blob: c071edaadad2805057569d00cef2739629da87ff [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_host) {
host_test_data("fuchsia_zbi_for_host_tests") {
sources = [ "$root_build_dir/fuchsia.zbi" ]
# This dep cannot be specified, because it creates a dependency cycle. It
# could be added if all tests using this were not in any package set (and
# were just in host_labels)
#deps = [ ":fuchsia($default_toolchain)" ]
# The assembly operation should only be defined in the default (fuchsia)
# toolchain.
if (is_fuchsia) {
assert(current_toolchain == default_toolchain)
# This catches inadvertent dependencies on the "fucshia" assembly implementation
# in bringup-only configurations.
"The bringup product config cannot rely on the fuchsia assembly. Bringup has it's own in //build/images/bringup")
# Shared parameters across assemblies in this file
supports_fastboot_fvm = fvm_partition != ""
files = {
images_config = "$target_out_dir/fuchsia.images_config.json"
partitions_config = "$target_out_dir/partitions_config.json"
assembly_inputs = "$target_out_dir/fuchsia/assembly_inputs.json"
platform_aib_dir = get_label_info("//build/assembly", "target_out_dir")
# Outputs of assembly.
outdir = target_out_dir + "/fuchsia"
zbi = "${outdir}/fuchsia.zbi"
zbi_signed = "${outdir}/fuchsia.zbi.signed"
vbmeta = "${outdir}/fuchsia.vbmeta"
minfs = "${outdir}/data.blk"
blobfs = "${outdir}/blob.blk"
fvm = "${outdir}/fvm.blk"
fvm_sparse = "${outdir}/fvm.sparse.blk"
fvm_blob_sparse = "${outdir}/fvm.blob.sparse.blk"
fvm_fastboot = "${outdir}/fvm.fastboot.blk"
packages_json = "${outdir}/packages.json"
images_json = "${outdir}/images.json"
# Outputs of prime assembly.
outdir_prime = target_out_dir + "/fuchsia_prime_assembly"
images_prime_json = "${outdir_prime}/images.json"
packages_prime_json = "${outdir_prime}/packages.json"
# Outputs of recovery.
recovery_outdir = get_label_info(recovery_label, "target_out_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(recovery_label, "name")
recovery_images_json = "${recovery_outdir}/images.json"
fuchsia_base = {
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
generate_fvm = true
board_name = board_name
output_dir = root_build_dir
fshost_config = board_fshost_config
check_production_tag = check_production_eligibility
include_component_id_index = true
# Use the GN arg for including shell commands.
include_shell_commands = include_shell_commands_package
# If the product definition is specifying a product assembly config file, then
# pass that to the assembled_system() call(s).
if (fuchsia_product_assembly_config_file != false) {
product_assembly_config_file = fuchsia_product_assembly_config_file
if (fuchsia_product_assembly_config_label != false) {
product_assembly_config_dep = fuchsia_product_assembly_config_label
cmdline_deps = [ "//build/input:bootfs" ]
base_packages = [
# Include the product-defined meta package labels.
meta_packages = meta_package_labels
# Add the base package labels for the selected SWD policy.
if (defined(policy_labels.swd)) {
foreach(policy, policies_swd) {
if ( == policy_labels.swd) {
base_packages += policy.base_package_deps
# Add the base package labels for the selected SWD policy.
extra_core_realm_shards = []
if (defined(policy_labels.update_checker)) {
foreach(policy, policies_update_checker) {
if ( == policy_labels.update_checker) {
# TODO( Remove the need for
# `if_board_supports_update_configurator` and
# `board_supports_update_configurator`, replacing them with an
# optional capability route when that feature is available.
if (board_supports_update_configurator) {
inner = policy.if_board_supports_update_configurator
extra_core_realm_shards += inner.core_realm_shards
base_driver_packages = [
cache_packages = [
system_image_deps = [ "//build/input:system_image" ]
universe_packages = [
bootfs_labels = [ "//build/input:bootfs" ]
bootfs_package_labels = product_bootfs_packages
# minfs arguments
if (minfs_product_minimum_data_bytes != false) {
minfs_minimum_data_bytes = minfs_product_minimum_data_bytes
} else if (minfs_board_minimum_data_bytes != false) {
minfs_minimum_data_bytes = minfs_board_minimum_data_bytes
if (minfs_product_maximum_bytes != false) {
minfs_maximum_bytes = minfs_product_maximum_bytes
} else if (minfs_board_maximum_bytes != false) {
minfs_maximum_bytes = minfs_board_maximum_bytes
# blobfs arguments
assembly_blob_layout_format = blob_layout_format
assembly_compress_blobs = compress_blobs
if (blobfs_product_minimum_inodes != false) {
blobfs_minimum_inodes = blobfs_product_minimum_inodes
} else if (blobfs_board_minimum_inodes != false) {
blobfs_minimum_inodes = blobfs_board_minimum_inodes
if (blobfs_product_minimum_data_bytes != false) {
blobfs_minimum_data_bytes = blobfs_product_minimum_data_bytes
} else if (blobfs_board_minimum_data_bytes != false) {
blobfs_minimum_data_bytes = blobfs_board_minimum_data_bytes
if (blobfs_product_maximum_bytes != false) {
blobfs_maximum_bytes = blobfs_product_maximum_bytes
} else if (blobfs_board_maximum_bytes != false) {
blobfs_maximum_bytes = blobfs_board_maximum_bytes
if (max_blob_contents_size != false) {
blobfs_maximum_contents_size = max_blob_contents_size
# fvm arguments
assembly_include_account_in_fvm = include_account_in_fvm
assembly_fvm_slice_size = fvm_slice_size
# zbi arguments
if (custom_signing_script != "") {
zbi_signing_script = custom_signing_script
zbi_signing_script_deps = [ "//build/images/custom_signing:deps" ]
} else if (use_vboot) {
zbi_signing_script = vboot_action.script
zbi_signing_args = vboot_action.args
zbi_signing_script_deps = vboot_action.deps
inputs = vboot_action.inputs
core_realm("core_realm") {
package_name = core_realm_package_name
deps = core_realm_shards + board_core_realm_shards +
restrict_persistent_storage = core_realm_restrict_persistent_storage
restrict_full_resolver_to_base = !auto_update_packages
# Fuchsia
# Copy the blob.blk to the old location for assembled images.
# TODO( Delete this once clients do not depend on the old path.
old_blobfs_path = "${root_out_dir}/obj/build/images/blob.blk"
copy("copy_blobfs") {
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
sources = [ "${target_out_dir}/fuchsia/blob.blk" ]
outputs = [ old_blobfs_path ]
deps = [ ":fuchsia_assembly" ]
metadata = {
# Declare all the generated images.
images = [
# BlobFS
label = get_label_info(":fuchsia", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "blob"
path = rebase_path(old_blobfs_path, root_build_dir)
type = "blk"
# Copy the fvm.blob.sparse.blk to the old location for assembled images.
# TODO( Delete this once clients do not depend on the old path.
if (include_fvm_blob_sparse) {
old_fvm_blob_sparse_path =
copy("copy_fvm_blob_sparse") {
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
sources = [ "${target_out_dir}/fuchsia/fvm.blob.sparse.blk" ]
outputs = [ old_fvm_blob_sparse_path ]
deps = [ ":fuchsia_assembly" ]
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":fuchsia", "label_with_toolchain")
# Hack: Infra expects bootserver_pave to be present
# in the GN graph for this image to be built.
bootserver_pave = []
name = "fvm.blob.sparse"
path = rebase_path(old_fvm_blob_sparse_path, root_build_dir)
type = "blk"
group("fuchsia") {
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
public_deps = [
if (include_fvm_blob_sparse) {
public_deps += [ ":copy_fvm_blob_sparse" ]
deps = []
if (!is_coverage && custom_signing_script == "") {
deps += [
if (fuchsia_static_pkgs_goldens != []) {
deps += [ ":verify_static_pkgs" ]
if (fuchsia_zbi_bootfs_filelist_goldens != []) {
deps += [ ":verify_bootfs_filelist" ]
if (fuchsia_zbi_kernel_cmdline_goldens != []) {
deps += [ ":verify_kernel_cmdline" ]
if (fuchsia_route_sources_config != "") {
deps += [ ":verify_route_sources" ]
metadata = {
assembly_inputs = [
path = rebase_path(files.assembly_inputs, root_build_dir)
assembled_system("fuchsia_assembly") {
forward_variables_from(fuchsia_base, "*")
image_name = "fuchsia"
create_legacy_aib_package = !is_debug
create_legacy_aib_archive = !is_debug
_rebased_files = {
zbi = rebase_path(files.zbi, root_build_dir)
zbi_signed = rebase_path(files.zbi_signed, root_build_dir)
vbmeta = rebase_path(files.vbmeta, root_build_dir)
minfs = rebase_path(files.minfs, root_build_dir)
blobfs = rebase_path(files.blobfs, root_build_dir)
fvm = rebase_path(files.fvm, root_build_dir)
fvm_sparse = rebase_path(files.fvm_sparse, root_build_dir)
fvm_blob_sparse = rebase_path(files.fvm_blob_sparse, root_build_dir)
fvm_fastboot = rebase_path(files.fvm_fastboot, root_build_dir)
metadata = {
# Declare all the generated images.
images = [
# MinFS
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "data"
path = _rebased_files.minfs
type = "blk"
# TODO( Add this back once clients move to the new path.
# BlobFS
# label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
# name = "blob"
# path = rebased_files.blobfs
# type = "blk"
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "zircon-a"
# We are using the copied-to path, becuase some e2e tests depend on it
# for their host_test_data.
path = "fuchsia.zbi"
type = "zbi"
archive = true
bootserver_pave = []
# TODO( we want to reduce the usage of mexec, but currently we
# do not have sufficient boot control on x64.
if (target_cpu == "x64") {
bootserver_pave += [ "--boot" ]
if (custom_signing_script == "" && !use_vboot) {
bootserver_pave += [
# TODO( `dm reboot-recovery` boots from zircon-b instead of
# zircon-r, so for now zedboot is being paved to this slot.
# "--zirconb",
fastboot_flash = []
if (zircon_a_partition != "") {
fastboot_flash += [ zircon_a_partition ]
if (zircon_b_partition != "") {
fastboot_flash += [ zircon_b_partition ]
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = add_qemu_to_build_archives
name = "storage-full"
path = _rebased_files.fvm
type = "blk"
# Sparse FVM
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = true
bootserver_pave = [ "--fvm" ]
name = "storage-sparse"
path = _rebased_files.fvm_sparse
type = "blk"
# Declare the paths to the images.
image_paths = [
# TODO(mcgrathr): The complete ZBI can be used with a separate
# kernel too, the kernel image in it will just be ignored. So
# just use the primary ZBI for this until all uses are
# converted to using the ZBI alone. Then remove this as
# IMAGE_BOOT_RAM variable should no longer be in use.
# Optionally add the signed images.
if (custom_signing_script != "" || use_vboot) {
images += [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = true
bootserver_pave = [ "--zircona" ]
name = "zircon-a.signed"
path = "fuchsia.zbi.signed"
type = "zbi.signed"
fastboot_flash = []
if (zircon_a_partition != "") {
fastboot_flash += [ zircon_a_partition ]
if (zircon_b_partition != "") {
fastboot_flash += [ zircon_b_partition ]
image_paths += [ "IMAGE_ZIRCONA_SIGNEDZBI=fuchsia.zbi.signed" ]
# Optionally add the vbmeta image.
if (use_vbmeta) {
images += [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = true
name = "zircon-a"
path = "fuchsia.vbmeta"
type = "vbmeta"
bootserver_pave = [ "--vbmetaa" ]
fastboot_flash = []
if (vbmeta_a_partition != "") {
fastboot_flash += [ vbmeta_a_partition ]
if (vbmeta_b_partition != "") {
fastboot_flash += [ vbmeta_b_partition ]
image_paths += [ "IMAGE_VBMETAA_RAW=fuchsia.vbmeta" ]
# TODO( Add this back once clients move to the new path.
# Optionally include the blob-only sparse FVM.
# if (include_fvm_blob_sparse) {
# images += [
# {
# label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
# # Hack: Infra expects bootserver_pave to be present
# # in the GN graph for this image to be built.
# bootserver_pave = []
# name = "fvm.blob.sparse"
# path = rebased_files.fvm_blob_sparse
# type = "blk"
# },
# ]
# }
# Optionally include the fastboot FVM.
if (supports_fastboot_fvm) {
images += [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = true
name = "fvm.fastboot"
path = rebase_path(files.fvm_fastboot, root_build_dir)
type = "blk"
fastboot_flash = [ fvm_partition ]
image_paths += [ "IMAGE_FVM_FASTBOOT=${_rebased_files.fvm_fastboot}" ]
generated_partitions_config("partitions_config") {
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
output_path = files.partitions_config
hw_revision = board_name
bootstrap_partitions = bootstrap_files
unlock_credentials = board_fastboot_unlock_credentials
if (use_gigaboot) {
esp_image_path = "${root_build_dir}/fuchsia.esp.blk"
deps = [ "//build/images/flash:esp" ]
update_package("update") {
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
deps = [
partitions = files.partitions_config
packages = files.packages_json
system_a = files.images_json
system_r = files.recovery_images_json
board_name = board_name
version_file = build_info_files.version
epoch = "1"
flash_manifest("flash_manifest") {
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
deps = [
partitions = files.partitions_config
system_a = files.images_json
system_b = files.images_json
system_r = files.recovery_images_json
generated_assembly_inputs("assembly_inputs") {
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
images_config = files.images_config
partitions_config = files.partitions_config
output_path = files.assembly_inputs
sources = [
deps = [
if (fuchsia_product_assembly_config_file != false) {
product_config = fuchsia_product_assembly_config_file
} else {
product_config = "//build/assembly/empty_product_config.json"
if (fuchsia_product_assembly_config_label != false) {
deps += [ fuchsia_product_assembly_config_label ]
# Fuchsia Prime
# Generate a fuchsia_prime system, which is the same as a fuchsia system, but
# with the addition of a dummy file in the system_image package. This can be
# used for OTA tests.
resource("dummy_resources") {
sources = [ "dummy.txt" ]
outputs = [ "dummy.txt" ]
visibility = [ ":*" ]
fuchsia_package("dummy") {
deps = [ ":dummy_resources" ]
visibility = [ ":*" ]
assembled_system("fuchsia_prime_assembly") {
forward_variables_from(fuchsia_base, "*")
system_image_deps += [ ":dummy" ]
base_package_name = "system_image_prime"
update_package("fuchsia_prime") {
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
deps = [
name = "update_prime"
partitions = files.partitions_config
packages = files.packages_prime_json
system_a = files.images_prime_json
system_r = files.recovery_images_json
board_name = board_name
version_file = build_info_files.version
epoch = "1"
# Netboot
# This rolls the primary ZBI together with a compressed RAMDISK image of
# fvm.blk into a fat ZBI that boots the full system without using any real
# storage. The system decompresses the fvm.blk image into memory and then
# sees that RAM disk just as if it were a real disk on the device.
assembled_system("netboot") {
forward_variables_from(fuchsia_base, "*")
ramdisk_fvm_in_zbi = true
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = enable_netboot
bootserver_netboot = [ "--boot" ]
name = "netboot"
path = "netboot.zbi"
type = "zbi"
image_paths = [
# TODO(mcgrathr): The complete ZBI can be used with a separate kernel
# too, the kernel image in it will just be ignored. So just use the
# primary ZBI for this until all uses are converted to using the ZBI
# alone. Then remove this as IMAGE_BOOT_RAM variable should no
# longer be in use.
# Scrutiny verifiers
# See //build/scrutiny/verifier/verify_*.gni and //build/security.gni for
# documentation.
if (custom_signing_script == "") {
verify_bootfs_filelist("verify_bootfs_filelist") {
testonly = fuchsia_base.testonly
zbi_is_signed = custom_signing_script != "" || use_vboot
image_assembler_target = ":fuchsia.image_assembler"
assembly_image_name = "fuchsia"
goldens = fuchsia_zbi_bootfs_filelist_goldens
verify_kernel_cmdline("verify_kernel_cmdline") {
testonly = fuchsia_base.testonly
zbi_is_signed = custom_signing_script != "" || use_vboot
image_assembler_target = ":fuchsia.image_assembler"
assembly_image_name = "fuchsia"
goldens = fuchsia_zbi_kernel_cmdline_goldens
if (fuchsia_route_sources_config != "") {
verify_route_sources("verify_route_sources") {
testonly = fuchsia_base.testonly
update_package_target = ":update"
image_assembler_target = ":fuchsia.image_assembler"
assembly_image_name = "fuchsia"
config_path = fuchsia_route_sources_config
verify_component_resolvers("verify_component_resolvers") {
testonly = fuchsia_base.testonly
update_package_target = ":update"
image_assembler_target = ":fuchsia.image_assembler"
assembly_image_name = "fuchsia"
allowlist = fuchsia_verify_component_resolvers_allowlist
verify_routes("verify_capability_routes") {
testonly = fuchsia_base.testonly
update_package_target = ":update"
image_assembler_target = ":fuchsia.image_assembler"
assembly_image_name = "fuchsia"
allowlist = [ fuchsia_verify_routes_exceptions_allowlist ] +
if (bootfs_only) {
allowlist += [ fuchsia_verify_routes_exceptions_allowlist_bootfs ]
if (fuchsia_verify_routes_component_tree_config != "") {
component_tree_config = fuchsia_verify_routes_component_tree_config
verify_static_pkgs("verify_static_pkgs") {
testonly = fuchsia_base.testonly
update_package_target = ":update"
image_assembler_target = ":fuchsia.image_assembler"
assembly_image_name = "fuchsia"
goldens = fuchsia_static_pkgs_goldens