Setup with a USB Flash Drive

These instructions prepare a USB flash drive to be a bootable disk for your device: this procedure only enables you to netboot or pave, it won't put anything on your internal storage. This USB flash drive can then direct your device to boot from the freshly-built OS on your network-connected host development machine (or alternately from the OS on the flash drive itself).

  • Execute fx set x64 (if you haven't already)
  • Create a zedboot key using, fx mkzedboot /path/to/your/device. The mkzedboot command does the following:
    • Creates a FAT partition continaing an EFI System Partition, containing the Gigaboot EFI bootloader and a configuration that specifies to always boot into Zedboot.
    • Creates a ChromeOS bootable partition with a developer key signed Zedboot kernel partition.
  • On your host, run fx build (if you haven't already).
  • If you wish to install Fuchsia to the target device (modifying the target device harddisk), run fx pave on the host. IF you only wish to “netboot” the target device, and avoid modifying any disk state, run fx netboot on the host instead.
  • Connect your device to your host via built-in ethernet, then power up the device.

Manual Configuration

It is also relatively easy to manually create an EFI boot key with particular properites, though this will only boot on EFI systems.

  • Format the USB key with a blank FAT partition.
  • Create a directory called EFI/BOOT.
  • Copy bootx64.efi from build-x64/bootloader of a Zircon build into the above directory.
  • Copy zircon.bin from build-x64 of a Zircon build into the root directory of the FAT partition.
  • Copy zedboot.bin from build-x64 of a Zircon build into the root directory of the FAT partition.
  • Optionally: Create a file called cmdline in the root fo the FAT partition. This file may contain any directives documented in command line flags. The created disk will by default boot from zircon.bin instead of the network. At the Gigaboot screen, press ‘m’ to boot zircon vs ‘z’ for zedboot, or set the default boot behavior with the bootloader.default flag in cmdline.

See also: