blob: 10389e8313b9c85c6cebc096f183be56136faf44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <lib/inspect-vmo/block.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
namespace inspect {
namespace vmo {
class Object;
namespace internal {
class State;
// A metric containing a templated type. All methods wrap the
// corresponding functionality on |internal::State|, and concrete
// implementations are available only for int64_t, uint64_t and double.
template <typename T>
class NumericMetric final {
// Construct a default numeric metric. Operations on this metric are
// no-ops.
NumericMetric() = default;
// Allow moving, disallow copying.
NumericMetric(const NumericMetric& other) = delete;
NumericMetric(NumericMetric&& other) = default;
NumericMetric& operator=(const NumericMetric& other) = delete;
NumericMetric& operator=(NumericMetric&& other);
// Set the value of this numeric metric to the given value.
void Set(T value);
// Add the given value to the value of this numeric metric.
void Add(T value);
// Subtract the given value from the value of this numeric metric.
void Subtract(T value);
// Return true if this metric is stored in a buffer. False otherwise.
explicit operator bool() { return state_.get() != nullptr; }
friend class internal::State;
NumericMetric(fbl::RefPtr<internal::State> state, internal::BlockIndex name,
internal::BlockIndex value)
: state_(std::move(state)), name_index_(name), value_index_(value) {}
// Reference to the state containing this metric.
fbl::RefPtr<internal::State> state_;
// Index of the name block in the state.
internal::BlockIndex name_index_;
// Index of the value block in the state.
internal::BlockIndex value_index_;
// A value containing an array of numeric types. All methods wrap the
// corresponding functionality on |internal::State|, and concrete
// implementations are available only for int64_t, uint64_t and double.
template <typename T>
class ArrayValue final {
// Construct a default array value. Operations on this value are
// no-ops.
ArrayValue() = default;
// Allow moving, disallow copying.
ArrayValue(const ArrayValue& other) = delete;
ArrayValue(ArrayValue&& other) = default;
ArrayValue& operator=(const ArrayValue& other) = delete;
ArrayValue& operator=(ArrayValue&& other);
// Set the value of the given index of this array.
void Set(size_t index, T value);
// Add the given value to the value of this numeric metric.
void Add(size_t index, T value);
// Subtract the given value from the value of this numeric metric.
void Subtract(size_t index, T value);
// Return true if this metric is stored in a buffer. False otherwise.
explicit operator bool() { return state_.get() != nullptr; }
friend class internal::State;
ArrayValue(fbl::RefPtr<internal::State> state, internal::BlockIndex name,
internal::BlockIndex value)
: state_(std::move(state)), name_index_(name), value_index_(value) {}
// Reference to the state containing this value.
fbl::RefPtr<internal::State> state_;
// Index of the name block in the state.
internal::BlockIndex name_index_;
// Index of the value block in the state.
internal::BlockIndex value_index_;
template <typename T>
class LinearHistogram final {
// Create a default histogram.
// Operations on the metric will have no effect.
LinearHistogram() = default;
// Insert the given value once to the correct bucket of the histogram.
void Insert(T value) { Insert(value, 1); }
// Insert the given value |count| times to the correct bucket of the
// histogram.
void Insert(T value, T count) { array_.Add(GetIndexForValue(value), count); }
friend class ::inspect::vmo::Object;
// First slots are floor, step_size, and underflow.
static const size_t kBucketOffset = 3;
// Get the number of buckets, which excludes the two parameter slots and the
// two overflow slots.
size_t BucketCount() { return array_size_ - 4; }
// Calculates the correct array index to store the given value.
size_t GetIndexForValue(T value) {
if (array_size_ == 0) {
return 0;
size_t ret = kBucketOffset - 1;
T current_floor = floor_;
for (; value >= current_floor && ret < array_size_ - 1;
current_floor += step_size_, ret++) {
return ret;
// Internal constructor wrapping an array.
LinearHistogram(T floor, T step_size, size_t array_size,
ArrayValue<T> array)
: floor_(floor),
array_(std::move(array)) {
ZX_ASSERT(array_size_ > 4);
array_.Set(0, floor_);
array_.Set(1, step_size_);
const T floor_ = 0;
const T step_size_ = 0;
const size_t array_size_ = 0;
ArrayValue<T> array_;
template <typename T>
class ExponentialHistogram final {
// Create a default histogram.
// Operations on the metric will have no effect.
ExponentialHistogram() = default;
// Insert the given value once to the correct bucket of the histogram.
void Insert(T value) { Insert(value, 1); }
// Insert the given value |count| times to the correct bucket of the
// histogram.
void Insert(T value, T count) { array_.Add(GetIndexForValue(value), count); }
friend class ::inspect::vmo::Object;
// First slots are floor, initial_step, step_multiplier, and underflow.
static const size_t kBucketOffset = 4;
// Get the number of buckets, which excludes the two parameter slots and the
// two overflow slots.
size_t BucketCount() { return array_size_ - 5; }
// Calculates the correct array index to store the given value.
size_t GetIndexForValue(T value) {
if (array_size_ == 0) {
return 0;
T current_floor = floor_;
T current_step = initial_step_;
size_t ret = kBucketOffset - 1;
for (; value >= current_floor && ret < array_size_ - 1;
current_floor += current_step, current_step *= step_multiplier_, ret++) {
return ret;
// Internal constructor wrapping a VMO type.
ExponentialHistogram(T floor, T initial_step, T step_multiplier,
size_t array_size, ArrayValue<T> array)
: floor_(floor),
array_(std::move(array)) {
ZX_ASSERT(array_size_ > 5);
array_.Set(0, floor_);
array_.Set(1, initial_step_);
array_.Set(2, step_multiplier_);
const T floor_ = 0;
const T initial_step_ = 0;
const T step_multiplier_ = 0;
const size_t array_size_ = 0;
ArrayValue<T> array_;
} // namespace internal
using IntMetric = internal::NumericMetric<int64_t>;
using UintMetric = internal::NumericMetric<uint64_t>;
using DoubleMetric = internal::NumericMetric<double>;
using IntArray = internal::ArrayValue<int64_t>;
using UintArray = internal::ArrayValue<uint64_t>;
using DoubleArray = internal::ArrayValue<double>;
using LinearIntHistogram = internal::LinearHistogram<int64_t>;
using LinearUintHistogram = internal::LinearHistogram<uint64_t>;
using LinearDoubleHistogram = internal::LinearHistogram<double>;
using ExponentialIntHistogram = internal::ExponentialHistogram<int64_t>;
using ExponentialUintHistogram = internal::ExponentialHistogram<uint64_t>;
using ExponentialDoubleHistogram = internal::ExponentialHistogram<double>;
// A property containing a string value.
// All methods wrap the corresponding functionality on |internal::State|.
class Property final {
// Construct a default property. Operations on this property are
// no-ops.
Property() = default;
// Allow moving, disallow copying.
Property(const Property& other) = delete;
Property(Property&& other) = default;
Property& operator=(const Property& other) = delete;
Property& operator=(Property&& other);
// Set the string value of this property.
void Set(fbl::StringPiece value);
// Return true if this property is stored in a buffer. False otherwise.
explicit operator bool() { return state_.get() != nullptr; }
friend class internal::State;
Property(fbl::RefPtr<internal::State> state, internal::BlockIndex name,
internal::BlockIndex value)
: state_(std::move(state)), name_index_(name), value_index_(value) {}
// Reference to the state containing this property.
fbl::RefPtr<internal::State> state_;
// Index of the name block in the state.
internal::BlockIndex name_index_;
// Index of the value block in the state.
internal::BlockIndex value_index_;
// An object under which properties, metrics, and other objects may be nested.
// All methods wrap the corresponding functionality on |internal::State|.
class Object final {
// Construct a default object. Operations on this object are
// no-ops.
Object() = default;
// Allow moving, disallow copying.
Object(const Object& other) = delete;
Object(Object&& other) = default;
Object& operator=(const Object& other) = delete;
Object& operator=(Object&& other);
// Create a new |Object| with the given name that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created object will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] Object CreateChild(fbl::StringPiece name);
// Create a new |IntMetric| with the given name that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created metric will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] IntMetric CreateIntMetric(fbl::StringPiece name, int64_t value);
// Create a new |UintMetric| with the given name that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created metric will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] UintMetric CreateUintMetric(fbl::StringPiece name, uint64_t value);
// Create a new |DoubleMetric| with the given name that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created metric will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] DoubleMetric CreateDoubleMetric(fbl::StringPiece name, double value);
// Create a new |Property| with the given name and format that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created property will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] Property CreateProperty(fbl::StringPiece name,
fbl::StringPiece value, PropertyFormat format);
// Create a new |IntArray| with the given name and format that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created value will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] IntArray CreateIntArray(fbl::StringPiece name, size_t slots, ArrayFormat format);
// Create a new |UintArray| with the given name and format that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created value will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] UintArray CreateUintArray(fbl::StringPiece name, size_t slots, ArrayFormat format);
// Create a new |DoubleArray| with the given name and format that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created value will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] DoubleArray CreateDoubleArray(fbl::StringPiece name, size_t slots, ArrayFormat format);
// Create a new |LinearIntHistogram| with the given name and format that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created value will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] LinearIntHistogram CreateLinearIntHistogram(
fbl::StringPiece name, int64_t floor, int64_t step_size, size_t buckets);
// Create a new |LinearUintHistogram| with the given name and format that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created value will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] LinearUintHistogram CreateLinearUintHistogram(
fbl::StringPiece name, uint64_t floor, uint64_t step_size, size_t buckets);
// Create a new |LinearDoubleHistogram| with the given name and format that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created value will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] LinearDoubleHistogram CreateLinearDoubleHistogram(
fbl::StringPiece name, double floor, double step_size, size_t buckets);
// Create a new |ExponentialIntHistogram| with the given name and format that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created value will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] ExponentialIntHistogram CreateExponentialIntHistogram(
fbl::StringPiece name, int64_t floor, int64_t initial_step, int64_t step_multiplier, size_t buckets);
// Create a new |ExponentialUintHistogram| with the given name and format that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created value will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] ExponentialUintHistogram CreateExponentialUintHistogram(
fbl::StringPiece name, uint64_t floor, uint64_t initial_step, uint64_t step_multiplier, size_t buckets);
// Create a new |ExponentialDoubleHistogram| with the given name and format that is a child of this object.
// If this object is not stored in a buffer, the created value will
// also not be stored in a buffer.
[[nodiscard]] ExponentialDoubleHistogram CreateExponentialDoubleHistogram(
fbl::StringPiece name, double floor, double initial_step, double step_multiplier, size_t buckets);
// Return true if this object is stored in a buffer. False otherwise.
explicit operator bool() { return state_.get() != nullptr; }
friend class internal::State;
Object(fbl::RefPtr<internal::State> state, internal::BlockIndex name,
internal::BlockIndex value)
: state_(std::move(state)), name_index_(name), value_index_(value) {}
// Reference to the state containing this metric.
fbl::RefPtr<internal::State> state_;
// Index of the name block in the state.
internal::BlockIndex name_index_;
// Index of the value block in the state.
internal::BlockIndex value_index_;
} // namespace vmo
} // namespace inspect