Input synthesis

The input synthesis library supports input event injection for testing purposes.

Injection is performed by creating and registering a synthetic input device compatible to a given InputDeviceRegistry FIDL protocol. It then uses that device to send InputReports to the input service, mimicking real user input on HID devices (e.g. touchscreens, media buttons, keyboards).

The library allows test code to send high-level commands that get converted into low-level input messages, without having to write the low-level commands directly. For example, it will convert a command Text.Send("hello") into a sequence of presses and releases of the keys h, e, l, l, and o in a rapid succession. Fuchsia platform's input handlers, and downstream UI clients, cannot distinguish these fake key presses from those typed up on a real keyboard.

The two supported protocols are the fuchsia.input.injection.InputDeviceRegistry protocol served by the modern Input Pipeline component and the fuchsia.ui.input.InputDeviceRegistry protocol served by the legacy Root Presenter component.

Use the library in tests

Import the library

To use input_synthesis directly in tests written in Rust, first import the library in your test file and add it as a dependency in your test's BUILD file:

use input_synthesis;
rustc_test("factory_reset_handler_test") {
  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = [
    # other deps

Implicit InputDeviceRegistry

You can then use the device registry to fire any input event supported in the library:

input_synthesis::text_command("hello world", /* key_event_duration */ 100).await?;

As an example reference, the sl4f Input command uses the library directly with an implicit InputDeviceRegistry based on the build argument.

Explicit InputDeviceRegistry

You can alternatively create a device registry using the preferred InputDeviceRegistry protocol by first connecting to it. The example below connects to the protocol the way an integration test would using a Realm Builder RealmInstance.

let injection_registry = realm.root
    .expect("Failed to connect to InputDeviceRegistry");
let mut device_registry =
    "hello world",
    /* key_event_duration */ 100,
    &mut device_registry,

As an example reference, the factory-reset-handler test uses the library directly with a specific InputDeviceRegistry.

Use the component in tests

The input_synthesis component can also be used via the input_synthesis.test.fidl API, which forwards FIDL calls to the Rust library code. This approach is useful for integration tests that cannot link to Rust directly but can use prebuilt components.

(Optional) Extend the FIDL API

Because the input_synthesis.test.fidl is relatively new, it‘s possible it does not yet contain calls to all supported commands in the input-synthesis library. If that’s the case, one can add the desired commands to the source file and serve them accordingly in

Import the FIDL

#include <test/inputsynthesis/cpp/fidl.h>
executable("my-test-bin") {
  testonly = true
  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = [
    # other deps

Use the FIDL

The example below connects to the protocol the way an integration test would using a Realm Builder RealmRoot.

auto input_synthesis = realm_->Connect<test::inputsynthesis::Text>();
bool done = false;
input_synthesis->Send("Hello world!", [&done]() { done = true; });
RunLoopUntil([&] { return done; });

As an example reference, the text-input-test test makes use of the test FIDL.

Note: Because this approach uses an implicit InputDeviceRegistry, it may be relevant to use the appropriate build argument for your use case.

Build args


Set this to true when configuring gn args to use the modern input injection protocol fuchsia.input.injection.InputDeviceRegistry. If not set, input-synthesis defaults to connect to fuchsia.ui.input.InputDeviceRegistry.

Planned work

The legacy portion of the library is scheduled for removal along with the deprecation of Root Presenter's input logic.