{% set rfcid = “RFC-0102” %} {% include “docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md” %}

{{ rfc.name }}: {{ rfc.title }}


This RFC proposes to make it an error to pass the combination of both ZX_VMO_CHILD_NO_WRITE and ZX_VMO_CHILD_RESIZABLE to zx_vmo_create_child.


Creating a child VMO, using zx_vmo_create_child, that has the ZX_VMO_CHILD_NO_WRITE flag set explicitly removes ZX_RIGHT_WRITE from the produced handle. As this is the only, at this point, handle to the newly created VMO, and its rights can never be upgraded to include ZX_RIGHT_WRITE, no additional handles to the VMO with ZX_RIGHT_WRITE can ever be produced.

The resize operation, zx_vmo_set_size, that can be performed on VMO children created with ZX_VMO_CHILD_RESIZABLE requires ZX_RIGHT_WRITE, as it can result in modifying VMO data.

The combination of passing both of these flags to zx_vmo_create_child results in the successful creation of a VMO, with a handle returned that will error if zx_vmo_set_size is called. It is highly confusing from a user point of view to successfully create an object with ZX_VMO_CHILD_RESZIABLE, only to have the resize operation fail. Not only does it fail on the immediately produced handle, but there is no way for a handle to this object to ever be produced that could be resized, since handle rights cannot be upgraded.


The zx_vmo_create_child syscall will check at the start if both the ZX_VMO_CHILD_NO_WRITE and ZX_VMO_CHILD_RESIZABLE flags are set, and if so immediately return ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS.


All changes can be implemented in a single CL.


Not relevant.

Backwards Compatibility

No known existing usages of this flag combination.

Security considerations


Privacy considerations



Unit test added to validate restriction.


The API documentation of zx_vmo_create_child would need updating.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns

Dedicated resize right

The ZX_RIGHT_WRITE is used to gate the zx_vmo_set_size operation as resizing modifies the VMO via truncation or zero extension. This is a very limited and predicted set of modifications and so could have its own dedicated right to separate it from arbitrary modifications.

Even with such a specialized right, the ZX_VMO_CHILD_NO_WRITE would almost certainly want to strip that permission as well since the purpose of ZX_VMO_CHILD_NO_WRITE is to prevent code modifications. The combination of truncation and zero extension could, especially on variable instruction length architectures like x86, result in the formulation of malicious instructions, even if limited to being done on page boundaries.

Do nothing

The alternative is to leave the syscall how it is, and possibly document the fact that on success a produced handle may not be resizable, even if it was requested.