blob: ef175d25924d0209d952c9583e96c6d043d0605d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a package that contains a single component.
# See:
# Developers often define a package that contains a single component.
# This template fuses together fuchsia_package() and fuchsia_component() as a
# convenience.
# Packages are units of distribution. It is beneficial to define multiple
# components in the same package if you need to guarantee that several
# components are always co-present, or if you'd like to be able to update
# several components at once (by updating a single package).
# This pattern is also commonly used to create hermetic integration tests.
# For instance an integration test between two components where one is a client
# of a service implemented in another component would include both the client
# and server components.
# However for the sake of simplicity, if you're developing a package with just
# a single component then this template will save you some boilerplate.
# Example:
# ```
# executable("rot13_encoder_decoder") {
# sources = [ "" ]
# }
# fuchsia_package_with_single_component("rot13") {
# manifest = "meta/rot13.cmx"
# deps = [ ":rot13_encoder_decoder" ]
# }
# ```
# Parameters
# package_name (optional)
# The name of the package.
# Type: string
# Default: target_name
# component_name (optional)
# The name of the component.
# Type: string
# Default: target_name
# manifest (required)
# The component manifest.
# Type: path
# deps
# testonly
# visibility
template("fuchsia_package_with_single_component") {
"A `manifest` argument was missing when calling fuchsia_package_with_single_component($target_name)")
package_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.package_name)) {
package_name = invoker.package_name
component_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.component_name)) {
component_name = invoker.component_name
component_target = "${target_name}_component"
fuchsia_component(component_target) {
component_name = component_name
visibility = [ ":*" ]
fuchsia_package(target_name) {
package_name = package_name
deps = [ ":$component_target" ]