The GN SDK frontend produces a GN workspace.

Directory structure

  • the script that generates the SDK;
  • templates: Mako templates used to produce various SDK files;
  • base: SDK contents that are copied verbatim;
  • testdata: files used as input during tests
  • golden: files used to verify generator output during tests


Getting the latest Core SDK:

Generating the GN SDK requires the download of an existing Core SDK, e.g.:

$ BUILD_ID="$(gsutil cat gs://fuchsia/development/LATEST_LINUX)" &&
    gsutil cp gs://fuchsia/development/$BUILD_ID/sdk/linux-amd64/core.tar.gz my_sdk_archive.tar.gz

Generating a SN SDK

Generate the GN SDK by pointing the script to an SDK archive, e.g.:

$ scripts/sdk/gn/ \
    --archive my_sdk_archive.tar.gz \
    --output gn_sdk_dir/


Execute GN SDK scripts

The internal GN SDK helper scripts can be executed after the GN SDK has been generated.

$ gn_sdk_dir/bin/
$ gn_sdk_dir/bin/
$ gn_sdk_dir/bin/
$ gn_sdk_dir/bin/

SDK generator tests

To test the generator, run the script.

$ scripts/sdk/gn/

This runs the generator against the testdata directory and compares the output to the files in the golden directory.

After making changes to the generator, update the contents of testdata as needed to exercise your new code, then run the script to fix the golden files.

$ scripts/sdk/gn/

Commit your changes to the generator, testdata contents, and golden contents together.

Bash scripts test

To test the bash scripts, run the bash_tests/ script.

$ scripts/sdk/gn/bash_tests/

This runs the tests in the scripts/sdk/gn/bash_tests which tests the scripts found in scripts/sdk/gn/base/bin.

Test project test

To test the SDK on a test project, the must be run with the --tests flag. requires a IDK (integrator development kit) build

  1. Create a temporary directory with subdirectories for the SDK and test workspaces:

    mkdir -p temp/gn_sdk_dir temp/test_workspace
  2. Download the latest IDK (integrator development kit) to a temporary directory:

    $ BUILD_ID="$(gsutil cat gs://fuchsia/development/LATEST_LINUX)"
    gsutil cp gs://fuchsia/development/$BUILD_ID/sdk/linux-amd64/core.tar.gz temp/idk.tar.gz
  3. Generate the test workspace into a temporary directory:

    $ scripts/sdk/gn/ \
     --archive temp/idk.tar.gz \
     --output temp/gn_sdk_dir/ \
     --tests temp/test_workspace
  4. Run the file in the test workspace:

    $ temp/test_workspace/