blob: 633e724e6eecff027904b925711677a64d669909 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
// hammerThread is a way for users to configure specific loads on the cache.
// the times are not maintained precisely due to the fact that the time it
// takes to perform an operation on the cache is assumed to be zero.
type hammerThread struct {
// ReadsPerSec sets the mean rate of read operations for this thread in
// reads per second
ReadsPerSec float64 `json:"rps"`
// ReadTime sets the mean time to hold on to a file for before closing.
ReadTime float64 `json:"read_time"`
// WritesPerSec sets the mean rate of write operations for this thread in
// reads per second.
WritesPerSec float64 `json:"wps"`
// Duration is the number of seconds this thread should run for.
Duration float64 `json:"duration"`
type hammerProc struct {
Threads []hammerThread `json:"threads"`
type fuzzerProc struct {
cache *FileCache
type fuzzKey string
func (f fuzzKey) Hash() string {
return string(f)
type cacheFuzzer struct {
cachePath string
size uint64
procs []fuzzerProc
// TODO: Figure out if write contention is making things slow and bucket
// the keys so that a lock only has to be obtained for the particular part
// of the map being used.
recordLock sync.RWMutex
record map[string]string
// These need to be updated atomically.
totalMisses uint64
totalTries uint64
totalWrites uint64
writeFails uint64
// Makes sure we wait on all threads.
wg sync.WaitGroup
func newCacheFuzzer(config string, cachePath string, size uint64) (*cacheFuzzer, error) {
file := bytes.NewBufferString(config)
var out cacheFuzzer
out.cachePath = cachePath
out.size = size
dec := json.NewDecoder(file)
var procs []hammerProc
for _, proc := range procs {
filecache, err := GetFileCache(cachePath, size)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out.procs = append(out.procs, fuzzerProc{proc, filecache})
out.record = make(map[string]string)
return &out, nil
func (c *cacheFuzzer) checkRead(t *testing.T, readTime float64, filecache *FileCache) {
// Acquire the lock for the minimum amount of time. We want the actual cache
// read to not be blocked by the lock.
var key string
var value string
foundSample := func() bool {
defer func() {
for k, v := range c.record {
key, value = k, v
return true
return false
// Make sure we actually sampled a real key/value pair
if !foundSample {
// Now test that the key and value make sense.
atomic.AddUint64(&c.totalTries, 1)
ref, err := filecache.Get(fuzzKey(key))
// Note that if we miss, it was because the file was culled. We don't attempt
// to test that keys that were never added hit this case.
if err != nil {
atomic.AddUint64(&c.totalMisses, 1)
// Make sure we wait on this to close
// Now hold on to the file for a random amount of time.
go func() {
defer c.wg.Done()
defer ref.Close()
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ref.String())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("could not read file: %v", err)
if string(data) != value {
t.Errorf("could not read file: %v", err)
// Generates a random hex string of 16-bytes with maximal entropy.
// This should give enough enough entropy to ensure that the same
// string is never used twice.
func getRandomString() string {
out := make([]byte, 16)
return hex.EncodeToString(out)
// This function shouldn't actually fail but adds new things to the cache
// so that further gets can be tested later.
func (c *cacheFuzzer) checkWrite(t *testing.T, filecache *FileCache) {
// We want to perform the write without a lock. The only part that should
// lock is updating the internal data structure we use to keep track of keys.
key := getRandomString()
value := getRandomString()
atomic.AddUint64(&c.totalWrites, 1)
file, err := filecache.Add(fuzzKey(key), bytes.NewBufferString(value))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v", err)
atomic.AddUint64(&c.writeFails, 1)
defer c.recordLock.Unlock()
c.record[key] = value
// Sleep for a number of random number of seconds with mean 'beta'.
// Entropy is maximized. To get an expected number of operations per
// second of N you can use 1/N as beta to get maximally entropicly timed
// events. The amount of time slept for is returned.
func sleepRand(beta float64) float64 {
out := rand.ExpFloat64() * beta
time.Sleep(time.Duration(out * float64(time.Second)))
return out
func (c *cacheFuzzer) fuzzThread(t *testing.T, proc fuzzerProc, thread hammerThread) {
// lambda is the expected number of operations per second
lambda := thread.ReadsPerSec + thread.WritesPerSec
// readProb is the probability that one of our operations will be a read.
readProb := thread.ReadsPerSec / lambda
// we need to keep track of the total time we've slept for and die at the end.
totalTime := 0.0
for totalTime < thread.Duration {
totalTime += sleepRand(1.0 / lambda)
if rand.Float64() < readProb {
c.checkRead(t, thread.ReadTime, proc.cache)
} else {
c.checkWrite(t, proc.cache)
// Note that checkRead can call c.wg.Add. It is safe for it to call Add as
// long as it proceeds this Done.
func (c *cacheFuzzer) fuzzProc(t *testing.T, proc fuzzerProc) {
for _, thread := range proc.Threads {
go c.fuzzThread(t, proc, thread)
func (c *cacheFuzzer) fuzz(t *testing.T) {
for _, proc := range c.procs {
c.fuzzProc(t, proc)
const fuzzConfig = `
{ "rps": 1000.0, "read_time": 0.000001, "wps": 100.0, "duration": 1.0 },
{ "rps": 2000.0, "read_time": 0.15, "wps": 100.0, "duration": 0.5 },
{ "rps": 10.0, "read_time": 0.001, "wps": 1000.0, "duration": 1.1 },
{ "rps": 5000.0, "read_time": 0.1, "wps": 10.0, "duration": 0.7 }
{ "rps": 1000.0, "read_time": 0.01, "wps": 100.0, "duration": 1.1 },
{ "rps": 2000.0, "read_time": 0.0001, "wps": 100.0, "duration": 1.2 },
{ "rps": 10.0, "read_time": 0.05, "wps": 1000.0, "duration": 0.3 },
{ "rps": 5000.0, "read_time": 0.001, "wps": 10.0, "duration": 1.3 }
{ "rps": 1000.0, "read_time": 0.01, "wps": 100.0, "duration": 0.5 },
{ "rps": 2000.0, "read_time": 0.001, "wps": 100.0, "duration": 1.0 },
{ "rps": 10.0, "read_time": 0.05, "wps": 1000.0, "duration": 1.5 },
{ "rps": 5000.0, "read_time": 0.005, "wps": 10.0, "duration": 1.0 }
func TestFileCache(t *testing.T) {
cachePath := t.TempDir()
filecache, err := newCacheFuzzer(fuzzConfig, cachePath, 250)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%v", err)
t.Logf("cache hit/miss ratio: %v:%v", filecache.totalTries-filecache.totalMisses, filecache.totalMisses)
t.Logf("write success/fail ratio: %v:%v", filecache.totalWrites-filecache.writeFails, filecache.writeFails)
if err := DeleteCache(cachePath); err != nil {