blob: 7379e60d8477c6300cb54dc6c60ac52132d7bb4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zircon-internal/ktrace.h>
#include <array>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "utility.h"
typedef enum { kTag16B, kTag32B, kTagNAME } TagType;
typedef struct {
uint32_t num;
uint32_t group;
TagType type;
const char* name;
} TagDefinition;
class KTraceRecord {
static std::optional<KTraceRecord> ParseRecord(uint8_t* data_buf, size_t buf_len);
bool Get16BRecord(ktrace_header_t** record) const;
bool Get32BRecord(ktrace_rec_32b_t** record) const;
bool GetNameRecord(ktrace_rec_name_t** record) const;
std::optional<std::array<uint32_t, 2>> Get64BitPayload() const;
std::optional<std::array<uint64_t, 2>> Get128BitPayload() const;
std::optional<const uint64_t> GetFlowID() const;
std::optional<const uint64_t> GetAssociatedThread() const;
uint32_t GetEvent() const { return event_; }
TagDefinition* GetInfo() const { return info_; }
bool IsNamed() const { return is_named_; }
bool IsProbeGroup() const { return is_probe_group_; }
bool IsFlow() const { return is_flow_; }
bool IsBegin() const { return is_begin_; }
bool IsEnd() const { return is_end_; }
bool IsCounter() const { return is_counter_; }
bool IsDuration() const { return is_duration_; }
bool HasUnexpectedEvent() const { return has_unexpected_event_; }
size_t data_buf_len_;
ktrace_header_t* rec_16b_ = nullptr;
uint32_t event_;
TagDefinition* info_;
bool is_named_ = false;
bool is_probe_group_ = false;
bool is_flow_ = false;
bool is_begin_ = false;
bool is_end_ = false;
bool is_counter_ = false;
bool is_duration_ = false;
bool has_unexpected_event_ = false;
class Tracing {
Tracing() { Stop(); }
Tracing(const Tracing&) = delete;
Tracing& operator=(const Tracing&) = delete;
Tracing(Tracing&&) = delete;
Tracing& operator=(Tracing&&) = delete;
virtual ~Tracing() { Stop(); }
struct DurationStats {
uint64_t begin_ts_ns = 0;
uint64_t end_ts_ns = 0;
uint64_t wall_duration_ns = 0;
std::optional<std::array<uint64_t, 2>> payload = std::nullopt;
DurationStats(uint64_t begin) { begin_ts_ns = begin; }
struct QueuingStats {
uint64_t begin_ts_ns = 0;
uint64_t end_ts_ns = 0;
uint64_t queuing_time_ns = 0;
uint64_t associated_thread = 0;
QueuingStats(uint64_t begin, uint64_t thread) {
begin_ts_ns = begin;
associated_thread = thread;
// Rewinds kernel trace buffer.
void Rewind();
// Starts kernel tracing.
void Start(uint32_t group_mask);
// Stops kernel tracing.
void Stop();
// Fetches record from kernel buffer if available. Returns false if errors were encountered.
// Returns two booleans, first signals whether read was successful, second signals whether entire
// kernel trace buffer has been read.
virtual std::tuple<bool, bool> FetchRecord(zx_handle_t handle, uint8_t* data_buf,
uint32_t* offset, size_t* bytes_read, size_t buf_len);
// Reads trace buffer and converts output into human-readable format. Stores in location defined
// by <filepath>. Will overwrite any existing files with same name.
bool WriteHumanReadable(std::ostream& filepath);
// Picks out traces pertaining to name in string_ref and runs stats on them. Returns false if name
// not found.
bool PopulateDurationStats(std::string string_ref, std::vector<DurationStats>* duration_stats,
std::map<uint64_t, QueuingStats>* queuing_stats);
bool running() const { return running_; }
enum EventState {
// Performs same action as zx_ktrace_read and does necessary checks.
virtual void ReadKernelBuffer(zx_handle_t handle, void* data_buf, uint32_t offset, size_t len,
size_t* bytes_read);
// Returns a string with human-readable translations of tag name, event, and any possible flags.
std::string InterpretTag(const uint32_t tag, const TagDefinition& info);
// Writes human-readable translation for 16 byte records into file specified by <file>.
void Write16B(const KTraceRecord record, std::ostream* file);
// Writes human-readable translation for 32 byte records into file specified by <file>.
void Write32B(const KTraceRecord record, std::ostream* file);
// Writes human-readable translation name type records into file specified by <file>.
void WriteName(const KTraceRecord record, std::ostream* file);
// Writes human-readable translation for probe records into file specified by <file>.
void WriteProbeRecord(const KTraceRecord record, std::ostream* file);
// Writes human-readable translation for probe records into file specified by <file>.
void WriteDurationRecord(const KTraceRecord record, const EventState event_state,
std::ostream* file);
// Writes human-readable translation for flow records into file specified by <file>.
void WriteFlowRecord(const KTraceRecord record, const EventState event_state, std::ostream* file);
zx_handle_t debug_resource_ = GetDebugResource()->get();
bool running_ = false;