Examples of the localization workflow.

The example will evolve as more automation becomes available.


The file strings.xml is the source of truth. This file lists all externalized strings and gives them names. The strings will be referenced in the source code using constants which are generated based on name.

You may notice that strings.xml has English source text at the moment. This is not required: you can have text in any language, including pure gibberish in there.

Translated strings

The translated strings are stored in files strings_<locale_id>.xml. For example, it is expected that the file strings_fr.xml contains text which is a French equivalent of what is written in strings.xml. Since English is not a special language, strings_en.xml must also exist if you want your program to speak English.

BUILD.gn file

Please refer to the BUILD.gn file for a minimal example of how to compile a C++ program that uses generated strings constants.

Building and running


Before you build:

  1. Make sure your fx set command has --with=//src/intl/example.
  2. Make sure fx serve is running.
fx build src/intl/example


Before you test:

  1. Make sure fx serve is running.
fx test //src/intl/example


Prerequisite. You will need to have fx serve running.

fx ffx component run \