blob: ba792c04e9a890c2ac97267153ea8e747ad8c56d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <lib/counters.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls-next.h>
#include <lk/init.h>
#include <object/pager_dispatcher.h>
#include <object/pager_proxy.h>
#include <object/thread_dispatcher.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_pager_overtime_wait_count, "dispatcher.pager.overtime_waits")
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_pager_total_request_count, "dispatcher.pager.total_requests")
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_pager_succeeded_request_count, "dispatcher.pager.succeeded_requests")
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_pager_failed_request_count, "dispatcher.pager.failed_requests")
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_pager_timed_out_request_count, "dispatcher.pager.timed_out_requests")
namespace {
const PageSourceProperties kProperties{
.is_user_pager = true,
.is_preserving_page_content = true,
.is_providing_specific_physical_pages = false,
.is_handling_free = false,
} // namespace
PagerProxy::PagerProxy(PagerDispatcher* dispatcher, fbl::RefPtr<PortDispatcher> port, uint64_t key,
uint32_t options)
: pager_(dispatcher), port_(ktl::move(port)), key_(key), options_(options) {
LTRACEF("%p key %lx options %x\n", this, key_, options_);
PagerProxy::~PagerProxy() {
LTRACEF("%p\n", this);
// In error paths shortly after construction, we can destruct without page_source_closed_ becoming
// true.
const PageSourceProperties& PagerProxy::properties() const { return kProperties; }
void PagerProxy::SendAsyncRequest(PageRequest* request) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&mtx_};
void PagerProxy::QueuePacketLocked(PageRequest* request) {
if (packet_busy_) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(active_request_ == nullptr);
packet_busy_ = true;
active_request_ = request;
uint64_t offset, length;
uint16_t cmd;
if (request != &complete_request_) {
switch (GetRequestType(request)) {
case page_request_type::READ:
case page_request_type::DIRTY:
DEBUG_ASSERT(options_ & kTrapDirty);
// Not reached
offset = GetRequestOffset(request);
length = GetRequestLen(request);
// The vm subsystem should guarantee this
uint64_t unused;
DEBUG_ASSERT(!add_overflow(offset, length, &unused));
// Trace flow events require an enclosing duration.
VM_KTRACE_DURATION(1, "page_request_queue", offset, length);
VM_KTRACE_FLOW_BEGIN(1, "page_request_queue", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&packet_));
} else {
offset = length = 0;
zx_port_packet_t packet = {};
packet.key = key_;
packet.page_request.command = cmd;
packet.page_request.offset = offset;
packet.page_request.length = length;
packet_.packet = packet;
// We can treat ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE as if the packet was queued
// but the pager service never responds.
// TODO: Bypass the port's max queued packet count to prevent ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT
ASSERT(port_->Queue(&packet_, ZX_SIGNAL_NONE) != ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT);
void PagerProxy::ClearAsyncRequest(PageRequest* request) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&mtx_};
if (request == active_request_) {
if (request != &complete_request_) {
// Trace flow events require an enclosing duration.
VM_KTRACE_DURATION(1, "page_request_queue", GetRequestOffset(active_request_),
VM_KTRACE_FLOW_END(1, "page_request_queue", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&packet_));
// This request is being taken back by the PageSource, so we can't hold a reference to it
// anymore. This will remain null until OnPacketFreedLocked is called (and a new packet gets
// queued as a result), either by us here below or by PagerProxy::Free, since packet_busy_ is
// true and will be true until OnPacketFreedLocked is called.
active_request_ = nullptr;
// Condition on whether or not we actually cancel the packet, to make sure
// we don't race with a call to PagerProxy::Free.
if (port_->CancelQueued(&packet_)) {
} else if (fbl::InContainer<PageProviderTag>(*request)) {
void PagerProxy::SwapAsyncRequest(PageRequest* old, PageRequest* new_req) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&mtx_};
if (fbl::InContainer<PageProviderTag>(*old)) {
pending_requests_.insert(*old, new_req);
} else if (old == active_request_) {
active_request_ = new_req;
bool PagerProxy::DebugIsPageOk(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset) { return true; }
void PagerProxy::OnDetach() {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&mtx_};
complete_pending_ = true;
void PagerProxy::OnClose() {
fbl::RefPtr<PagerProxy> self_ref;
fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> self_src;
Guard<Mutex> guard{&mtx_};
page_source_closed_ = true;
// If there isn't a complete packet pending, we're free to clean up our ties with the PageSource
// and PagerDispatcher right now, as we're not expecting a PagerProxy::Free to perform final
// delayed clean up later. The PageSource is closing, so it won't need to send us any more
// requests. The PagerDispatcher doesn't need to refer to us anymore as we won't be queueing any
// more pager requests.
if (!complete_pending_) {
// We know PagerDispatcher::on_zero_handles hasn't been invoked, since that would
// have already closed this pager proxy via OnDispatcherClose. Therefore we are free to
// immediately clean up.
self_ref = pager_->ReleaseProxy(this);
self_src = ktl::move(page_source_);
} else {
// There is still a pending complete message that we would like to wait to be received and so we
// do not perform CancelQueued like OnDispatcherClose does. However, we must leave the reference
// to ourselves in pager_ so that OnDispatcherClose (and the forced packet cancelling) can
// happen if needed. Otherwise final delayed cleanup will happen in PagerProxy::Free.
void PagerProxy::OnDispatcherClose() {
fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> self_src;
Guard<Mutex> guard{&mtx_};
// The PagerDispatcher is going away and there won't be a way to service any pager requests. Close
// the PageSource from our end so that no more requests can be sent. Closing the PageSource will
// clear/cancel any outstanding requests that it had forwarded, i.e. any requests except the
// complete request (which is owned by us and is not visible to the PageSource).
if (!page_source_closed_) {
// page_source_ is only reset to nullptr if we already closed it.
self_src = page_source_;
// Call Close without the lock to
// * Not violate lock ordering
// * Allow it to call back into ::OnClose
guard.CallUnlocked([&self_src]() mutable { self_src->Close(); });
// The pager dispatcher's reference to this object is the only one we completely control. Now
// that it's gone, we need to make sure that port_ doesn't end up with an invalid pointer
// to packet_ if all external RefPtrs to this object go away.
// As the Pager dispatcher is going away, we are not content to keep these objects alive
// indefinitely until messages are read, instead we want to cancel everything as soon as possible
// to avoid memory leaks. Therefore we will attempt to cancel any queued final packet.
if (complete_pending_) {
if (port_->CancelQueued(&packet_)) {
// We successfully cancelled the message, so we don't have to worry about
// PagerProxy::Free being called, and can immediately break the refptr cycle.
complete_pending_ = false;
} else {
// If we failed to cancel the message, then there is a pending call to PagerProxy::Free. It
// will cleanup the RefPtr cycle, although only if page_source_closed_ is true, which should
// be the case since we performed the Close step earlier.
} else {
// Either the complete message had already been dispatched when this object was closed or
// PagerProxy::Free was called between this object being closed and this method taking the
// lock. In either case, the port no longer has a reference, any RefPtr cycles have been broken
// and cleanup is already done.
// The pager dispatcher calls OnDispatcherClose when it is going away on zero handles, and it's
// not safe to dereference pager_ anymore. Remember that pager_ is now closed.
pager_dispatcher_closed_ = true;
void PagerProxy::Free(PortPacket* packet) {
fbl::RefPtr<PagerProxy> self_ref;
fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> self_src;
Guard<Mutex> guard{&mtx_};
if (active_request_ != &complete_request_) {
// This request is still active, i.e. it has not been taken back by the PageSource with
// ClearAsyncRequest. So we are responsible for relinquishing ownership of the request.
if (active_request_ != nullptr) {
// Trace flow events require an enclosing duration.
VM_KTRACE_DURATION(1, "page_request_queue", GetRequestOffset(active_request_),
VM_KTRACE_FLOW_END(1, "page_request_queue", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(packet));
active_request_ = nullptr;
} else {
// Freeing the complete_request_ indicates we have completed a pending action that might have
// been delaying cleanup.
complete_pending_ = false;
// If the source is closed, we need to do delayed cleanup. Make sure we are not still in the
// pager's proxy list (if the pager is not closed yet), and then break our refptr cycle.
if (page_source_closed_) {
// If the PagerDispatcher is already closed, the proxy has already been released.
if (!pager_dispatcher_closed_) {
// self_ref could be a nullptr if we have ended up racing with
// PagerDispatcher::on_zero_handles which calls PagerProxy::OnDispatcherClose *after*
// removing the proxy from its list. This is fine as the proxy will be removed from the
// pager's proxy list either way.
self_ref = pager_->ReleaseProxy(this);
self_src = ktl::move(page_source_);
void PagerProxy::OnPacketFreedLocked() {
// We are here because the active request has been freed. And packet_busy_ is still true, so no
// new request will have become active yet.
DEBUG_ASSERT(active_request_ == nullptr);
packet_busy_ = false;
if (!pending_requests_.is_empty()) {
void PagerProxy::SetPageSourceUnchecked(fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> src) {
// SetPagerSource is a private function and is only called by the PagerDispatcher just after
// construction, unfortunately it needs to be called under the PagerDispatcher lock and lock
// ordering is always PagerProxy->PagerDispatcher, and so we cannot acquire the lock here.
auto func = [this, &src]() TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { page_source_ = ktl::move(src); };
zx_status_t PagerProxy::WaitOnEvent(Event* event) {
ThreadDispatcher::AutoBlocked by(ThreadDispatcher::Blocked::PAGER);
kcounter_add(dispatcher_pager_total_request_count, 1);
uint32_t waited = 0;
// declare a lambda to calculate our deadline to avoid an excessively large statement in our
// loop condition.
auto make_deadline = []() {
if (gBootOptions->userpager_overtime_wait_seconds == 0) {
return Deadline::infinite();
} else {
return Deadline::after(ZX_SEC(gBootOptions->userpager_overtime_wait_seconds));
zx_status_t result;
while ((result = event->Wait(make_deadline())) == ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT) {
// We might trigger this loop multiple times as we exceed multiples of the overtime counter, but
// we only want to count each unique overtime event in the kcounter.
if (waited == 1) {
// Error out if we've been waiting for longer than the specified timeout, to allow the rest of
// the system to make progress (if possible).
if (gBootOptions->userpager_overtime_timeout_seconds > 0 &&
waited * gBootOptions->userpager_overtime_wait_seconds >=
gBootOptions->userpager_overtime_timeout_seconds) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&mtx_};
printf("ERROR Page source %p has been blocked for %" PRIu64
" seconds. Page request timed out.\n",
page_source_.get(), gBootOptions->userpager_overtime_timeout_seconds);
dump_thread(Thread::Current::Get(), false);
kcounter_add(dispatcher_pager_timed_out_request_count, 1);
// Determine whether we have any requests that have not yet been received off of the port.
fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> src;
bool active;
Guard<Mutex> guard{&mtx_};
active = !!active_request_;
src = page_source_;
printf("WARNING Page source %p has been blocked for %" PRIu64
" seconds with%s message waiting on port.\n",
src.get(), waited * gBootOptions->userpager_overtime_wait_seconds, active ? "" : " no");
// Dump out the rest of the state of the oustanding requests.
if (src) {
if (result == ZX_OK) {
kcounter_add(dispatcher_pager_succeeded_request_count, 1);
} else {
// Only counts failures that are *not* pager timeouts. Timeouts are tracked with
// dispatcher_pager_timed_out_request_count, which is updated above when we
// return early with ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT.
kcounter_add(dispatcher_pager_failed_request_count, 1);
return result;
void PagerProxy::Dump() {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&mtx_};
"pager_proxy %p pager_dispatcher %p page_source %p key %lu\n"
" source closed %d pager closed %d packet_busy %d complete_pending %d\n",
this, pager_, page_source_.get(), key_, page_source_closed_, pager_dispatcher_closed_,
packet_busy_, complete_pending_);
if (active_request_) {
printf(" active %s request on pager port [0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n",
GetRequestOffset(active_request_) + GetRequestLen(active_request_));
} else {
printf(" no active request on pager port\n");
if (pending_requests_.is_empty()) {
printf(" no pending requests to queue on pager port\n");
for (auto& req : pending_requests_) {
printf(" pending %s req to queue on pager port [0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n",
PageRequestTypeToString(GetRequestType(&req)), GetRequestOffset(&req),
GetRequestOffset(&req) + GetRequestLen(&req));