blob: f1d13dbf77e4a72e25127a724cb6cfd7770f6d1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/types.h"
namespace ledger {
// A listener on page usage, that receives notifications when a page is opened
// or closed.
class PageUsageListener {
PageUsageListener() {}
virtual ~PageUsageListener() {}
// Called when a page connection has been requested. In case of concurrent
// connections to the same page, this should only be called once, on the first
// connection.
virtual void OnPageOpened(fxl::StringView ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id) = 0;
// Called when all external connections to a page are closed. In case of
// concurrent connections to the same page, this should only be called once,
// when the last connection closes.
// TODO(nellyv): Add argument on whether the page is synced and and cache it.
virtual void OnPageClosed(fxl::StringView ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id) = 0;
// Called when there are no longer any active connections to a page. This
// includes both internal and external connections. Note that if the last
// active connection to a page is an external one, both |OnPageClosed| and
// then |OnPageUnused| will be called.
virtual void OnPageUnused(fxl::StringView ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id) = 0;
} // namespace ledger