blob: b4ecdc2c5bcf7c8e5be25b987c8abb02084eaefb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/symbolizer/log_parser.h"
#include <charconv>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string_view>
#include "lib/stdcompat/string_view.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/split_string.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/trim.h"
namespace symbolizer {
namespace {
// This need to match
constexpr std::string_view kDartStackTraceMagic =
"*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***";
// Converts the string in dec or hex into an integer. Returns whether the conversion is complete.
template <typename int_t>
bool ParseInt(std::string_view string, int_t &i, int base = 10) {
if (string.empty())
return false;
const char *begin = string.begin();
const char *end = begin + string.size();
if (string.size() > 2 && string[0] == '0' && string[1] == 'x') {
base = 16;
begin += 2;
return std::from_chars(begin, end, i, base).ptr == end;
} // namespace
bool LogParser::ProcessNextLine() {
std::string line;
std::getline(input_, line);
if (input_.eof() && line.empty()) {
return false;
// Handle symbolizer markup.
auto start = line.find("{{{");
auto end = std::string::npos;
if (start != std::string::npos) {
end = line.find("}}}", start);
if (end != std::string::npos) {
std::string_view line_view(line);
printer_->SetContext(line_view.substr(0, start));
if (ProcessMarkup(line_view.substr(start + 3, end - start - 3))) {
// Skip outputting only if we have the starting and the ending braces and the markup is valid.
return true;
// Handle Dart symbolization.
if (line == kDartStackTraceMagic) {
symbolizing_dart_ = true;
} else if (symbolizing_dart_) {
if (ProcessDart(line)) {
return true;
symbolizing_dart_ = false;
return true;
bool LogParser::ProcessMarkup(std::string_view markup) {
auto splitted = fxl::SplitString(markup, ":", fxl::kKeepWhitespace, fxl::kSplitWantAll);
if (splitted.empty()) {
return false;
auto tag = splitted[0];
if (tag == "reset") {
return true;
if (tag == "module") {
// module:0x{id}:{name}:elf:{build_id}
if (splitted.size() < 5)
return false;
uint64_t id;
if (!ParseInt(splitted[1], id) || splitted[3] != "elf")
return false;
symbolizer_->Module(id, splitted[2], splitted[4]);
return true;
if (tag == "mmap") {
// mmap:0x{address}:0x{size}:load:0x{module_id}:r?w?x?:0x{module_offset}
if (splitted.size() < 7)
return false;
uint64_t address;
uint64_t size;
uint64_t module_id;
uint64_t module_offset;
if (!ParseInt(splitted[1], address) || !ParseInt(splitted[2], size) ||
!ParseInt(splitted[4], module_id) || !ParseInt(splitted[6], module_offset) ||
splitted[3] != "load")
return false;
symbolizer_->MMap(address, size, module_id, splitted[5], module_offset);
return true;
if (tag == "bt") {
// bt:{frame_id}:{address}(:ra|:pc)?(:msg)?
if (splitted.size() < 3)
return false;
int frame_id;
uint64_t address;
Symbolizer::AddressType type = Symbolizer::AddressType::kUnknown;
std::string_view message;
if (!ParseInt(splitted[1], frame_id) || !ParseInt(splitted[2], address))
return false;
// Optional suffix(es).
if (splitted.size() >= 4) {
if (splitted[3] == "ra") {
type = Symbolizer::AddressType::kReturnAddress;
} else if (splitted[3] == "pc") {
type = Symbolizer::AddressType::kProgramCounter;
} else {
message = splitted[3];
if (splitted.size() >= 5) {
message = splitted[4];
symbolizer_->Backtrace(frame_id, address, type, message);
return true;
if (tag == "dumpfile") {
// dumpfile:{type}:{name}
if (splitted.size() < 3)
return false;
symbolizer_->DumpFile(splitted[1], splitted[2]);
return true;
return false;
// If returning true, we're responsible to output the line.
bool LogParser::ProcessDart(std::string_view line) {
constexpr uint64_t kModuleId = 0;
constexpr uint64_t kModuleSize = 0x800000000; // 32 GB should be big enough.
auto splitted = fxl::SplitString(line, " ", fxl::kTrimWhitespace, fxl::kSplitWantNonEmpty);
if (splitted.size() == 6 && splitted[0] == "pid:") {
// pid: 12, tid: 30221, name some.ui
dart_process_name_ = splitted[5];
} else if (splitted.size() == 2 && splitted[0] == "build_id:") {
// build_id: '0123456789abcdef'
symbolizer_->Module(kModuleId, dart_process_name_, fxl::TrimString(splitted[1], "'"));
} else if (splitted.size() == 4 && splitted[0] == "isolate_dso_base:") {
// isolate_dso_base: f2e4c8000, vm_dso_base: f2e4c8000
uint64_t address;
if (!ParseInt(splitted[3], address, 16)) {
return false;
symbolizer_->MMap(address, kModuleSize, kModuleId, "", 0);
} else if (!splitted.empty() &&
(splitted[0] == "os:" || splitted[0] == "isolate_instructions:")) {
// os: fuchsia arch: arm64 comp: no sim: no
// isolate_instructions: f2f9f8e60, vm_instructions: f2f9f4000
} else if (splitted.size() >= 6 && splitted[0][0] == '#' && splitted[1] == "abs") {
// #00 abs 0000000f2fbb51c7 virt 00000000016ed1c7 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x1bc367
uint64_t frame_id;
uint64_t address;
if (!ParseInt(splitted[0].substr(1), frame_id)) {
return false;
if (!ParseInt(splitted[2], address, 16)) {
return false;
symbolizer_->Backtrace(frame_id, address, Symbolizer::AddressType::kUnknown, "");
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Don't forget to output the context as is.
return true;
} // namespace symbolizer