blob: 2cd47a459598fb8e2fa7d11beabb620dd3661669 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/client.h"
namespace bt {
namespace gatt {
namespace testing {
class FakeClient final : public Client {
explicit FakeClient(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
~FakeClient() override = default;
void set_server_mtu(uint16_t mtu) { server_mtu_ = mtu; }
void set_exchage_mtu_status(att::Status status) {
exchange_mtu_status_ = status;
void set_primary_services(std::vector<ServiceData> services) {
services_ = std::move(services);
void set_service_discovery_status(att::Status status) {
service_discovery_status_ = status;
void set_characteristics(std::vector<CharacteristicData> chrcs) {
chrcs_ = std::move(chrcs);
void set_descriptors(std::vector<DescriptorData> descs) {
descs_ = std::move(descs);
void set_characteristic_discovery_status(att::Status status) {
chrc_discovery_status_ = status;
// If |count| is set to a non-zero value, |status| only applies to |count|th
// request and all other requests will succeed. Otherwise, |status| applies to
// all requests.
void set_descriptor_discovery_status(att::Status status, size_t count = 0) {
desc_discovery_status_target_ = count;
desc_discovery_status_ = status;
att::Handle last_chrc_discovery_start_handle() const {
return last_chrc_discovery_start_handle_;
att::Handle last_chrc_discovery_end_handle() const {
return last_chrc_discovery_end_handle_;
att::Handle last_desc_discovery_start_handle() const {
return last_desc_discovery_start_handle_;
att::Handle last_desc_discovery_end_handle() const {
return last_desc_discovery_end_handle_;
size_t chrc_discovery_count() const { return chrc_discovery_count_; }
size_t desc_discovery_count() const { return desc_discovery_count_; }
// Sets a callback which will run when ReadRequest gets called.
using ReadRequestCallback = fit::function<void(att::Handle, ReadCallback)>;
void set_read_request_callback(ReadRequestCallback callback) {
read_request_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Sets a callback which will run when ReadBlobRequest gets called.
using ReadBlobRequestCallback =
fit::function<void(att::Handle, uint16_t offset, ReadCallback)>;
void set_read_blob_request_callback(ReadBlobRequestCallback callback) {
read_blob_request_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Sets a callback which will run when WriteRequest gets called.
using WriteRequestCallback =
fit::function<void(att::Handle, const ByteBuffer&, att::StatusCallback)>;
void set_write_request_callback(WriteRequestCallback callback) {
write_request_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Sets a callback which will run when WriteWithoutResponse gets called.
using WriteWithoutResponseCallback =
fit::function<void(att::Handle, const ByteBuffer&)>;
void set_write_without_rsp_callback(WriteWithoutResponseCallback callback) {
write_without_rsp_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Emulates the receipt of a notification or indication PDU.
void SendNotification(bool indicate, att::Handle handle,
const ByteBuffer& value);
// Client overrides:
fxl::WeakPtr<Client> AsWeakPtr() override;
uint16_t mtu() const override;
void ExchangeMTU(MTUCallback callback) override;
void DiscoverPrimaryServices(ServiceCallback svc_callback,
att::StatusCallback status_callback) override;
void DiscoverCharacteristics(att::Handle range_start, att::Handle range_end,
CharacteristicCallback chrc_callback,
att::StatusCallback status_callback) override;
void DiscoverDescriptors(att::Handle range_start, att::Handle range_end,
DescriptorCallback desc_callback,
att::StatusCallback status_callback) override;
void ReadRequest(att::Handle handle, ReadCallback callback) override;
void ReadBlobRequest(att::Handle handle, uint16_t offset,
ReadCallback callback) override;
void WriteRequest(att::Handle handle, const ByteBuffer& value,
att::StatusCallback callback) override;
void WriteWithoutResponse(att::Handle handle,
const ByteBuffer& value) override;
void SetNotificationHandler(NotificationCallback callback) override;
// All callbacks will be posted on this dispatcher to emulate asynchronous
// behavior.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
// Value to return for MTU exchange.
uint16_t server_mtu_ = att::kLEMinMTU;
// Data used for DiscoveryPrimaryServices().
std::vector<ServiceData> services_;
// Fake status values to return for GATT procedures.
att::Status exchange_mtu_status_;
att::Status service_discovery_status_;
att::Status chrc_discovery_status_;
size_t desc_discovery_status_target_ = 0;
att::Status desc_discovery_status_;
// Data used for DiscoverCharacteristics().
std::vector<CharacteristicData> chrcs_;
att::Handle last_chrc_discovery_start_handle_ = 0;
att::Handle last_chrc_discovery_end_handle_ = 0;
size_t chrc_discovery_count_ = 0;
// Data used for DiscoverDescriptors().
std::vector<DescriptorData> descs_;
att::Handle last_desc_discovery_start_handle_ = 0;
att::Handle last_desc_discovery_end_handle_ = 0;
size_t desc_discovery_count_ = 0;
ReadRequestCallback read_request_callback_;
ReadBlobRequestCallback read_blob_request_callback_;
WriteRequestCallback write_request_callback_;
WriteWithoutResponseCallback write_without_rsp_callback_;
NotificationCallback notification_callback_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<FakeClient> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace gatt
} // namespace bt