FsStr, child: &FsNodeHandle) -> Result<(), Errno> {
self.ops().unlink(self, name, child)
pub fn truncate(&self, length: u64) -> Result<(), Errno> {
self.ops().truncate(self, length)
/// Associates the provided socket with this file node.
/// `set_socket` must be called before it is possible to look up `self`, since user space should
/// not be able to look up this node and find the socket missing.
/// Note that it is a fatal error to call this method if a socket has already been bound for
/// this node.
/// # Parameters
/// - `socket`: The socket to store in this file node.
pub fn set_socket(&self, socket: SocketHandle) {
/// Returns the socket associated with this node, if such a socket exists.
pub fn socket(&self) -> Option<&SocketHandle> {
/// Set the permissions on this FsNode to the given values.
/// Does not change the IFMT of the node.
pub fn chmod(&self, mode: FileMode) {
let mut info = self.info_write();
info.mode = (info.mode & !FileMode::PERMISSIONS) | (mode & FileMode::PERMISSIONS);
/// Sets the owner and/or group on this FsNode.
pub fn chown(&self, owner: Option<uid_t>, group: Option<gid_t>) {
let mut info = self.info_write();
if let Some(owner) = owner {
info.uid = owner;
if let Some(group) = group {
info.gid = group;
/// Whether this node is a directory.
pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
/// Whether this node is a socket.
pub fn is_sock(&self) -> bool {
/// Whether this node is a symbolic link.
pub fn is_lnk(&self) -> bool {
/// Update the access and modify time for this node to now.
pub fn touch(&self) {
let now = fuchsia_runtime::utc_time();
let mut info = self.info_write();
info.time_access = now;
info.time_modify = now;
pub fn stat(&self) -> Result<stat_t, Errno> {
let info = self.ops().update_info(self)?;
Ok(stat_t {
st_ino: self.inode_num,
st_mode: info.mode.bits(),
st_size: info.size as off_t,
st_blocks: info.storage_size as i64 / info.blksize,
st_nlink: info.link_count,
st_uid: info.uid,
st_gid: info.gid,
st_ctim: timespec_from_time(info.time_create),
st_mtim: timespec_from_time(info.time_modify),
st_atim: timespec_from_time(info.time_access),
st_rdev: info.rdev.bits(),
st_blksize: info.blksize,
pub fn get_xattr(&self, name: &FsStr) -> Result<FsString, Errno> {
pub fn set_xattr(&self, name: &FsStr, value: &FsStr, op: XattrOp) -> Result<(), Errno> {
self.ops().set_xattr(name, value, op)
pub fn remove_xattr(&self, name: &FsStr) -> Result<(), Errno> {
pub fn list_xattrs(&self) -> Result<Vec<FsString>, Errno> {
pub fn info(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard<'_, FsNodeInfo> {
pub fn info_write(&self) -> RwLockWriteGuard<'_, FsNodeInfo> {
impl Drop for FsNode {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(fs) = self.fs.upgrade() {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::testing::*;
fn open_device_file() {
let (_kernel, current_task) = create_kernel_and_task();
// Create a device file that points to the `zero` device (which is automatically
// registered in the kernel).
.create_node(b"zero", FileMode::IFCHR | FileMode::from_bits(0o666), DeviceType::ZERO)
// Prepare the user buffer with some values other than the expected content (non-zero).
const CONTENT_LEN: usize = 10;
let address = map_memory(&current_task, UserAddress::default(), CONTENT_LEN as u64);, &[0xff; CONTENT_LEN]).expect("write memory");
// Read from the zero device.
let device_file =
current_task.open_file(b"zero", OpenFlags::RDONLY).expect("open device file");
.read(&current_task, &[UserBuffer { address, length: CONTENT_LEN }])
.expect("read from zero");
// Assert the contents.
let content = &mut [0xff; CONTENT_LEN];, content).expect("read memory");
assert_eq!(&[0; CONTENT_LEN], content);
fn node_info_is_reflected_in_stat() {
let (_kernel, current_task) = create_kernel_and_task();
// Create a node.
let node = &current_task
.create_node(b"zero", FileMode::IFCHR, DeviceType::ZERO)
let mut info = node.info_write();
info.mode = FileMode::IFSOCK;
info.size = 1;
info.storage_size = 8;
info.blksize = 4;
info.uid = 9;
info.gid = 10;
info.link_count = 11;
info.time_create = zx::Time::from_nanos(1);
info.time_access = zx::Time::from_nanos(2);
info.time_modify = zx::Time::from_nanos(3); = DeviceType::new(12, 12);
info.rdev = DeviceType::new(13, 13);
let stat = node.stat().expect("stat");
assert_eq!(stat.st_mode, FileMode::IFSOCK.bits());
assert_eq!(stat.st_size, 1);
assert_eq!(stat.st_blksize, 4);
assert_eq!(stat.st_blocks, 2);
assert_eq!(stat.st_uid, 9);
assert_eq!(stat.st_gid, 10);
assert_eq!(stat.st_nlink, 11);
assert_eq!(time_from_timespec(stat.st_ctim).expect("ctim"), zx::Time::from_nanos(1));
assert_eq!(time_from_timespec(stat.st_atim).expect("atim"), zx::Time::from_nanos(2));
assert_eq!(time_from_timespec(stat.st_mtim).expect("mtim"), zx::Time::from_nanos(3));
assert_eq!(stat.st_dev, DeviceType::new(12, 12).bits());
assert_eq!(stat.st_rdev, DeviceType::new(13, 13).bits());