blob: b3a1ecf35cabf07582afd0ae649a13b054674814 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/arch/ticks.h>
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <lib/counters.h>
#include <lib/zbitl/view.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <lk/init.h>
#include <phys/handoff.h>
#include <platform/boot_timestamps.h>
#include <platform/timer.h>
#include <vm/physmap.h>
PhysHandoff* gPhysHandoff;
namespace {
// TODO( Eventually physboot will hand off a permanent pointer
// we can store in gBootOptions. For now, handoff only provides temporary
// pointers that we must copy out of.
BootOptions gBootOptionsInstance;
// When using physboot, other samples are available in the handoff data too.
// **NOTE** Each sample here is represented in the userland test code in
// //src/tests/benchmarks/ that knows the order of the
// steps and gives names to the intervals between the steps (as well as
// tracking the first-to-last total elapsed time across the first to last
// boot.timeline.* samples, not all recorded right here). Any time a new time
// sample is added to PhysBootTimes, a kcounter should be added here and
// should be updated to give the new intervals appropriate
// names for the performance tracking infrastructure (see the pages at
// and look for "fuchsia.kernel.boot").
KCOUNTER(timeline_hw_startup, "boot.timeline.hw")
KCOUNTER(timeline_zbi_entry, "boot.timeline.zbi")
KCOUNTER(timeline_physboot_setup, "boot.timeline.physboot-setup")
KCOUNTER(timeline_decompress_start, "boot.timeline.decompress-start")
KCOUNTER(timeline_decompress_end, "boot.timeline.decompress-end")
KCOUNTER(timeline_zbi_done, "boot.timeline.zbi-done")
KCOUNTER(timeline_physboot_handoff, "boot.timeline.physboot-handoff")
KCOUNTER(timeline_virtual_entry, "boot.timeline.virtual")
void Set(const Counter& counter, arch::EarlyTicks sample) {
void Set(const Counter& counter, PhysBootTimes::Index i) {
// Convert early boot timeline points into zx_ticks_t values in kcounters.
void TimelineCounters(unsigned int level) {
// This isn't really a loop in any meaningful sense, but structuring it
// this way gets the compiler to warn about any forgotten enum entry.
for (size_t i = 0; i <= PhysBootTimes::kCount; ++i) {
const PhysBootTimes::Index when = static_cast<PhysBootTimes::Index>(i);
switch (when) {
case PhysBootTimes::kZbiEntry:
Set(timeline_zbi_entry, when);
case PhysBootTimes::kPhysSetup:
Set(timeline_physboot_setup, when);
case PhysBootTimes::kDecompressStart:
Set(timeline_decompress_start, when);
case PhysBootTimes::kDecompressEnd:
Set(timeline_decompress_end, when);
case PhysBootTimes::kZbiDone:
Set(timeline_zbi_done, when);
case PhysBootTimes::kCount:
// There is no PhysBootTimes entry corresponding to kCount.
// This is the first sample taken by the kernel proper after physboot handed off.
Set(timeline_physboot_handoff, kernel_entry_ticks);
Set(timeline_virtual_entry, kernel_virtual_entry_ticks);
Set(timeline_hw_startup, arch::EarlyTicks::Zero());
// This can happen really any time after the platform clock is configured.
LK_INIT_HOOK(TimelineCounters, TimelineCounters, LK_INIT_LEVEL_PLATFORM)
} // namespace
template <>
void* PhysHandoffPtrImportPhysAddr<PhysHandoffPtrEncoding::PhysAddr>(uintptr_t ptr) {
return paddr_to_physmap(ptr);
void HandoffFromPhys(paddr_t handoff_paddr) {
gPhysHandoff = static_cast<PhysHandoff*>(paddr_to_physmap(handoff_paddr));
gBootOptionsInstance = *gPhysHandoff->boot_options;
gBootOptions = &gBootOptionsInstance;
if (gPhysHandoff->reboot_reason) {
gAcpiRsdp = gPhysHandoff->acpi_rsdp.value_or(0);
gSmbiosPhys = gPhysHandoff->smbios_phys.value_or(0);
ktl::span<ktl::byte> ZbiInPhysmap(bool own) {
ZX_ASSERT(gPhysHandoff->zbi != 0);
void* data = paddr_to_physmap(gPhysHandoff->zbi);
if (own) {
gPhysHandoff->zbi = 0;
zbitl::ByteView zbi = zbitl::StorageFromRawHeader(static_cast<zbi_header_t*>(data));
return {const_cast<ktl::byte*>(, zbi.size()};