blob: a31efc775ae5b6549462823b6654895043860772 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/fake_signaling_channel.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/test_helpers.h"
namespace bt {
namespace l2cap {
namespace internal {
namespace testing {
namespace {
// These classes bind the response that the request handlers are expected to
// send back. These also serve as the actual Responder implementation that the
// request handler under test will see. These roles may need to be decoupled if
// request handlers have to be tested for multiple responses to each request.
class Expecter : public SignalingChannel::Responder {
void Send(const ByteBuffer& rsp_payload) override {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Unexpected local response " << rsp_payload.AsString();
void RejectNotUnderstood() override {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Unexpected local rejection, \"Not Understood\"";
void RejectInvalidChannelId(ChannelId local_cid,
ChannelId remote_cid) override {
ADD_FAILURE() << fxl::StringPrintf(
"Unexpected local rejection, \"Invalid Channel ID\" local: %#.4x "
"remote: %#.4x",
local_cid, remote_cid);
bool called() const { return called_; }
void set_called(bool called) { called_ = called; }
bool called_ = false;
class ResponseExpecter : public Expecter {
explicit ResponseExpecter(const ByteBuffer& expected_rsp)
: expected_rsp_(expected_rsp) {}
void Send(const ByteBuffer& rsp_payload) override {
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(expected_rsp_, rsp_payload));
const ByteBuffer& expected_rsp_;
class RejectNotUnderstoodExpecter : public Expecter {
void RejectNotUnderstood() override { set_called(true); }
class RejectInvalidChannelIdExpecter : public Expecter {
RejectInvalidChannelIdExpecter(ChannelId local_cid, ChannelId remote_cid)
: local_cid_(local_cid), remote_cid_(remote_cid) {}
void RejectInvalidChannelId(ChannelId local_cid,
ChannelId remote_cid) override {
EXPECT_EQ(local_cid_, local_cid);
EXPECT_EQ(remote_cid_, remote_cid);
const ChannelId local_cid_;
const ChannelId remote_cid_;
} // namespace
FakeSignalingChannel::FakeSignalingChannel(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher)
: dispatcher_(dispatcher) {
FakeSignalingChannel::~FakeSignalingChannel() {
// Add a test failure for each expected request that wasn't received
for (size_t i = expected_transaction_index_; i < transactions_.size(); i++) {
ADD_FAILURE_AT(transactions_[i].file, transactions_[i].line)
<< "Outbound request [" << i << "] expected "
<< transactions_[i].responses.size() << " responses";
bool FakeSignalingChannel::SendRequest(CommandCode req_code,
const ByteBuffer& payload,
SignalingChannel::ResponseHandler cb) {
if (expected_transaction_index_ >= transactions_.size()) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Received unexpected outbound command after handling "
<< transactions_.size();
return false;
Transaction& transaction = transactions_[expected_transaction_index_];
::testing::ScopedTrace trace(transaction.file, transaction.line,
"Outbound request expected here");
EXPECT_EQ(transaction.request_code, req_code);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(transaction.req_payload, payload));
transaction.response_callback = std::move(cb);
// Simulate the remote's response(s)
async::PostTask(dispatcher_, [this, index = expected_transaction_index_]() {
Transaction& transaction = transactions_[index];
transaction.responses_handled =
TriggerResponses(transaction, transaction.responses);
return (transaction.request_code == req_code);
void FakeSignalingChannel::ReceiveResponses(
TransactionId id,
const std::vector<FakeSignalingChannel::Response>& responses) {
if (id >= transactions_.size()) {
FAIL() << "Can't trigger response to unknown outbound request " << id;
const Transaction& transaction = transactions_[id];
::testing::ScopedTrace trace(transaction.file, transaction.line,
"Outbound request expected here");
<< "Can't trigger responses for outbound request that hasn't been sent";
EXPECT_EQ(transaction.responses.size(), transaction.responses_handled)
<< "Not all original simulated responses have been handled";
TriggerResponses(transaction, responses);
void FakeSignalingChannel::ServeRequest(CommandCode req_code,
SignalingChannel::RequestDelegate cb) {
request_handlers_[req_code] = std::move(cb);
FakeSignalingChannel::TransactionId FakeSignalingChannel::AddOutbound(
const char* file, int line, CommandCode req_code, BufferView req_payload,
std::vector<FakeSignalingChannel::Response> responses) {
transactions_.push_back(Transaction{file, line, req_code,
std::move(responses), nullptr});
return transactions_.size() - 1;
void FakeSignalingChannel::ReceiveExpect(CommandCode req_code,
const ByteBuffer& req_payload,
const ByteBuffer& rsp_payload) {
ResponseExpecter expecter(rsp_payload);
ReceiveExpectInternal(req_code, req_payload, &expecter);
void FakeSignalingChannel::ReceiveExpectRejectNotUnderstood(
CommandCode req_code, const ByteBuffer& req_payload) {
RejectNotUnderstoodExpecter expecter;
ReceiveExpectInternal(req_code, req_payload, &expecter);
void FakeSignalingChannel::ReceiveExpectRejectInvalidChannelId(
CommandCode req_code, const ByteBuffer& req_payload, ChannelId local_cid,
ChannelId remote_cid) {
RejectInvalidChannelIdExpecter expecter(local_cid, remote_cid);
ReceiveExpectInternal(req_code, req_payload, &expecter);
size_t FakeSignalingChannel::TriggerResponses(
const FakeSignalingChannel::Transaction& transaction,
const std::vector<FakeSignalingChannel::Response>& responses) {
::testing::ScopedTrace trace(transaction.file, transaction.line,
"Outbound request expected here");
size_t responses_handled = 0;
for (auto& [status, payload] : responses) {
if (!transaction.response_callback(status, payload) ||
::testing::Test::HasFatalFailure()) {
EXPECT_EQ(responses.size(), responses_handled) << fxl::StringPrintf(
"Outbound command (code %d, at %zu) handled fewer responses than "
transaction.request_code, transaction.responses_handled);
return responses_handled;
// Test evaluator for inbound requests with type-erased, bound expected requests
void FakeSignalingChannel::ReceiveExpectInternal(CommandCode req_code,
const ByteBuffer& req_payload,
Responder* fake_responder) {
auto iter = request_handlers_.find(req_code);
ASSERT_NE(request_handlers_.end(), iter);
// Invoke delegate assigned for this request type
iter->second(req_payload, fake_responder);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace internal
} // namespace l2cap
} // namespace bt