Inspection VMO Heap Format

Buddy-Allocated Heap

The VMO is treated as a heap using buddy allocation.

The minimum block size is 16 bytes (MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) and the maximum block size is 2048 bytes (MAX_BLOCK_SIZE).

There are 8 possible block orders (NUM_ORDERS), numbered 0...7, corresponding to blocks of sizes 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, and 2048 respectively.

All blocks are aligned on 16-byte boundaries, and addressing within the VMO is in terms of 16-byte blocks (offset = index * 16).

Block header

A block_header consists of 16 bytes as follows:

Figure: Block header organization

Type headers

There are currently 11 types defined in //zircon/system/ulib/inspect-vmo/include/lib/inspect-vmo/block.h:

enumvaluetype name

Each type interprets the payload differently, as follows.


Figure: Free block

FREE blocks contain the index of the next free block of the same order. Free blocks create singly linked lists of free blocks of each size for fast allocation. The end of the list is reached when NextFreeBlock points to a location that is either not FREE or not of the same order.


Figure: Reserved block

RESERVED blocks are simply available to be changed to a different type. It is an optional transitional state between the allocation of a block and setting its type that is useful for correctness checking of implementations (to ensure that blocks that are about to be used are not treated as free).


Figure: Header block

There is one HEADER block at the beginning of the VMO region. It consists of a Magic Number (“INSP”), a Version (currently 0), and the Generation Count for concurrency control.

This will always appear at index 0 in the VMO, so the index 0 will always be an invalid index regardless of what other type is expected; 0 may then serve as an invalid index for use as a sentinel value.


Figure: general value block

Values all start with the same prefix, consisting of the index of the parent for the value and the index of the name used to refer to the value.

The payload is interpreted differently depending on the type of value, as below:


Figure: Object and Tombstone blocks

OBJECT_VALUE blocks contain a reference count that is incremented when it is referenced as a parent and decremented when the referencing value is deleted. Objects are anchor points for further nesting. The ParentID field of values may only refer to blocks of type OBJECT_VALUE.

A deleted object becomes a new, special type called TOMBSTONE, which is only deleted when its refcount becomes 0.


Figure: Numeric type block

Numeric VALUE blocks all contain the 64-bit numeric type inlined.


Figure: Property value block

PROPERTY_VALUE blocks contain the index of the first EXTENT block holding the string data, and they contain the total length of the string across all extents.


Figure: Extent block

EXTENT blocks contain a string payload and the index of the next EXTENT in the chain. Strings are retrieved by reading each EXTENT in order until Total Length bytes are read.


Figure: Name block

NAME blocks give objects and values a human-readable identifier. They consist of a UTF-8 payload that fits entirely within the given block.


Note: These algorithms may be incomplete

The InspectState consists of the following data:

vmozx::vmoVMO mapped into the address space of this program.
vmo_sizeuint64_t Size of the VMO, in bytes.
vmo_datavoid*Mapped vmo buffer.
free_blocksuint64_t[8]Pointer to the first free block of the order given by the index into the array. Indices are multiplied by 16 to give the byte offset. A pointer pointing to either an invalid region or a block that is not FREE and of the right order is treated as representing the end of the list.
generation_counteruint64_t*Pointer to the generation count for updates.


MIN_SIZE = 1 << 4  // 16 bytes
MAX_SIZE = 1 << 11 // 2048 bytes
EXTENT_VALUE_OFFSET = 4 // Value starts at byte 4
NAME_VALUE_OFFSET = 1   // Value starts at byte 1


if (generation_counter)
  atomically_increment(generation_counter, acquire_ordering);

Locks the region against concurrent reads by setting the generation to an odd number. During initialization this does nothing.


if (generation_counter)
  atomically_increment(generation_counter, release_ordering);

Unlocks the region allowing concurrent reads by setting the generation to a new even number. During initialization this does nothing.


Below, WithLock designates an algorithm that must occur between a single iteration of Lock and Unlock. It is up to the implementer to ensure that nested calls to WithLock algorithms only lock and unlock once.

type Block

A Block is an offset into the VMO. Dereferencing this offset is assumed to give access to a block_header with getters and setters for the various fields specified above.

Assume block.size = MIN_SIZE << block.order


This denotes pseudocode describing what changes to make to a block, it is assumed the block header is set to 0 before the described changes.


Buddy(Block block):
  // This common buddy allocation algorithm calculates the buddy of a block of a
  // given size.
  return ((block * MIN_SIZE) XOR block.size)


IsFreeBlock(Block block, int expected_order):
  // Ensure the block index is within the bounds of the VMO,
  // that the block is free, and (optionally) that the order matches what is
  // expected
  return (block >= 0 &&
          block < vmo_size/MIN_SIZE &&
          block.type == FREE &&
          block.order == expected_order)


RemoveFreeBlock(Block block):
  // If the block is at the head of the list, short circuit.
  if free_blocks[block.order] == block:
    free_blocks[block.order] = block.next_free

  // Iterate through the list and unlink the block when it is found.
  current_block := free_blocks[block.order];
  while (IsFreeBlock(current_block)):
    if current_block.next_free == block:
      current_block.next_free = block.next_free


SplitBlock(Block block):
  // Remove the block from its current free list.

  // Reduce the order of the block, and find its new buddy.
  block.order -= 1
  buddy := Buddy(block)

  // Set both blocks to free with the new order.
  SetBlock(block, type=FREE, order=block.order)
  SetBlock(buddy, type=FREE, order=block.order)

  // Prepend [block, buddy] onto the free list.
  buddy.next_free = free_blocks[buddy.order]
  block.next_free = buddy
  free_blocks[block.order] = block


GrowVmo(size_t size):
  old_size := vmo_size
  vmo_data, vmo_size = Grow vmo to size, remap, get new size
  next_free_block := free_blocks[NUM_ORDERS-1]
  // Store all of the new blocks in the free list in ascending order.
  for block = vmo_size - MAX_SIZE; block >= old_size; block -= MAX_SIZE:
    block.SetBlock(type=FREE, order=NUM_ORDERS-1, next_free=next_free_block)
    next_free_block = block
  free_blocks[NUM_ORDERS-1] = next_free_block


Allocate(size_t size):
  order := Minimum order that can contain size

  // No free blocks to accommodate the size, grow the VMO to create more.
  if not any(IsFreeBlock(free_blocks[i], i) for i in range(order, NUM_ORDERS):

  // Find the first block with order >= the desired order
  block := first(free_blocks[i] for i in range(order, NUM_ORDERS) where
                 IsFreeBlock(free_blocks[i], i))

  // If the block is too big, split until it is the right size.
  while block.order > order:

  // Remove that block from the free list and allocate it.
  block.SetBlock(type=ALLOCATED, order=block.order)
  return block

Free (and merge if possible)

Free(Block block):
  buddy := Buddy(block)
  // As long as the buddy of this block is free, keep merging blocks.
  while buddy.type == FREE && block.order < NUM_ORDERS - 1:
    // Ensure we only merge with the left most block.
    if buddy < block:
     tmp := buddy
     buddy = block
     block = tmp
    block.order += 1
    buddy = Buddy(block)
  // Free the block and put it at the head of the free list.
  block.SetBlock(type=FREE, order=block.order, next_free =
  free_blocks[block.order] = block


// Initial size is a valid VMO size that is a multiple of MAX_SIZE.
Initialize(size_t initial_size):
  for i in range(NUM_ORDERS):
    free_blocks[i] = 0  // Invalid for all but the maximum size block.
  block := Allocate(MIN_SIZE);
  // The first order 0 block in the region is special; it contains a region header
  // consisting of a magic number in the first 8 bytes and the
  // generation count in the second 8 bytes.
  // We may now use 0 as the sentinel value for all free lists.
  generation_count = &block.generation;


// Iteratively free all extents including and following the given one.
FreeExtents(Block extent):
  assert(extent.type == EXTENT);
  cur_extent := extent
  while cur_extent != 0:
    next_extent = cur_extent.next_extent
    cur_extent = next_extent

Lock-free Update Strategy

We propose a mechanism for multiple readers and single writer. We can use a global version counter so that readers can detect in-flight modifications and modifications between reads.


  1. spinlock until the version number is even (no concurrent write),
  2. copy the entire VMO buffer, and
  3. check that the version number from step 1 is the same as in the copy. As long as the version numbers match, the client may read their local copy to construct the shared state. If the version numbers do not match, the client may retry the whole process.

This is a simple strategy with a significant benefit: between incrementing the version number for beginning and ending a write the writer can perform any number of operations on the buffer without regard for atomicity of data updates.

The main drawback is that reads could be delayed indefinitely due to a frequently updating writer, but readers can have mitigations in place in practice.