blob: 8a912afdb26c1f1fa88bb1888fd23cc93b95c859 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tracing.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/ktrace.h>
#include <fstream>
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wc99-designator"
static TagDefinition kTags[] = {
#define KTRACE_DEF(num, type, name, group) [num] = {num, KTRACE_GRP_##group, kTag##type, #name},
#include <lib/zircon-internal/ktrace-def.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
std::optional<KTraceRecord> KTraceRecord::ParseRecord(uint8_t* data_buf, size_t buf_len) {
if (buf_len < KTRACE_HDRSIZE) {
return std::nullopt;
KTraceRecord kr;
ktrace_header_t* record = reinterpret_cast<ktrace_header_t*>(data_buf);
if (buf_len < KTRACE_LEN(record->tag)) {
return std::nullopt;
kr.data_buf_len_ = buf_len;
kr.is_named_ = KTRACE_FLAGS(record->tag);
if (kr.is_named_) {
switch (KTRACE_FLAGS(record->tag) & KTRACE_FLAGS_COUNTER) {
kr.is_begin_ = true;
kr.is_end_ = true;
kr.is_counter_ = true;
kr.is_probe_group_ = KTRACE_GROUP(record->tag) & KTRACE_GRP_PROBE;
kr.is_flow_ = KTRACE_FLAGS(record->tag) & KTRACE_FLAGS_FLOW;
kr.is_duration_ = !kr.is_flow_ && (kr.is_begin_ | kr.is_end_);
} else {
kr.event_ = KTRACE_EVENT(record->tag);
if (kr.event_ >= std::size(kTags)) {
kr.has_unexpected_event_ = true;
return kr;
kr.info_ = &kTags[kr.event_];
if (kr.info_->name == nullptr) {
kr.has_unexpected_event_ = true;
return kr;
kr.rec_16b_ = record;
return kr;
bool KTraceRecord::Get16BRecord(ktrace_header_t** record) const {
// Incorrect record type.
if (rec_16b_ == nullptr || KTRACE_LEN(rec_16b_->tag) > data_buf_len_ ||
(!is_named_ && (info_->type == kTag32B || info_->type == kTagNAME))) {
return false;
*record = rec_16b_;
return true;
bool KTraceRecord::Get32BRecord(ktrace_rec_32b_t** record) const {
// Incorrect record type.
if (rec_16b_ == nullptr || KTRACE_LEN(rec_16b_->tag) > data_buf_len_ || is_named_ ||
info_->type != kTag32B) {
return false;
*record = reinterpret_cast<ktrace_rec_32b_t*>(rec_16b_);
return true;
bool KTraceRecord::GetNameRecord(ktrace_rec_name_t** record) const {
// Incorrect record type.
if (rec_16b_ == nullptr || KTRACE_LEN(rec_16b_->tag) > data_buf_len_ || is_named_ ||
info_->type != kTagNAME) {
return false;
*record = reinterpret_cast<ktrace_rec_name_t*>(rec_16b_);
return true;
std::optional<std::array<uint32_t, 2>> KTraceRecord::Get64BitPayload() const {
// Incorrect record type.
if (rec_16b_ == nullptr || KTRACE_LEN(rec_16b_->tag) > data_buf_len_ || !is_named_ ||
KTRACE_LEN(rec_16b_->tag) != KTRACE_HDRSIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) * 2) {
return std::nullopt;
return std::array<uint32_t, 2>{reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(rec_16b_ + 1)[0],
reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(rec_16b_ + 1)[1]};
std::optional<std::array<uint64_t, 2>> KTraceRecord::Get128BitPayload() const {
// Incorrect record type.
if (rec_16b_ == nullptr || KTRACE_LEN(rec_16b_->tag) > data_buf_len_ || !is_named_ || is_flow_ ||
KTRACE_LEN(rec_16b_->tag) != 32) {
return std::nullopt;
return std::array<uint64_t, 2>{reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(rec_16b_ + 1)[0],
reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(rec_16b_ + 1)[1]};
std::optional<const uint64_t> KTraceRecord::GetFlowID() const {
// Incorrect record type.
if (rec_16b_ == nullptr || KTRACE_LEN(rec_16b_->tag) > data_buf_len_ || !is_named_ || !is_flow_ ||
KTRACE_LEN(rec_16b_->tag) != KTRACE_HDRSIZE + sizeof(uint64_t) * 2) {
return std::nullopt;
return reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(rec_16b_ + 1)[0];
std::optional<const uint64_t> KTraceRecord::GetAssociatedThread() const {
// Incorrect record type.
if (rec_16b_ == nullptr || !is_named_ || !is_flow_ || KTRACE_LEN(rec_16b_->tag) != 32) {
return std::nullopt;
return reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(rec_16b_ + 1)[1];
// Performs same action as zx_ktrace_read and does necessary checks.
void Tracing::ReadKernelBuffer(zx_handle_t handle, void* data_buf, uint32_t offset, size_t len,
size_t* bytes_read) {
const zx_status_t status = zx_ktrace_read(handle, data_buf, offset, len, bytes_read);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(FATAL, status) << "zx_trace_read";
// Fetches record from kernel buffer if available. Returns false if errors were encountered.
// Returns two booleans, first signals whether read was successful, second signals whether entire
// kernel trace buffer has been read.
std::tuple<bool, bool> Tracing::FetchRecord(zx_handle_t handle, uint8_t* data_buf, uint32_t* offset,
size_t* bytes_read, size_t buf_len) {
if (buf_len < KTRACE_HDRSIZE) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Data buffer too small.";
return {false, false};
// Read record header.
ReadKernelBuffer(handle, data_buf, *offset, KTRACE_HDRSIZE, bytes_read);
// Try reading more before assuming error.
if (*bytes_read < KTRACE_HDRSIZE) {
// Compute updated values to continue reading trace buffer into data buffer.
const size_t bytes_read_originally = *bytes_read;
const uint32_t updated_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(*offset + bytes_read_originally);
const size_t remaining_len = KTRACE_HDRSIZE - bytes_read_originally;
ReadKernelBuffer(handle, data_buf + bytes_read_originally, updated_offset, remaining_len,
// Record is incomplete because it is presumably at the end of the trace buffer. Update offset
// and redo read to make sure this is actually the case.
if (*bytes_read == 0) {
*offset += bytes_read_originally;
return {true, true};
*bytes_read += bytes_read_originally;
// Reading less bytes than defined by ktrace_header_t can lead to reading uninitialized memory.
if (*bytes_read < KTRACE_HDRSIZE) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Error reading traces, trace read stopped.";
return {false, false};
ktrace_header_t* record = reinterpret_cast<ktrace_header_t*>(data_buf);
// Make sure there's enough space in buffer.
if (buf_len < KTRACE_LEN(record->tag)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Data buffer too small for payload.";
return {false, false};
// If the record has zero length, something is wrong and the rest of the data will be junk.
if (KTRACE_LEN(record->tag) == 0) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Error reading traces, trace read stopped.";
return {false, false};
// Read trace payload.
if (KTRACE_LEN(record->tag) > *bytes_read) {
// Compute updated values to read trace payload into data buffer.
const size_t bytes_read_before_payload = *bytes_read;
const size_t payload_len = KTRACE_LEN(record->tag) - *bytes_read;
const uint32_t payload_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(*offset + *bytes_read);
ReadKernelBuffer(handle, data_buf + *bytes_read, payload_offset, payload_len, bytes_read);
*bytes_read += bytes_read_before_payload;
*offset += *bytes_read;
return {true, false};
// Rewinds kernel trace buffer.
void Tracing::Rewind() {
const zx_status_t status = zx_ktrace_control(debug_resource_, KTRACE_ACTION_REWIND, 0, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(FATAL, status) << "zx_ktrace_control(_, KTRACE_ACTION_REWIND, _, _)";
// Starts kernel tracing.
void Tracing::Start(uint32_t group_mask) {
const zx_status_t status =
zx_ktrace_control(debug_resource_, KTRACE_ACTION_START, group_mask, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(FATAL, status) << "zx_ktrace_control(_, KTRACE_ACTION_START, _, _)";
running_ = true;
// Stops kernel tracing.
void Tracing::Stop() {
const zx_status_t status = zx_ktrace_control(debug_resource_, KTRACE_ACTION_STOP, 0, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(FATAL, status) << "zx_ktrace_control(_, KTRACE_ACTION_STOP, _, _)";
running_ = false;
// Returns a string with human-readable translations of tag name, event, and any possible flags.
std::string Tracing::InterpretTag(const uint32_t tag, const TagDefinition& info) {
uint32_t event = KTRACE_EVENT(tag);
uint32_t flags = KTRACE_FLAGS(tag);
std::stringstream output;
output << << "(0x" << std::hex << event << ")";
if (flags != 0)
output << ", flags 0x" << std::hex << flags;
return output.str();
// Writes human-readable translation for 16 byte records into file specified by <file>.
void Tracing::Write16B(const KTraceRecord record, std::ostream* file) {
ktrace_header_t* rec;
if (!record.Get16BRecord(&rec)) {
*file << "Malformed record.\n";
const TagDefinition info = *record.GetInfo();
*file << std::dec << rec->ts << ": " << InterpretTag(rec->tag, info) << ", arg 0x" << std::hex
<< rec->tid << "\n";
// Writes human-readable translation for 32 byte records into file specified by <file>.
void Tracing::Write32B(const KTraceRecord record, std::ostream* file) {
ktrace_rec_32b_t* rec;
if (!record.Get32BRecord(&rec)) {
*file << "Malformed record.\n";
const TagDefinition info = *record.GetInfo();
*file << std::dec << rec->ts << ": " << InterpretTag(rec->tag, info) << ", tid 0x" << std::hex
<< rec->tid << ", a 0x" << std::hex << rec->a << ", b 0x" << std::hex << rec->b << ", c 0x"
<< std::hex << rec->c << ", d 0x" << std::hex << rec->d << "\n";
// Writes human-readable translation for name type records into file specified by <file>.
void Tracing::WriteName(const KTraceRecord record, std::ostream* file) {
ktrace_rec_name_t* rec;
if (!record.GetNameRecord(&rec)) {
*file << "Malformed record.\n";
const TagDefinition info = *record.GetInfo();
*file << InterpretTag(rec->tag, info) << ", id 0x" << std::hex << rec->id << ", arg 0x"
<< std::hex << rec->arg << ", " << rec->name << "\n";
// Writes human-readable translation for probe records into file specified by <file>.
void Tracing::WriteProbeRecord(const KTraceRecord record, std::ostream* file) {
ktrace_header_t* rec;
if (!record.Get16BRecord(&rec)) {
*file << "Malformed record.\n";
const uint32_t event_name_id = KTRACE_EVENT_NAME_ID(rec->tag);
const size_t record_len = KTRACE_LEN(rec->tag);
if (record_len == KTRACE_HDRSIZE) {
*file << "PROBE: tag 0x" << std::hex << TAG_PROBE_16(event_name_id) << ", event_name_id 0x"
<< event_name_id << ", tid 0x" << std::hex << rec->tid << ", ts " << rec->ts << "\n";
} else if (record_len == KTRACE_HDRSIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) * 2) {
const auto a = record.Get64BitPayload().value()[0];
const auto b = record.Get64BitPayload().value()[1];
*file << "PROBE: tag 0x" << std::hex << TAG_PROBE_24(event_name_id) << ", event_name_id 0x"
<< event_name_id << ", tid 0x" << std::hex << rec->tid << ", ts " << std::dec << rec->ts
<< ", a 0x" << std::hex << a << ", b 0x" << b << "\n";
} else if (record_len == KTRACE_HDRSIZE + sizeof(uint64_t) * 2) {
const auto a = record.Get128BitPayload().value()[0];
const auto b = record.Get128BitPayload().value()[1];
*file << "PROBE: tag 0x" << std::hex << TAG_PROBE_32(event_name_id) << ", event_name_id 0x"
<< event_name_id << ", tid 0x" << std::hex << rec->tid << ", ts " << std::dec << rec->ts
<< ", a 0x" << std::hex << a << ", b 0x" << b << "\n";
} else {
*file << "Unexpected tag: 0x" << std::hex << rec->tag << "\n";
// Writes human-readable translation for probe records into file specified by <file>.
void Tracing::WriteDurationRecord(const KTraceRecord record, const EventState event_state,
std::ostream* file) {
ktrace_header_t* rec;
if (!record.Get16BRecord(&rec)) {
*file << "Malformed record.\n";
const size_t record_len = KTRACE_LEN(rec->tag);
const uint32_t event_name_id = KTRACE_EVENT_NAME_ID(rec->tag);
const uint32_t group = KTRACE_GROUP(rec->tag);
if (record_len == KTRACE_HDRSIZE) {
if (event_state == kBegin) {
*file << std::dec << rec->ts << ": DURATION BEGIN: tag 0x" << std::hex
<< TAG_BEGIN_DURATION_16(event_name_id, group) << ", id 0x" << std::hex << event_name_id
<< ", tid 0x" << std::hex << rec->tid << "\n";
} else if (event_state == kEnd) {
*file << std::dec << rec->ts << ": DURATION END: tag 0x" << std::hex
<< TAG_END_DURATION_16(event_name_id, group) << ", id 0x" << std::hex << event_name_id
<< ", tid 0x" << std::hex << rec->tid << "\n";
} else {
*file << "Unexpected tag: 0x" << std::hex << rec->tag << "\n";
} else if (record_len == KTRACE_HDRSIZE + sizeof(uint64_t) * 2) {
const auto a = record.Get128BitPayload().value()[0];
const auto b = record.Get128BitPayload().value()[1];
if (event_state == kBegin) {
*file << std::dec << rec->ts << ": DURATION BEGIN: tag 0x" << std::hex
<< TAG_BEGIN_DURATION_32(event_name_id, group) << ", id 0x" << std::hex << event_name_id
<< ", tid 0x" << std::hex << rec->tid << ", a 0x" << std::hex << a << ", b 0x"
<< std::hex << b << "\n";
} else if (event_state == kEnd) {
*file << std::dec << rec->ts << ": DURATION END: tag 0x" << std::hex
<< TAG_END_DURATION_32(event_name_id, group) << ", id 0x" << std::hex << event_name_id
<< ", tid 0x" << std::hex << rec->tid << ", a 0x" << std::hex << a << ", b 0x"
<< std::hex << b << "\n";
} else {
*file << "Unexpected tag: 0x" << std::hex << rec->tag << "\n";
} else {
*file << "Unexpected tag: 0x" << std::hex << rec->tag << "\n";
// Writes human-readable translation for flow records into file specified by <file>.
void Tracing::WriteFlowRecord(const KTraceRecord record, const EventState event_state,
std::ostream* file) {
ktrace_header_t* rec;
if (!record.Get16BRecord(&rec)) {
*file << "Malformed record.\n";
const size_t record_len = KTRACE_LEN(rec->tag);
const uint32_t event_name_id = KTRACE_EVENT_NAME_ID(rec->tag);
const uint32_t group = KTRACE_GROUP(rec->tag);
if (record_len == KTRACE_HDRSIZE + sizeof(uint64_t) * 2) {
const auto flow_id = record.GetFlowID().value();
if (event_state == kBegin) {
*file << std::dec << rec->ts << ": FLOW BEGIN: tag 0x" << std::hex
<< TAG_FLOW_BEGIN(event_name_id, group) << ", id 0x" << std::hex << event_name_id
<< ", tid 0x" << std::hex << rec->tid << ", flow id 0x" << std::hex << flow_id << "\n";
} else if (event_state == kEnd) {
*file << std::dec << rec->ts << ": FLOW END: tag 0x" << std::hex
<< TAG_FLOW_END(event_name_id, group) << ", id 0x" << std::hex << event_name_id
<< ", tid 0x" << std::hex << rec->tid << ", flow id 0x" << std::hex << flow_id << "\n";
} else {
*file << "Unexpected tag: 0x" << std::hex << rec->tag << "\n";
} else {
*file << "Unexpected tag: 0x" << std::hex << rec->tag << "\n";
// Reads trace buffer and converts output into human-readable format. Stores in location defined by
// <filepath>. Will overwrite any existing files with same name.
bool Tracing::WriteHumanReadable(std::ostream& human_readable_file) {
if (running_) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Tracing was running when human readable translation was started. Tracing "
const size_t buf_len = 256;
uint8_t data_buf[buf_len];
size_t records_read = 0;
size_t bytes_read_per_fetch = 0;
uint32_t offset = 0;
if (!human_readable_file) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to open file.";
return false;
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
auto [read_success, buffer_end] =
FetchRecord(debug_resource_, data_buf, &offset, &bytes_read_per_fetch, buf_len);
if (!read_success) {
return false;
} else if (buffer_end) {
done = true;
const auto record_opt = KTraceRecord::ParseRecord(data_buf, buf_len);
if (!record_opt) {
return false;
auto& record = record_opt.value();
if (!record.IsNamed()) {
if (record.HasUnexpectedEvent()) {
human_readable_file << "Unexpected event: 0x" << std::hex << record.GetEvent() << "\n";
switch (record.GetInfo()->type) {
case kTag16B:
Write16B(record, &human_readable_file);
case kTag32B:
Write32B(record, &human_readable_file);
case kTagNAME:
WriteName(record, &human_readable_file);
human_readable_file << "Unexpected tag type: 0x" << std::hex << record.GetInfo() << "\n";
} else /* Named event.*/ {
EventState event_state;
if ((record.IsFlow() || record.IsDuration()) && record.IsBegin()) {
event_state = kBegin;
} else if ((record.IsFlow() || record.IsDuration()) && record.IsEnd()) {
event_state = kEnd;
} else {
event_state = kNone;
if (record.IsProbeGroup()) {
WriteProbeRecord(record, &human_readable_file);
} else if (record.IsDuration()) {
WriteDurationRecord(record, event_state, &human_readable_file);
} else if (record.IsFlow()) {
WriteFlowRecord(record, event_state, &human_readable_file);
} else {
ktrace_header_t* rec;
human_readable_file << "Unexpected tag: 0x" << std::hex << rec->tag << "\n";
human_readable_file << "\nTotal records read: " << std::dec << records_read
<< "\nTotal bytes read: " << std::dec << offset + bytes_read_per_fetch
<< "\n";
return true;
// Picks out traces pertaining to name in string_ref and populates stats on them. Returns false if
// name not found.
bool Tracing::PopulateDurationStats(std::string string_ref,
std::vector<DurationStats>* duration_stats,
std::map<uint64_t, QueuingStats>* queuing_stats) {
if (running_) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Tracing was running when duration stats were started. Tracing stopped.";
const size_t buf_len = 256;
uint8_t data_buf[buf_len];
size_t bytes_read_per_fetch = 0;
uint32_t offset = 0;
bool string_ref_found = false;
uint32_t desired_event_name_id;
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
auto [read_success, buffer_end] =
FetchRecord(debug_resource_, data_buf, &offset, &bytes_read_per_fetch, buf_len);
if (!read_success) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Error reading traces, trace read stopped.";
return false;
} else if (buffer_end) {
done = true;
const auto record_opt = KTraceRecord::ParseRecord(data_buf, buf_len);
if (!record_opt) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Error reading traces, trace read stopped.";
return false;
auto& record = record_opt.value();
if (!record.IsNamed()) {
ktrace_rec_name_t* name_record = nullptr;
if (!string_ref_found && record.GetNameRecord(&name_record)) {
if (name_record->name == string_ref) {
desired_event_name_id = name_record->id;
string_ref_found = true;
} else if (string_ref_found) /* Named event. */ {
// Match duration records for given string ref.
ktrace_header_t* rec;
if (!record.Get16BRecord(&rec)) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Record error.";
return false;
if (record.IsDuration() && KTRACE_EVENT_NAME_ID(rec->tag) == desired_event_name_id) {
if (record.IsBegin()) {
} else if (!duration_stats->empty()) {
auto& latest_record = duration_stats->back();
latest_record.end_ts_ns = rec->ts;
latest_record.wall_duration_ns = latest_record.end_ts_ns - latest_record.begin_ts_ns;
latest_record.payload = record.Get128BitPayload();
} else if (record.IsFlow()) {
if (!record.GetFlowID() || !record.GetAssociatedThread()) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Record error.";
return false;
const auto flow_id = record.GetFlowID().value();
const auto associated_thread = record.GetAssociatedThread().value();
if (record.IsBegin()) {
queuing_stats->emplace(flow_id, QueuingStats(rec->ts, associated_thread));
} else {
auto flow_iter = queuing_stats->find(flow_id);
if (flow_iter == queuing_stats->end()) {
} else {
flow_iter->second.end_ts_ns = rec->ts;
flow_iter->second.queuing_time_ns =
flow_iter->second.end_ts_ns - flow_iter->second.begin_ts_ns;
return string_ref_found;