blob: d2054cd870327dd401a4b487a285cc81cb8cd742 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
const tableTmpl = `
{{- define "TableDeclaration" }}
{{- range .DocComments}}
///{{ . }}
{{- end}}
{{ .Derives }}
pub struct {{ .Name }} {
{{- range .Members }}
{{- range .DocComments}}
///{{ . }}
{{- end}}
pub {{ .Name }}: Option<{{ .Type }}>,
{{- end }}
/// (FIDL-generated) Unknown fields encountered during decoding, stored as a
/// map from ordinals to raw data. The ` + "`Some`" + ` case is always nonempty.
pub unknown_data: Option<std::collections::BTreeMap<u64, {{ if .IsResourceType }}fidl::UnknownData{{ else }}Vec<u8>{{ end }}>>,
#[deprecated = "Use ` + "`..{{ .Name }}::EMPTY` to construct and `..`" + ` to match."]
pub __non_exhaustive: (),
fidl_table! {
name: {{ .Name }},
members: [
{{- range .Members }}
{{ .Name }} {
ty: {{ .Type }},
ordinal: {{ .Ordinal }},
{{- if .HasHandleMetadata }}
handle_metadata: {
handle_subtype: {{ .HandleSubtype }},
handle_rights: {{ .HandleRights }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ if .IsResourceType }}resource{{ else }}value{{ end }}_unknown_member: unknown_data,
{{- end }}