blob: e27d85262697a000c6bdecc84313b3f905ecbdc6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
config_data("enable-report-filing") {
for_pkg = "triage-detect"
sources = [ "configs/enable-filing.json" ]
outputs = [ "config.json" ]
rustc_library("lib") {
name = "detect"
edition = "2018"
with_unit_tests = true
visibility = [
deps = [
sources = [
test_deps = []
fuchsia_component_manifest("triage-detect-manifest") {
manifest = "meta/triage-detect.cml"
component_name = "triage-detect"
restricted_features = [ "structured_config" ]
fuchsia_structured_config_values("triage-detect-prod-config") {
cm_label = ":triage-detect-manifest"
values_source = "configs/default.json5"
fuchsia_structured_config_values("triage-detect-test-config") {
cm_label = ":triage-detect-manifest"
values_source = "configs/integration-test.json5"
fuchsia_structured_config_rust_lib("triage-detect-config") {
cm_label = ":triage-detect-manifest"
fuchsia_component("triage-detect-component") {
cm_label = ":triage-detect-manifest"
deps = [ "//src/diagnostics/launcher:bin" ]
fuchsia_package("triage-detect") {
deps = [
fuchsia_unittest_package("triage-detect-tests") {
deps = [ ":lib_test" ]
test_specs = {
log_settings = {
max_severity = "ERROR"
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [