{% set rfcid = “RFC-0123” %} {% include “docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md” %}

{{ rfc.name }}: {{ rfc.title }}


This RFC proposes a mechanism by which a userspace agent may interact with the kernel regarding CPU performance, both to update the performance scales used by the kernel scheduler and to query its state.


In order to schedule work effectively across CPUs in heterogeneous architectures such as big.LITTLE, the Zircon kernel scheduler models the relative performances of CPUs. At time of writing, the performance scales that describe these relative performances are static, provided by data in the ZBI.

When performing thermal CPU throttling of a big.LITTLE system, the frequencies of big and little cores are typically not scaled by identical factors, so their relative performances change dynamically. Unlike most other operating systems, in Fuchsia, modifications to core frequencies are performed in userspace, and the scheduler must be notified across the kernel boundary of changes to relative CPU performances. That communication necessitates new syscalls.


Performance scale


Before considering the proposed syscalls, it is useful to understand the concept of performance scale, which already exists within the kernel scheduler. Performance scale describes the ratio of the performance of a CPU operating at its current speed to a system-dependent reference performance, where performance can be measured using any suitable metric, such as DMIPS. At time of writing — but not necessarily in the future — the reference performance is that of the most powerful CPU operating at its maximum speed, so 1.0 is the maximum performance scale value. Typically, a vendor provides a performance value for each CPU operating at a nominal speed, and performance is assumed to vary linearly with CPU frequency.

For example, on a big.LITTLE system, a vendor might provide performance data indicating that a big core at its maximum speed performs twice the DMIPS as a little core operating at its own maximum speed. If the reference performance corresponds to a big core running at its maximum speed, then that operating condition corresponds to performance scale 1.0, while a little core at its maximum speed would have performance scale 0.5. Reducing a big core‘s speed by 25% gives it a new performance scale of 0.75, while reducing the little core’s speed by 25% changes its performance scale to 0.375.

More precisely, if fref is a reference frequency with known performance scale sref, then frequency fnew has performance scale snew=sreffnew/fref. In general, one reference frequency is required for each distinct CPU architecture in the system.

Typically, only a fixed number of frequency combinations are supported by a given system. For example, it is typical that CPUs in the same cluster must have the same frequency, and that each cluster only supports a relatively small number of distinct frequencies. However, it is beyond the scope of the kernel to track which performance scales are valid. As such, the kernel trusts userspace to provide realistic values, and it will use values provided via the proposed API to the best of its ability.

Fixed point representation

To avoid using floating point numbers, performance scales are represented using fixed point numbers, specified by a struct

  typedef struct zx_cpu_performance_scale {
    uint32_t integral_part;
    uint32_t fractional_part;  // Increments of 2**-32
  } zx_cpu_performance_scale_t;

integral_part and fractional_part describe the integer and fractional parts, respectively, with fractional_part specifying increments of 2-32. Conversion between real and fixed point representations should be done according to the following functions:

zx_status_t ToFixedPoint(double real, zx_cpu_performance_scale_t* scale) {
  double integer;
  double fraction = std::modf(real, &integer);

  // Converting from double to fixed point should fail if the input's integer
  // part is too large.
  if (integer > static_cast<double>(UINT32_MAX)) {

  scale->integral_part = static_cast<uint32_t>(integer);

  // Rounding down the fractional part is suggested but should not matter
  // much in practice. A difference of 1 in the output is a difference of only
  // 2**-32 in the corresponding real value.
  scale->fractional_part = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::ldexp(fraction, 32));

  return ZX_OK;

double FromFixedPoint(zx_cpu_performance_scale_t scale) {
  return static_cast<double>(scale.integral_part)
    + std::ldexp(scale.fractional_part, -32);

Syscall 1: zx_system_set_performance_info

The first syscall allows a userspace agent to set performance scales used by the kernel scheduler:

zx_status_t zx_system_set_performance_info(
    zx_handle_t resource,
    uint32_t topic,
    const void* new_info,
    size_t info_count

Its arguments are:

  • resource: A resource that grants permission to this call. Must be ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE, a new resource introduced specifically for this API, or the call will fail.

  • topic: The type of performance referenced by this call. Must be ZX_CPU_PERF_SCALE, which will be defined upon proposal implementation.

  • new_info: A valid zx_cpu_performance_info_t[], whose elements are specified by

    typedef struct zx_cpu_performance_info {
        uint32_t logical_cpu_number;
        zx_cpu_performance_scale_t performance_scale;
    } zx_cpu_performance_info_t;

    where zx_cpu_performance_t is defined above.

    logical_cpu_number specifies the CPU whose info is described by the struct, using the same numbering scheme utilized by the kernel. Each logical_cpu_number must be a valid CPU identifier. Elements of new_info must be sorted in order of strictly increasing logical_cpu_number (and consequently, each logical_cpu_number may appear only once).

    performance_scale represents the new performance scale for the indicated CPU, and it should correspond to the CPU's new frequency as described previously. However, the kernel does not validate inputs against supported CPU frequencies; any positive value is allowed as an input.

    An input scale of {.integral_part = 0, .fractional_part = 0} is invalid so as not to be confused with a request to offline a core, a procedure with a distinct mechanism that is expected to have a different API in the future.

    The kernel may internally override a valid input with the nearest value that the scheduler can utilize. For example, at time of writing, the maximum supported performance scale is 1.0. Therefore, if performance_scale represents a value larger than 1.0, then the kernel will internally clamp it to {.integral_part = 1, .fractional_part = 0}.

    If the call to zx_system_set_performance_info fails, then the kernel takes no action, and new_info has no effect.

    If the call succeeds, then the kernel scheduler will utilize modified performance scales corresponding to new_info beginning with the next reschedule operation, which in general occurs sometime after the call returns. The kernel will not modify its performance scales for CPUs not referenced in new_info.

    Changes made by this call will persist until reboot or until they are overridden by further use of this API.

  • info_count: The number of elements in new_info. Must be positive and no greater than the number of CPUs in the system.

Error conditions


  • resource is not a valid handle.


  • resource is not a valid resource handle or is not of kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM.


  • topic is not ZX_CPU_PERF_SCALE.
  • new_info is an invalid pointer.
  • new_info is not sorted by strictly increasing logical_cpu_number.


  • resource is of kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM but is not equal to ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE.
  • info_count is 0 or exceeds the number of CPUs.
  • A logical_cpu_number was invalid.
  • An input performance_scale was {.integral_part = 0, .fractional_part = 0}.

Intended usage

zx_system_set_performance_info should be used to notify the kernel of changes in CPU performance whenever CPU frequency is changed. The API supports specification of performance scales for only a subset of CPUs because different CPUs may be controlled by different entities.

If a CPU's frequency is to be decreased, it is recommended that zx_system_set_performance_info be called before the frequency change has occurred. Doing so gives the kernel scheduler the opportunity to reduce load on that CPU before its capacity is decreased. (The scheduler is expected to respond quickly enough that no further coordination is needed; this expectation will be confirmed once support is implemented.)

Conversely, if a CPU's frequency is to be increased, it is recommended that zx_system_set_performance_info be called after the frequency change has occurred, notifying the scheduler of new capacity only once it is available.

In either case, should an update to CPU frequency fail, the caller must update the kernel scheduler based on the resulting CPU state. The caller should attempt to determine the post-failure CPU frequency and use that to inform a separate call to zx_system_set_performance_info. If the frequency cannot be determined (e.g. if an associated driver has failed outright), the caller should make a pessimistic (low) guess as to the resulting CPU speed. This recommendation may evolve as it is given further consideration; see for example fxbug.dev/84685.

The new API will ultimately be utilized by a to-be-developed “CPU Manager” component that will be responsible for userspace administration of CPUs. Rather than interacting directly with CPU drivers, agents that wish to modify CPU frequency will register requests with CPU Manager, which will coordinate frequency changes with updates to the kernel as described in this proposal.

CPU Manager will also take over responsibility for thermal throttling of CPU — the motivating use case for this proposal — from Power Manager.

Syscall 2: zx_system_get_performance_info

The second syscall retrieves performance information for all CPUs:

zx_status_t zx_system_get_performance_info(
    zx_handle_t resource,
    uint32_t topic,
    void* info,
    size_t info_count
    size_t* output_count

Its arguments are:

  • resource: A resource that grants permission to this call. Must be ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE.

  • topic: Either ZX_CPU_PERF_SCALE or ZX_CPU_DEFAULT_PERF_SCALE, which will be defined upon proposal implementation. The topic determines the content written to info, described below.

  • info: A valid zx_cpu_performance_info_t[] with length equal to the number of CPUs in the system.

    If the call fails, info is unmodified.

    If the call succeeds, then upon return info contains one element for each CPU, ordered by increasing logical_cpu_number. Each element's performance_scale is populated based on topic:

    • ZX_CPU_PERF_SCALE: performance_scale stores the kernel's current performance scale for the indicated CPU. The value provided reflects the most recent call to zx_system_set_performance_info even if the next reschedule operation has not yet taken place.

    • ZX_CPU_DEFAULT_PERF_SCALE: performance_scale stores the default performance scale used by the kernel on boot for the indicated CPU.

  • info_count: Length of the info array; must equal the number of CPUs in the system.

  • output_count: If the call succeeds, this will contain the number of elements written to info. If the call fails, its value is unspecified.

Error conditions


  • resource is not a valid handle.


  • resource is not a valid resource handle or is not of kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM.


  • info is an invalid pointer.


  • resource is of kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM but is not equal to ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE.
  • info_count does not equal the total number of CPUs in the system.

Intended usage

The behavior under ZX_CPU_PERF_SCALE allows a userspace agent to query performance scales for diagnostic purposes. This may be useful, for example, for an agent to assess system state when it first starts or as a signal to a crash report.

The behavior under ZX_CPU_DEFAULT_PERF_SCALE allows an agent to confirm that the performance scales with which it is configured agree with those in use by the kernel.



  • The new syscalls must be implemented, gated by a new resource ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE.

  • The kernel scheduler must be modified to support dynamic performance scales, updating them to use the most recent values provided by zx_system_set_performance_info, and additionally exposing its currently-used and default performance scales to zx_system_get_performance_info.

Component manager

A new protocol CpuResource must be defined and must be implemented by Component Manager to provide the ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE resource. This follows a pre-existing pattern for resources that gate syscalls.


The new syscalls themselves will take a negligible amount of time to execute, as they simply touch a small amount of data proportional to the number of CPUs.

Use of zx_cpu_set_performance_info will cause the scheduler to distribute work differently, shifting work towards cores whose performance scales increase relative to the sum of all performance scales, and away from those whose performance scales similarly decrease. The rescheduling process itself will not place a significant amount of load on the scheduler.

Rescheduling will lead to expected changes in system performance. Testing of these changes is equivalent to testing the scheduler for functional correctness and is addressed in Testing.

Security considerations

Both new syscalls are gated by the new resource handle ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE. For zx_system_set_performance_info, this protection addresses the clear concern of malicious interference with the scheduler. For zx_system_get_performance_info, there is the subtler concern of data leakage; an untrusted entity should not be trusted to know the kernel‘s performance scales, which will typically provide information about the system’s supported P-states.

Privacy considerations

This proposal has no meaningful impact on privacy.


  • Core tests will be added to exercise basic success and failure criteria.
  • Unit tests will be added to validate the scheduler‘s handling of updated performance scales. They will verify that if a deadline thread is pinned to a CPU, and that CPU’s performance scale is modified by factor α, then the actual time allotted to the thread is multiplied by 1/α.


The Zircon syscall documentation will be updated to include the new API.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns


A more general interface was considered, such as a zx_set_cpu_properties syscall that could eventually handle additional interactions between the kernel and CPUs, like offlining. Ultimately, we opted for a narrow interface because very few clients of this interface are expected, keeping the cost of future changes to the proposed interface relatively small. Requirements placed on a more general interface would be largely guesswork at this point.

Alternative call structure

As an alternative to the set-only operation of zx_system_set_performance_info, a combined get/set operation was considered that returns the prior performance scales for CPUs whose scales were modified. This was intended as a means of ensuring that the caller is capable of reverting performance scale changes should lower-level execution of the associated frequency change fail.

However, further consideration revealed that a simple reversion of changes would not be sufficient. This resulted in a more complex set of failure-handling recommendations and led back to the simpler set-only operation.

Finally, zx_system_get_performance_info is needed to support hermetic testing, in which case direct reversion of changes is appropriate, and supports diagnostic use cases.

Alternative CPU indexing

We considered using an alternative scheme for indexing CPUs, such as referring to them by physical CPU number. However, since the kernel has no other need for such a scheme, it is most consistent with Zircon‘s limited scope to have the API use the kernel’s existing logical CPU numbers. These numbers are consistent on a given system, and a client could either maintain a static per-board configuration to refer to them or potentially access their configuration data from the ZBI.

Alternative to performance scale

We considered that, rather than referring to performance scale directly, the new API might utilize a “speed factor” that the scheduler would apply to the base performance scale for a given CPU. Doing so would reduce the amount of context-specific information a client would need to know; rather than understanding the relative performances between CPUs, it would only need to know the ratio between a CPU's new frequency and its nominal frequency.

We opted against this approach because performance scale is intended to be used in a fundamental way for CPU thermal throttling on a heterogeneous system, so the one anticipated client of this API would receive no meaningful benefit from using speed factors instead. Meanwhile, we would incur the cost both of defining the new concept and modifying the scheduler to utilize it.

Maximum performance scale

This proposal originally represented performance scale using a uint32_t that represented real values in [0.0, 1.0]. In particular, this allowed representation of a maximum value of 1.0.

While 1.0 is the maximum performance scale supported by the Zircon scheduler at time of writing, we decided to allow inputs that represent values greater than 1.0 to support future use cases, such as a turbo mode. Additionally, the previous representation was not fixed point, so it led to values that could not be directly used by the scheduler.

Representation of performance_scale

performance_scale was originally a uint64_t, with the upper 32 bits holding the integer part and the lower 32 bits holding the fractional part. This would have produced 32 bits of padding between fields in zx_cpu_performance_info_t, which introduced a potential leakage vector. The new representation avoids that pitfall.

Allowed values for performance_scale

Careful consideration was given to what values zx_system_set_performance_info should allow as inputs for performance_scale. A value representing 0.0 was determined to be too easily confused for an instruction to offline a CPU — an action that Zircon does not currently support but is expected to in the future using a different API. As such, a value representing 0.0 was determined to be an error.

Very small values warranted special attention as well. For example, an input of {.integral_part = 0, .fractional_part = 1} would represent 2-32, which could reasonably be treated as 0.0, effectively rendering the corresponding core offline. While this would be possible to address by enforcing a minimum allowed value, any such threshold would currently be arbitrary and would further complicate the contract between the kernel and userspace. We felt it most straightforward to treat the new API as a hinting mechanism and leave the kernel with the freedom to override inputs if it needs to do so without exposing internal details related to such a choice.

Future work

Configuration management

Ideally, userspace agents would use the ZBI to share the exact same CPU configuration data utilized by the kernel scheduler. It is unclear whether doing so is currently practical.

Additionally, care must be taken to ensure that both the kernel and userspace agents associate default performance scales with the same nominal frequencies.

Lower bounds on performance scales

In principle, the scheduler can determine minimum performance scales that the system should maintain based on current deadline threads and CPU load. Dynamic versions of these bounds would be an important input to a userspace agent that attempts to utilize lower CPU frequencies for energy efficiency. An additional option to zx_system_get_performance_info would provide a natural means to expose them.

CPU attribution

Some means should be established to associate a thread's attributed CPU time with the performance of the CPU on which it was scheduled. Such association is already relevant to the establishment of performance metrics that are robust to scheduling on big cores versus little cores, and it becomes even more relevant as we develop the machinery surrounding frequency modifications, as with this proposal.

Guaranteed execution of throttling agent

Reduction of CPU frequencies when performing thermal throttling may lead to CPU starvation, which in turn may make the throttling agent's process less likely to be scheduled in a timely fashion. Execution of the throttling agent should be prioritized in an appropriate manner.

Prior art and references

Delegation of responsibility for CPU frequency control to userspace is unusual for operating systems, making prior art on this topic unavailable.