blob: 061fbe3bac60a3ebbc6604408f67ee0b5831e0d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/usb/device/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <zircon/hw/usb.h>
#include <optional>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/usb.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/usb/bus.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/usb/hci.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/usb/hub.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <usb/request-cpp.h>
#include <usb/usb-request.h>
namespace usb_bus {
// Abstract waiter class for waiting on a sync_completion_t.
// This is necessary to allow injection of a timer by a test
// into the UsbDevice class, allowing for a simulated clock.
class UsbWaiterInterface : public fbl::RefCounted<UsbWaiterInterface> {
virtual zx_status_t Wait(sync_completion_t* completion, zx_duration_t duration) = 0;
virtual ~UsbWaiterInterface() = default;
class UsbDevice;
using UsbDeviceType =
ddk::Device<UsbDevice, ddk::GetProtocolable, ddk::Messageable, ddk::Unbindable>;
class UsbDevice : public UsbDeviceType,
public ddk::UsbProtocol<UsbDevice, ddk::base_protocol>,
public fbl::RefCounted<UsbDevice>,
public llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::usb::device::Device::Interface {
UsbDevice(zx_device_t* parent, const ddk::UsbHciProtocolClient& hci, uint32_t device_id,
uint32_t hub_id, usb_speed_t speed, fbl::RefPtr<UsbWaiterInterface> waiter)
: UsbDeviceType(parent),
waiter_(waiter) {}
static zx_status_t Create(zx_device_t* parent, const ddk::UsbHciProtocolClient& hci,
uint32_t device_id, uint32_t hub_id, usb_speed_t speed,
fbl::RefPtr<UsbDevice>* out_device);
// Device protocol implementation.
zx_status_t DdkGetProtocol(uint32_t proto_id, void* out);
zx_status_t DdkMessage(fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, fidl_txn_t* txn);
void DdkUnbind(ddk::UnbindTxn txn);
void DdkRelease();
// USB protocol implementation.
zx_status_t UsbControlOut(uint8_t request_type, uint8_t request, uint16_t value, uint16_t index,
int64_t timeout, const void* write_buffer, size_t write_size);
zx_status_t UsbControlIn(uint8_t request_type, uint8_t request, uint16_t value, uint16_t index,
int64_t timeout, void* out_read_buffer, size_t read_size,
size_t* out_read_actual);
void UsbRequestQueue(usb_request_t* usb_request, const usb_request_complete_t* complete_cb);
usb_speed_t UsbGetSpeed();
zx_status_t UsbSetInterface(uint8_t interface_number, uint8_t alt_setting);
uint8_t UsbGetConfiguration();
zx_status_t UsbSetConfiguration(uint8_t configuration);
zx_status_t UsbEnableEndpoint(const usb_endpoint_descriptor_t* ep_desc,
const usb_ss_ep_comp_descriptor_t* ss_com_desc, bool enable);
zx_status_t UsbResetEndpoint(uint8_t ep_address);
zx_status_t UsbResetDevice();
size_t UsbGetMaxTransferSize(uint8_t ep_address);
uint32_t UsbGetDeviceId();
void UsbGetDeviceDescriptor(usb_device_descriptor_t* out_desc);
zx_status_t UsbGetConfigurationDescriptorLength(uint8_t configuration, size_t* out_length);
zx_status_t UsbGetConfigurationDescriptor(uint8_t configuration, void* out_desc_buffer,
size_t desc_size, size_t* out_desc_actual);
size_t UsbGetDescriptorsLength();
void UsbGetDescriptors(void* out_descs_buffer, size_t descs_size, size_t* out_descs_actual);
zx_status_t UsbGetStringDescriptor(uint8_t desc_id, uint16_t lang_id, uint16_t* out_lang_id,
void* out_string_buffer, size_t string_size,
size_t* out_string_actual);
zx_status_t UsbCancelAll(uint8_t ep_address);
uint64_t UsbGetCurrentFrame();
size_t UsbGetRequestSize();
// FIDL messages.
void GetDeviceSpeed(GetDeviceSpeedCompleter::Sync& completer);
void GetDeviceDescriptor(GetDeviceDescriptorCompleter::Sync& completer);
void GetConfigurationDescriptorSize(uint8_t config,
GetConfigurationDescriptorSizeCompleter::Sync& completer);
void GetConfigurationDescriptor(uint8_t config,
GetConfigurationDescriptorCompleter::Sync& completer);
void GetStringDescriptor(uint8_t desc_id, uint16_t lang_id,
GetStringDescriptorCompleter::Sync& completer);
void SetInterface(uint8_t interface_number, uint8_t alt_setting,
SetInterfaceCompleter::Sync& completer);
void GetDeviceId(GetDeviceIdCompleter::Sync& completer);
void GetHubDeviceId(GetHubDeviceIdCompleter::Sync& completer);
void GetConfiguration(GetConfigurationCompleter::Sync& completer);
void SetConfiguration(uint8_t configuration, SetConfigurationCompleter::Sync& completer);
// Hub support.
void SetHubInterface(const usb_hub_interface_protocol_t* hub_intf);
zx_status_t HubResetPort(uint32_t port);
zx_status_t GetDescriptor(uint16_t type, uint16_t index, uint16_t language, void* data,
size_t length, size_t* out_actual);
zx_status_t Reinitialize();
inline uint32_t GetHubId() const { return hub_id_; }
inline usb_speed_t GetSpeed() const { return speed_; }
zx_status_t Init();
struct RequestData {
// True if the request is ready to be processed by the client during the next callback.
bool ready_for_client;
bool require_callback;
size_t silent_completions_count;
using Request = usb::Request<void>;
using UnownedRequest = usb::BorrowedRequest<RequestData>;
using UnownedRequestList = usb::BorrowedRequestList<RequestData>;
using UnownedRequestQueue = usb::BorrowedRequestQueue<RequestData>;
struct Endpoint {
// Requests that have not yet had an associated callback to the client.
UnownedRequestList pending_reqs __TA_GUARDED(lock);
fbl::Mutex lock;
int CallbackThread();
void StartCallbackThread();
void StopCallbackThread();
Endpoint* GetEndpoint(uint8_t ep_address);
// Updates the endpoint state with the completed request.
// As erroneous requests may complete out of order, the request queued prior to it will also
// get a callback. If that prior request has also already completed,
// |out_additional_callback| will be populated.
// Returns true if a callback is required.
bool UpdateEndpoint(Endpoint* ep, usb_request_t* completed_req);
void RequestComplete(usb_request_t* req);
void QueueCallback(usb_request_t* req);
static void ControlComplete(void* ctx, usb_request_t* req);
zx_status_t Control(uint8_t request_type, uint8_t request, uint16_t value, uint16_t index,
zx_time_t timeout, const void* write_buffer, size_t write_size,
void* out_read_buffer, size_t read_size, size_t* out_read_actual);
const usb_configuration_descriptor_t* GetConfigDesc(uint8_t config);
// ID assigned by host controller driver.
const uint32_t device_id_;
// device_id of the hub we are attached to (or zero for root hub).
const uint32_t hub_id_;
const usb_speed_t speed_;
// Parent's HCI protocol.
ddk::UsbHciProtocolClient hci_;
// Protocol of parent (USB BUS).
ddk::UsbBusProtocolClient bus_;
// Hub interface, for devices that are hubs.
ddk::UsbHubInterfaceProtocolClient hub_intf_;
usb_device_descriptor_t device_desc_;
// list of all configuration descriptors
fbl::Array<fbl::Array<uint8_t>> config_descs_;
uint8_t current_config_index_ __TA_GUARDED(state_lock_);
std::optional<usb_langid_desc_t> lang_ids_ __TA_GUARDED(state_lock_);
bool resetting_ __TA_GUARDED(state_lock_) = false;
// mutex that protects the resetting state member
fbl::Mutex state_lock_;
Endpoint eps_[USB_MAX_EPS];
// thread for calling client's usb request complete callback
thrd_t callback_thread_ = 0;
bool callback_thread_stop_ __TA_GUARDED(callback_lock_) = false;
// completion used for signalling callback_thread
sync_completion_t callback_thread_completion_;
// list of requests that need to have client's completion callback called
UnownedRequestQueue completed_reqs_ __TA_GUARDED(callback_lock_);
// mutex that protects the callback_* members above
fbl::Mutex callback_lock_;
// Pool of requests USB control requests with zero data.
usb::RequestPool<void> free_reqs_;
size_t parent_req_size_;
fbl::RefPtr<UsbWaiterInterface> waiter_;
} // namespace usb_bus