blob: a03e9acbc5e322f4291aff07a613ea731660fd6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
const bitsTemplate = `
{{- define "BitsForwardDeclaration" }}
{{- if .IsStrict }}
{{- /* strict bits */}}
{{- range .DocComments }}
///{{ . }}
{{- end }}
enum class {{ .Name }} : {{ .Type }} {
{{- range .Members }}
{{range .DocComments}}
///{{ . }}
{{- end}}
{{ .Name }} = {{ .Value }},
{{- end }}
const static {{ .Name }} {{ .MaskName }} = static_cast<{{ .Name }}>({{ .Mask }}u);
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} operator|({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} _lhs,
{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} _rhs) {
return static_cast<{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}>(
static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(_lhs) | static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(_rhs));
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& operator|=({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& _lhs,
{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} _rhs) {
_lhs = _lhs | _rhs;
return _lhs;
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} operator&({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} _lhs,
{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} _rhs) {
return static_cast<{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}>(
static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(_lhs) & static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(_rhs));
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& operator&=({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& _lhs,
{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} _rhs) {
_lhs = _lhs & _rhs;
return _lhs;
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} operator^({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} _lhs,
{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} _rhs) {
return static_cast<{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}>(
static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(_lhs) ^ static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(_rhs));
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& operator^=({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& _lhs,
{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} _rhs) {
_lhs = _lhs ^ _rhs;
return _lhs;
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} operator~({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} _value) {
return static_cast<{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}>(
~static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(_value) & static_cast<{{ .Type }}>({{ .MaskName }}));
{{- else }}
{{- /* flexible bits */}}
{{- range .DocComments }}
//{{ . }}
{{- end }}
// |{{ .Name }}| is flexible, hence may contain unknown members not
// defined in the FIDL schema.
class {{ .Name }} final {
constexpr {{ .Name }}() = default;
constexpr {{ .Name }}(const {{ .Name }}& other) = default;
// Constructs an instance of |{{ .Name }}| from an underlying primitive value
// if the primitive does not contain any unknown members not defined in the
// FIDL schema. Otherwise, returns |fit::nullopt|.
constexpr inline static fit::optional<{{ .Name }}> TryFrom({{ .Type }} value) {
if (value & ~kMask.value_) {
return fit::nullopt;
return {{ .Name }}(value & {{ .Name }}::kMask.value_);
// Constructs an instance of |{{ .Name }}| from an underlying primitive value,
// clearing any bit member not defined in the FIDL schema.
constexpr inline static {{ .Name }} TruncatingUnknown({{ .Type }} value) {
return {{ .Name }}(value & {{ .Name }}::kMask.value_);
// Constructs an instance of |{{ .Name }}| from an underlying primitive value,
// preserving any bit member not defined in the FIDL schema.
constexpr explicit {{ .Name }}({{ .Type }} value) : value_(value) {}
{{- range .Members }}
const static {{ $.Name }} {{ .Name }};
{{- end }}
const static {{ .Name }} kMask;
explicit constexpr inline operator {{ .Type }}() const { return value_; }
explicit constexpr inline operator bool() const { return static_cast<bool>(value_); }
constexpr inline bool operator==(const {{ .Name }}& other) const { return value_ == other.value_; }
constexpr inline bool operator!=(const {{ .Name }}& other) const { return value_ != other.value_; }
constexpr inline {{ .Name }} operator~() const;
constexpr inline {{ .Name }} operator|(const {{ .Name }}& other) const;
constexpr inline {{ .Name }} operator&(const {{ .Name }}& other) const;
constexpr inline {{ .Name }} operator^(const {{ .Name }}& other) const;
constexpr inline void operator|=(const {{ .Name }}& other);
constexpr inline void operator&=(const {{ .Name }}& other);
constexpr inline void operator^=(const {{ .Name }}& other);
{{- if .IsFlexible }}
constexpr inline {{ .Name }} unknown_bits() const {
return *this & {{ .Name }}(~kMask.value_);
constexpr inline bool has_unknown_bits() const { return static_cast<bool>(unknown_bits()); }
{{- end }}
{{ .Type }} value_ = 0;
#if !(__cplusplus < 201703)
{{- range $member := .Members }}
constexpr const {{ $.Namespace }}::{{ $.Name }} {{ $.Name }}::{{ $member.Name }} = {{ $.Namespace }}::{{ $.Name }}({{ $member.Value }});
{{- end }}
constexpr const {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} {{ .Name }}::kMask = {{ $.Namespace }}::{{ $.Name }}({{ .Mask }}u);
#endif // !(__cplusplus < 201703)
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} {{ .Name }}::operator~() const {
return {{ $.Namespace }}::{{ $.Name }}(static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(~this->value_ & kMask.value_));
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} {{ .Name }}::operator|(
const {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& other) const {
return {{ $.Namespace }}::{{ $.Name }}(static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(this->value_ | other.value_));
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} {{ .Name }}::operator&(
const {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& other) const {
return {{ $.Namespace }}::{{ $.Name }}(static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(this->value_ & other.value_));
constexpr inline {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} {{ .Name }}::operator^(
const {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& other) const {
return {{ $.Namespace }}::{{ $.Name }}(static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(this->value_ ^ other.value_));
constexpr inline void {{ .Name }}::operator|=(
const {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& other) {
this->value_ |= other.value_;
constexpr inline void {{ .Name }}::operator&=(
const {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& other) {
this->value_ &= other.value_;
constexpr inline void {{ .Name }}::operator^=(
const {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& other) {
this->value_ ^= other.value_;
{{- end }}
inline zx_status_t Clone({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} value,
{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}* result) {
*result = value;
return ZX_OK;
{{- end }}
{{- define "BitsDefinition" }}
{{- if .IsFlexible }}
#if (__cplusplus < 201703)
{{- range $member := .Members }}
constexpr const {{ $.Namespace }}::{{ $.Name }} {{ $.Name }}::{{ $member.Name }} = {{ $.Namespace }}::{{ $.Name }}({{ $member.Value }});
{{- end }}
constexpr const {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} {{ .Name }}::kMask = {{ $.Namespace }}::{{ $.Name }}({{ .Mask }}u);
#endif // (__cplusplus < 201703)
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "BitsTraits" }}
template <>
struct CodingTraits<{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}> {
static constexpr size_t inline_size_old = sizeof({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }});
static constexpr size_t inline_size_v1_no_ee = sizeof({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }});
static void Encode(Encoder* encoder, {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}* value, size_t offset) {
{{ .Type }} underlying = static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(*value);
::fidl::Encode(encoder, &underlying, offset);
static void Decode(Decoder* decoder, {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}* value, size_t offset) {
{{ .Type }} underlying = {};
::fidl::Decode(decoder, &underlying, offset);
*value = static_cast<{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}>(underlying);
inline zx_status_t Clone({{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }} value,
{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}* result) {
return {{ .Namespace }}::Clone(value, result);
struct Equality<{{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}> {
bool operator()(const {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& _lhs, const {{ .Namespace }}::{{ .Name }}& _rhs) const {
{{ .Type }} _lhs_underlying = static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(_lhs);
{{ .Type }} _rhs_underlying = static_cast<{{ .Type }}>(_rhs);
return ::fidl::Equals(_lhs_underlying, _rhs_underlying);
{{- end }}