blob: 20d5dfc29d504737d951705db87c61879d52270d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/bluetooth/le/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/uuid.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gap/gap.h"
namespace bt {
namespace gap {
// A helper to build Adversiting Data, Scan Response Data, or Extended Inquiry
// Response Data fields.
// TODO(jamuraa): Add functionality for ACAD and OOB
// This can be viewed as a complex container type which has a specified byte
// view that is valid for:
// - Core Spec v5.0 Vol 3, Part C, Section 11 in the case of Advertising or
// Scan Response Data
// - Core Spec v5.0 Vol 3, Part C, Section 8 for Extended Inquiry Response data
// See those sections, and the Core Specification Supplement v7 for more
// information.
class AdvertisingData {
// Creates an empty advertising data.
AdvertisingData() = default;
~AdvertisingData() = default;
// Move constructor and assignment operator
AdvertisingData(AdvertisingData&& other) = default;
AdvertisingData& operator=(AdvertisingData&& other) = default;
// Fill the AdvertisingData |out_ad| from the raw Bluetooth field block
// |data|. Returns false if |data| is not formatted correctly or on a parsing
// error, and true otherwise. |out_ad| is not guaranteed to be in any state
// unless we return true. Does not clear |out_ad| so this function can be used
// to merge multiple field blocks.
static bool FromBytes(const ByteBuffer& data, AdvertisingData* out_ad);
// Populate AdvertisingData |out_ad| from the corresponding FIDL object
// |fidl_ad|. Overwrites existing contents of |out_ad|. Returns false if
// |fidl_ad| contains malformed entries.
static bool FromFidl(const fuchsia::bluetooth::le::AdvertisingData& fidl_ad,
AdvertisingData* out_ad);
// Copies all of the data in this object to |out|, including making a copy of
// any data in manufacturing data or service data.
// Overwrites any data which is already in |out|.
void Copy(AdvertisingData* out) const;
// Add a UUID to the set of services advertised.
// These service UUIDs will automatically be compressed to be represented in
// the smallest space possible.
void AddServiceUuid(const UUID& uuid);
// Get the service UUIDs represented in this advertisement.
const std::unordered_set<UUID>& service_uuids() const;
// Set some service data for the service specified by |uuid|.
void SetServiceData(const UUID& uuid, const ByteBuffer& data);
// Get a set of which UUIDs have service data in this advertisement.
const std::unordered_set<UUID> service_data_uuids() const;
// View the currently set service data for |uuid|.
// This view is not stable; it should be used only ephemerally.
// Returns an empty BufferView if no service data is set for |uuid|
const BufferView service_data(const UUID& uuid) const;
// Set some Manufacturer specific data for the company identified by
// |company_id|
void SetManufacturerData(const uint16_t company_id, const BufferView& data);
// Get a set of which IDs have manufacturer data in this advertisement.
const std::unordered_set<uint16_t> manufacturer_data_ids() const;
// View the currently set manufacturer data for the company |company_id|.
// Returns an empty BufferView if no manufacturer data is set for
// |company_id|.
// NOTE: it is valid to send a manufacturer data with no data. Check that one
// exists using manufacturer_data_ids() first.
// This view is not stable; it should be used only ephemerally.
const BufferView manufacturer_data(const uint16_t company_id) const;
// Sets the local TX Power
// TODO(jamuraa): add documentation about where to get this number from
void SetTxPower(int8_t dbm);
// Gets the TX power
std::optional<int8_t> tx_power() const;
// Sets the local name
void SetLocalName(const std::string& name);
// Gets the local name
std::optional<std::string> local_name() const;
// Adds a URI to the set of URIs advertised.
// Does nothing if |uri| is empty.
void AddURI(const std::string& uri);
// Get the URIs in this advertisement
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& uris() const;
// Sets the appearance
void SetAppearance(uint16_t appearance);
// Get the appearance
std::optional<uint16_t> appearance() const;
// Calculates the size of the current set of fields if they were to be written
// to a buffer using WriteBlock()
size_t CalculateBlockSize() const;
// Writes the byte representation of this to |buffer|.
// Returns false without modifying |buffer| if there is not enough space
// (if the buffer size is less than block_size())
bool WriteBlock(MutableByteBuffer* buffer) const;
// Makes a FIDL object that holds the same data
fuchsia::bluetooth::le::AdvertisingDataPtr AsLEAdvertisingData() const;
// Relation operators
bool operator==(const AdvertisingData& other) const;
bool operator!=(const AdvertisingData& other) const;
// TODO(armansito): Consider storing the payload in its serialized form and
// have these point into the structure (see NET-209).
std::optional<std::string> local_name_;
std::optional<int8_t> tx_power_;
std::optional<uint16_t> appearance_;
std::unordered_set<UUID> service_uuids_;
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, DynamicByteBuffer> manufacturer_data_;
std::unordered_map<UUID, DynamicByteBuffer> service_data_;
std::unordered_set<std::string> uris_;
// Convenience classes for reading and writing the contents
// of Advertising Data, Scan Response Data, or Extended Inquiry Response Data
// payloads. The format in which data is stored looks like the following:
// [1-octet LENGTH][1-octet TYPE][LENGTH-1 octets DATA]
// Used for parsing data in TLV-format as described at the beginning of the file
// above.
class AdvertisingDataReader {
// |data| must point to a valid piece of memory for the duration in which this
// object is to remain alive.
explicit AdvertisingDataReader(const ByteBuffer& data);
// Returns false if the fields of |data| have been formatted incorrectly. For
// example, this could happen if the length of an advertising data structure
// would exceed the bounds of the buffer.
inline bool is_valid() const { return is_valid_; }
// Returns the data and type fields of the next advertising data structure in
// |out_data| and |out_type|. Returns false if there is no more data to read
// or if the data is formatted incorrectly.
bool GetNextField(DataType* out_type, BufferView* out_data);
// Returns true if there is more data to read. Returns false if the end of
// data has been reached or if the current segment is malformed in a way that
// would exceed the bounds of the data this reader was initialized with.
bool HasMoreData() const;
bool is_valid_;
BufferView remaining_;
// Used for writing data in TLV-format as described at the beginning of the file
// above.
class AdvertisingDataWriter {
// |buffer| is the piece of memory on which this AdvertisingDataWriter should
// operate. The buffer must out-live this instance and must point to a valid
// piece of memory.
explicit AdvertisingDataWriter(MutableByteBuffer* buffer);
// Writes the given piece of type/tag and data into the next available segment
// in the underlying buffer. Returns false if there isn't enough space left in
// the buffer for writing. Returns true on success.
bool WriteField(DataType type, const ByteBuffer& data);
// The total number of bytes that have been written into the buffer.
size_t bytes_written() const { return bytes_written_; }
MutableByteBuffer* buffer_;
size_t bytes_written_;
} // namespace gap
} // namespace bt