blob: d52eaccc14048e6fb8160c2c1bb8dac277d69656 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/bredr_signaling_channel.h"
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/log.h"
namespace bt {
namespace l2cap {
namespace internal {
BrEdrSignalingChannel::BrEdrSignalingChannel(fbl::RefPtr<Channel> chan,
hci::Connection::Role role)
: SignalingChannel(std::move(chan), role) {
// Add default handler for incoming Echo Request commands.
[](const ByteBuffer& req_payload, Responder* responder) {
bool BrEdrSignalingChannel::SendRequest(CommandCode req_code,
const ByteBuffer& payload,
ResponseHandler cb) {
const CommandId id = EnqueueResponse(req_code + 1, std::move(cb));
if (id == kInvalidCommandId) {
return false;
return SendPacket(req_code, id, payload);
void BrEdrSignalingChannel::ServeRequest(CommandCode req_code,
RequestDelegate cb) {
inbound_handlers_[req_code] = std::move(cb);
// This is implemented as v5.0 Vol 3, Part A Section 4.8: "These requests may be
// used for testing the link or for passing vendor specific information using
// the optional data field."
bool BrEdrSignalingChannel::TestLink(const ByteBuffer& data, DataCallback cb) {
return SendRequest(
kEchoRequest, data,
[cb = std::move(cb)](Status status, const ByteBuffer& rsp_payload) {
if (status == Status::kSuccess) {
} else {
return false;
void BrEdrSignalingChannel::DecodeRxUnit(ByteBufferPtr sdu,
const SignalingPacketHandler& cb) {
// "Multiple commands may be sent in a single C-frame over Fixed Channel CID
// 0x0001 (ACL-U) (v5.0, Vol 3, Part A, Section 4)"
if (sdu->size() < sizeof(CommandHeader)) {
bt_log(TRACE, "l2cap-bredr", "sig: dropped malformed ACL signaling packet");
size_t sdu_offset = 0;
while (sdu_offset + sizeof(CommandHeader) <= sdu->size()) {
auto& header_data = sdu->view(sdu_offset, sizeof(CommandHeader));
SignalingPacket packet(&header_data);
uint16_t expected_payload_length = le16toh(packet.header().length);
size_t remaining_sdu_length =
sdu->size() - sdu_offset - sizeof(CommandHeader);
if (remaining_sdu_length < expected_payload_length) {
bt_log(TRACE, "l2cap-bredr", "sig: expected more bytes (%zu < %u); drop",
remaining_sdu_length, expected_payload_length);
SendCommandReject(packet.header().id, RejectReason::kNotUnderstood,
auto& packet_data =
sdu->view(sdu_offset, sizeof(CommandHeader) + expected_payload_length);
cb(SignalingPacket(&packet_data, expected_payload_length));
sdu_offset += packet_data.size();
if (sdu_offset != sdu->size()) {
bt_log(TRACE, "l2cap-bredr",
"sig: incomplete packet header "
"(expected: %zu, left: %zu)",
sizeof(CommandHeader), sdu->size() - sdu_offset);
bool BrEdrSignalingChannel::HandlePacket(const SignalingPacket& packet) {
if (IsSupportedResponse(packet.header().code)) {
return true;
// Handle request commands from remote.
const auto iter = inbound_handlers_.find(packet.header().code);
if (iter != inbound_handlers_.end()) {
ResponderImpl responder(this, packet.header().code + 1, packet.header().id);
iter->second(packet.payload_data(), &responder);
return true;
bt_log(TRACE, "l2cap-bredr", "sig: ignoring unsupported code %#.2x",
return false;
CommandId BrEdrSignalingChannel::EnqueueResponse(CommandCode expected_code,
ResponseHandler cb) {
// Command identifiers for pending requests are assumed to be unique across
// all types of requests and reused by order of least recent use. See v5.0
// Vol 3, Part A Section 4.
// Uniqueness across different command types: "Within each signaling channel a
// different Identifier shall be used for each successive command"
// Reuse order: "the Identifier may be recycled if all other Identifiers have
// subsequently been used"
const CommandId initial_id = GetNextCommandId();
CommandId id;
for (id = initial_id; IsCommandPending(id);) {
id = GetNextCommandId();
if (id == initial_id) {
bt_log(ERROR, "l2cap-bredr",
"sig: all valid command IDs in use for "
"pending requests; can't queue expected response command %#.2x",
return kInvalidCommandId;
pending_commands_[id] = std::make_pair(expected_code, std::move(cb));
return id;
bool BrEdrSignalingChannel::IsSupportedResponse(CommandCode code) const {
switch (code) {
case kCommandRejectCode:
case kConnectionResponse:
case kConfigurationResponse:
case kDisconnectionResponse:
case kEchoResponse:
case kInformationResponse:
return true;
// Other response-type commands are for AMP and are not supported.
return false;
bool BrEdrSignalingChannel::IsCommandPending(CommandId id) const {
return pending_commands_.find(id) != pending_commands_.end();
void BrEdrSignalingChannel::OnRxResponse(const SignalingPacket& packet) {
auto iter = pending_commands_.find(packet.header().id);
if (iter == pending_commands_.end()) {
bt_log(SPEW, "l2cap-bredr", "sig: ignoring unexpected response, id %#.2x",
SendCommandReject(packet.header().id, RejectReason::kNotUnderstood,
Status status;
if (packet.header().code == iter->second.first) {
status = Status::kSuccess;
} else if (packet.header().code == kCommandRejectCode) {
status = Status::kReject;
} else {
bt_log(ERROR, "l2cap-bredr",
"sig: response (id %#.2x) has unexpected code %#.2x",
packet.header().id, packet.header().code);
SendCommandReject(packet.header().id, RejectReason::kNotUnderstood,
ResponseHandler& handler = iter->second.second;
if (!handler(status, packet.payload_data())) {
} // namespace internal
} // namespace l2cap
} // namespace bt