{% set rfcid = “RFC-0148” %} {% include “docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md” %}

{{ rfc.name }}: {{ rfc.title }}


Guidelines for project and infrastructure owners in the Fuchsia ecosystem to create sustainable CI (Continuous Integration) experiences.


Until mid-2021, we kept most of our source code and prebuilts centralized in one “Fuchsia tree”. Accordingly, the infrastructure and its owners have been mostly dedicated towards supporting that one tree.

As new out-of-tree projects e.g. RFC-0095 are brought up, in-tree contributors may newly become out-of-tree contributors. The out-of-tree CI systems should deliver a comparable or better experience than the in-tree experience, and the experience should be familiar enough such that switching between projects is low-friction. Otherwise, working out-of-tree represents a productivity loss which can discourage evolution of the platform.

At the same time, the infrastructure team size won't be able to scale linearly relative to the number of out-of-tree projects. We need to generalize our CI capabilities from “mostly tailored to the Fuchsia project” to “usable by many projects in the Fuchsia ecosystem”. Otherwise, each project will demand custom infrastructure and its own dedicated maintainers.

The lessons learned from building and maintaining Fuchsia's CI over the last several years offer us a foundation for what to do, continue, and/or avoid with respect to project-infrastructure integration going forward. Ultimately, the goals of our CI systems are to make our projects easy to change, hard to break, and efficient to ship: this RFC gives high-level recommendations to project and infrastructure owners such that said systems can best achieve these goals.






This design was initially socialized with the Fuchsia engineering productivity mailing list, iterated on in a Google doc, and shared with relevant stakeholders to identify the reviewers listed in the above section. It was then converted to markdown following the RFC template and moved to the RFC “Iterate” stage.


The “Avoid” subsections below enumerate common pitfalls which negatively impact a project‘s CI, the project’s contributors, and/or the infrastructure owners. Conversely, the “Must Have” and “Consider” subsections are guidelines to help navigate said pitfalls and more. They do not form an exhaustive list: they do not include considerations for performance tracking, flake detection, etc. which may also improve long-term project health but aren't required for a minimally viable CI implementation.

Avoid: Infrastructure dependence on project internals

When the infrastructure depends on project internals, both sides become harder to change. Hitting infrastructure sharp edges when making seemingly benign changes has been a long-standing pain point when working in Fuchsia, and is one of the bigger complaints that contributors have about the engineering process.

For example, the infrastructure used to know many (and still knows some) internal details of the Fuchsia build system which created sharp edges in development i.e. the Fuchsia build was not free to change if it violated any of the infrastructure's expectations. The infrastructure code does not live alongside the Fuchsia code and thus its expectations can be hard to discover: they are often only made known at presubmit or postsubmit runtime when something fails. Other harmful examples include the infrastructure hardcoding paths in the checkout, the names of tests, etc. Such references tend to organically accumulate, progressively creating more and more friction over time.

Keeping the infrastructure compatible with the project becomes increasingly difficult the more branches are involved and/or the longer they live. Either the infrastructure is versioned in the project's history, or the live version of the infrastructure must maintain compatibility with all active branches of the project.

Also, when the infrastructure is encoding a lot of project-specific knowledge, it's likely that each project has its own accompanying set of tailored CI scripts, which has linearly-scaling implementation and maintenance costs.

Avoid: Non-trivial reproduction of infrastructure behavior

When contributors cannot reproduce what the infrastructure is doing, the infrastructure's results become much less actionable.

To debug unreproducible test failures, one will need to repeatedly submit patches to the infrastructure until the test(s) pass, which is generally slower and more resource-intensive than debugging locally. It also feeds the notion that testing locally is pointless because the pass/fail correlation to infrastructure-run tests is low.

The same goes for builds which are difficult to reproduce or cannot be reproduced locally. The infrastructure should not be configuring builds in a way that diverges heavily from developer workflows in non-obvious ways. For example, as of this writing, the Fuchsia SDK remains difficult to build locally. The infrastructure maintains its own logic which significantly differs from the internal-only fx script, and there is no automation which checks that they produce the same output.

In degenerate cases, unreproducible infrastructure behavior can force “temporary” disabling of failing builds or tests to unblock submission and recover the CI. In this state, they can further degrade from stacking breakages, effectively becoming permanently disabled due to the impracticality of a fix.

Avoid: Floating dependencies

Projects should avoid using floating dependencies, e.g. “fetch the latest version of Bazel on the fly”. Floating dependencies include the machine's pre-installed software.

Any floating dependencies can flow into builds and tests, rendering them non-hermetic. With floating dependencies, the infrastructure's results cannot be fully attributable to the exact CL or commit(s) under test, because they are not the only possible sources of change. Note that parts of the infrastructure itself can often effectively be floating dependencies. Network flakiness is an example of a common source of unpredictability in test results.

Floating dependencies create correspondingly larger headaches the more stable the build is expected to be. For example, release branches typically only accept hotfixes to minimize the risk of introducing new bugs, but floating dependencies always represent such a risk.

They also contribute to the mysterious “it works locally, but not in the infrastructure” phenomenon and vice-versa.

Must Have: Reproducible checkout

A project‘s checkout must be fully reproducible with a simple series of steps on a “clean” workspace. That workspace could be a developer’s machine or an infrastructure machine. An “update” of an existing checkout at a commit-ish must always yield the same result as if the checkout was created freshly from that commit-ish, at any point in time. This means that all fetched dependencies must be pinned. A pinned (non-floating) dependency is ideally cryptographic and deterministic e.g. a content hash. An immutable reference can also be acceptable e.g. a semantic version as a git tag, though the former is preferred.

Not only does a reproducible checkout provide a great experience for developers getting started with a project, but it also makes the infrastructure‘s view of the project less likely to diverge from the developer’s view.

Non-reproducibility can also come from source code or binaries being deleted and/or made inaccessible at any point in time. Hosting locations must be approved by the Fuchsia infrastructure owners before they are integrated into a project's checkout.

Must Have: Clear separations between checkout, build, and test

A project must have clear separations of its checkout, build, and test phases. This is necessary for the infrastructure to enforce security boundaries, as well as optimize checkout, build, and test runtimes and resource usage. Clearly separated phases also allow for better attribution of failures, especially infrastructure failures versus user errors. For example, a failing build should be attributable to a code issue and not, say, a timeout when fetching a remote dependency.

The checkout phase fetches the source code and any dependencies. After the checkout phase, one must have everything required to build. This means that the build phase is hermetic i.e. cannot fetch any dependencies on the fly.

A build must be able to run without internet access. In practice, it still may access the internet when using a remote distributed compiler, but only as a performance optimization (it should not change the result of the build). This requirement also benefits users working offline or with limited internet access e.g. airborne users.

A project must not assume that the build and test phases are run on the same machine in the infrastructure. For example, Fuchsia builds are run on separate machines (with more cores) from test orchestrators and executors. This allows the infrastructure to allocate machine resources more efficiently and speed up builds.

Similarly, tests should be hermetic i.e. their inputs are explicitly mapped. See Testing scope for more information. Tests shouldn't assume the existence of a full checkout or build on the machine they are being run on, and should not depend on other tests running on the same machine. The infrastructure may shard tests onto separate machines, passing over only the explicitly mapped inputs.

As for linters, they may be run post-checkout or post-build to provide non-binary pass/fail hints in the context of code analysis and/or code review. Linters which operate on the checkout can be considered part of the checkout phase; likewise, linters which operate on build outputs can be considered part of the build phase. They can be assumed to run on the same machine as their associated phase.

Consider: Reproducible build

Any two builds, given the same checkout and dependencies, should ideally yield bit-for-bit identical outputs whether on a developer's machine or on an infrastructure machine. If not bit-for-bit identical, builds should be at minimum be functionally equivalent. Reproducible builds, like reproducible checkouts, help to create consistent views of the project across users and across time.

Build reproducibility includes not depending on system-provisioned tools or services, e.g. not depending on curl, ping, ip, etc. from the system. The build should depend only on the checkout, which is thus responsible for vendoring all build dependencies. Along similar lines, projects should be wary of using any technologies which are not easily portable across platforms. Ideally, a project should be runnable on vanilla installations of Debian/Ubuntu Linux, MacOS, or Windows.

Note that the minimal set of dependencies required to actually bootstrap a checkout should never flow beyond the checkout. For example, if bash is required to perform the checkout, and bash is also required by the build, the checkout should be pulling in a vendored bash. The build should then use that vendored bash, not the bash used to bootstrap the checkout.

To speed up the build in presubmit, the infrastructure may seed the build directory from a cache during the checkout phase. If incremental builds are not always handled correctly, this strategy can create non-deterministic behavior. In presubmit, the occasional incremental build issue can often be worth the tradeoff for build speed. However, this optimization should not be used beyond presubmit, and absolutely never for official builds where correctness and security cannot be compromised.

Consider: Clear layering of project and infrastructure

The infrastructure is responsible for automating builds and tests for projects at scale. Emphasis on “automation at scale”: a project should support performing these tasks locally, mostly or entirely independently of the infrastructure.

This implies that the infrastructure holds very little logic to build and test any specific project. These capabilities should be surfaced by the projects themselves, and invoked by the infrastructure without knowledge aside from well-known entrypoints, outputs, and configurations. A useful mental model is to view the infrastructure as a new contributor going through a project's “Getting Started” guide on building and testing.

For example, fint is an abstraction over Fuchsia‘s build system which obscures its internals from the infrastructure’s view. With fint, the infrastructure does not even know or care that Fuchsia uses GN. This reduces the amount of sharp edges that Fuchsia contributors can encounter when modifying the build.

The infrastructure should also not be holding the configuration to fetch any project dependencies, e.g. Bazel, Python3, miscellaneous Toolchains, etc. The dependencies should be declared by the projects themselves. Infrastructure machines should not be assumed to include any dependencies by default aside from the minimal set of tools required to bootstrap a checkout. Project owners should expect the available pre-installed set of tools to be reduced in the future.

There are still some cases where a project needs to know infrastructure expectations. Some special kinds of outputs which are post-processed by the infrastructure should follow an infrastructure-defined contract. For example, binary size reports or code coverage reports to be displayed in Gerrit should conform to the expected formats. This way, the infrastructure doesn't need custom handling for each project which uses a particular infrastructure feature.

Consider: Favoring CI configuration over code

In order to scale the number of supported projects, the infrastructure should favor new configuration over new code. As an example, the CI code used to build a class of similar projects should mostly be shared either at the scripting or library levels. Configuration can account for any necessary differences between projects e.g. repository URL, service accounts, checkout strategy, build entrypoint, artifact upload destination, etc.

We support two checkout tools: Jiri or Git (with or without submodules). Projects should use one of these options. Prebuilt dependencies should be hosted by Git-on-Borg or CIPD. The infrastructure code for building should also be mostly shared if the logic to build each project is well-abstracted per the section above.

By favoring configuration, the implementation cost for new CIs should be lower than writing new CI code from scratch, which benefits projects needing to spin up quickly. They also benefit from ongoing support and maintenance of the shared infrastructure codebase and services.

Consider: Build output abstraction

To facilitate the consumption of build artifacts, the build should have a well-documented contract for its output surface area. The infrastructure is likely to be a consumer of this surface area in order to perform various post-build actions, e.g. uploading data to BigQuery, sharding and running tests, or running binary size checks. This is in contrast to “intermediate” build outputs which should be considered internals, and not depended directly on by downstream consumers.

Project-defined tools can also be consumers of the build output. For example, the artifactory tool reads Fuchsia's build output to locate and organize build artifacts in cloud storage. The infrastructure is only responsible for invoking the tool with the infrastructure-specific arguments i.e. a storage bucket name and a unique build identifier.

The build contract may adhere to some common infrastructure APIs. This helps keep integrations robust, e.g. integration with the infrastructure‘s code coverage service. Changes to the build internals of generating code coverage metrics shouldn’t require code changes on the infrastructure side.

The build contract should be tested e.g. schema changes don't result in hard-transitions for downstream consumers.

Consider: Main-first development

Projects should aim to keep the build healthy at tip-of-tree. This lets all contributors live near the latest version of the code without needing to spin off branches or work on an older version of the tree to sidestep bugs. This helps reduce merge conflicts and prevents contributors from having significantly different views of the project at any given time.

By default, the infrastructure‘s presubmit will try to rebase CLs onto tip-of-tree (as this is a proxy for testing a clean submission), so it is practical for a contributor’s workflow to be as close as possible to this behavior. Just as developers have similar views of the codebase, so should the infrastructure.

The infrastructure's postsubmit facilitates keeping the build healthy at tip-of-tree by continually testing tip-of-tree as new CLs land. If the build goes red at tip-of-tree, this should be quickly reported by the infrastructure and actioned by developers.

Sandbox branches may be used for code which is not intended to be submitted. Note that their use is generally an exception to the norm, and not a first-class flow backed by the infrastructure.

Consider: Fast roll and release cadences

Each project should attempt to roll its dependencies at a fast cadence. The infrastructure should facilitate this by automating the process of rolling dependencies, and project owners should fix failing roll attempts with high priority. Ideally, dependencies are rolled within O(hours) of release. The staler a dependency is, the harder it becomes to roll forward and/or apply cherry-picks. This is especially critical for security patches which are time-sensitive.

In the same vein, each project should attempt to release at a fast cadence. The infrastructure should facilitate this by automating the release process after code integrates cleanly into mainline (commonly referred to as “continuous deployment”). Project owners should invest heavily in writing automated tests such that releases from near-tip-of-tree can be reliably integrated downstream, following the main-first development model.

The infrastructure should also provide visibility into the dependency graph of projects, where projects form the “nodes”, and rolls and releases form the “edges”. Project owners should be able to trace CLs flowing through the graph and discover where CLs have landed, or have gotten stuck, etc.


This RFC gives high-level guidelines on how projects should interface with the infrastructure, but is intentionally light on implementation details. Each project may follow the guidelines in any number of ways, and we don't want to create artificial constraints by prescribing specifics. New out-of-tree projects are still getting off the ground at this time, and anything we map out here is likely to go stale as the projects evolve.

Security considerations

While projects are encouraged to own their build and test logic, the infrastructure must still own the security boundaries. Source code and/or artifacts for each project must be able to securely flow into the next in order for the many-project ecosystem to ultimately ship onto products.

The inputs to a CI task must be trusted: all source code and binaries must be fetched from hosting locations which are approved by the Fuchsia infrastructure owners. After the checkout phase is complete, there can be no more inputs, and this should be enforced by the infrastructure e.g. attempting to fetch a dependency during the build phase should result in an error.

Any outputs of the task should provide provenance i.e. artifact was built from project at revision:X. When artifacts are uploaded, the infrastructure should enforce that the artifacts are uploaded to storage with appropriate scope. For instance, a project which depends on internal source code must be prevented from uploading artifacts to a public bucket.


The CI systems referred to in this RFC will enable building and testing new projects at scale in a similar fashion as they do for the Fuchsia project today. This reduces the amount of manual testing and debugging that project contributors will need to do at their desks, in favor of offloading work to infrastructure machines.

On the infrastructure side, Fuchsia's CI has already been worked on extensively to enable automated testing at scale of its own code: in other words, the CI is capable of testing changes to itself. Though some generalization may be needed, we will largely inherit these capabilities when building new CIs.


This RFC will serve as a reference for new and existing projects.

On the infrastructure side, we will write documentation on new CI configuration once we have generalized those capabilities, such that the process can be mostly self-service. We will also generalize the existing documentation to account for new out-of-tree projects rather than only applying to the in-tree infrastructure.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns

Like many software development best practices, following these best practices may be more upfront effort for project contributors. For example, tracking floating dependencies is a commonly used shortcut for quick iteration on the cutting edge without the need for rollers. It can be argued that they are a useful hack in the short term, but they should be considered technical debt, among the other discouraged practices in this RFC.

Finding the best balance of technical debt for each new project is unknown, as it had been during the development of Fuchsia. We continue to pay down build, test, and infrastructure technical debt over time which was often taken to meet project goals. This RFC does not seek to prevent technical debt, but rather to make such tradeoffs more informed and intentional.