blob: 28f74057ac06615e7dc8a612b9f1edc577355024 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "in_stream_file.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace {
// Reads <= this size will complete in their entirety. Reads > this size may
// read less.
const uint64_t kCompleteReadThresholdBytes = 1;
static_assert(kCompleteReadThresholdBytes >= 1);
} // namespace
InStreamFile::InStreamFile(async::Loop* fidl_loop, thrd_t fidl_thread,
sys::ComponentContext* component_context, std::string input_file_name)
: InStream(fidl_loop, fidl_thread, component_context), input_file_name_(input_file_name) {
// std::ios::ate means start at the end to tellg() will get the size, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
if (!file_.is_open()) {
Exit("failed to open file %s", input_file_name_.c_str());
std::streampos input_size = file_.tellg();
if (input_size == -1) {
Exit("file.tellg() failed");
eos_position_ = input_size;
eos_position_known_ = true;
file_.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
if (!file_) {
Exit("file_.seekg(0, beg) failed");
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(cursor_position_ == 0);
InStreamFile::~InStreamFile() {
if (!file_) {
Exit("file.close() failed");
zx_status_t InStreamFile::ReadBytesInternal(uint32_t max_bytes_to_read, uint32_t* bytes_read_out,
uint8_t* buffer_out, zx::time just_fail_deadline) {
// This sub-class doesn't enforce just_fail_deadline for now.
// This implementation ignores the timeout, as we're reading from a local file
// so not worth bothering with the timeout at least for now.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(static_cast<uint64_t>(file_.tellg()) == cursor_position_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(cursor_position_ <= eos_position_);
uint64_t bytes_to_read = max_bytes_to_read;
if (cursor_position_ + bytes_to_read > eos_position_) {
bytes_to_read = eos_position_ - cursor_position_;
if (!bytes_to_read) {
// This indicates EOS.
*bytes_read_out = 0;
return ZX_OK;
// To avoid taking a dependency on complete reads, which in general InStream
// doesn't guarantee, we intentionally don't read as much as requested
// sometimes. Yes this does force the client code to perform quite a few
// extra reads - that's intentional.
if (bytes_to_read > kCompleteReadThresholdBytes) {
bytes_to_read = bytes_to_read / 2;
bytes_to_read = std::max(kCompleteReadThresholdBytes, bytes_to_read);
}<char*>(buffer_out), bytes_to_read);
if (!file_) {
Exit(" failed");
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(static_cast<uint64_t>(file_.tellg()) == cursor_position_ + bytes_to_read);
*bytes_read_out = bytes_to_read;
// InStream::ReadBytes() takes care of advancing cursor_position_.
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t InStreamFile::ResetToStartInternal(zx::time just_fail_deadline) {
// This sub-class doesn't envorce just_fail_deadline for now.
file_.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
if (!file_) {
Exit("file_.seekg(0, beg) failed");
cursor_position_ = 0;
return ZX_OK;