blob: f9703268d7afca63e279a4b2fb8e1a000436996a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <limits>
namespace media {
// TODO(dalesat): Consider always allowing inexact results.
// Expresses the relative rate of a timeline as the ratio between two uint32_t
// values subject_delta / reference_delta. "subject" refers to the timeline
// whose rate is being represented, and "reference" refers to the timeline
// relative to which the rate is expressed.
class TimelineRate final {
// Used to indicate overflow of scaling operations.
static constexpr int64_t kOverflow = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
// Zero as a TimelineRate.
static const TimelineRate Zero;
// Nanoseconds (subject) per second (reference) as a TimelineRate.
static const TimelineRate NsPerSecond;
// Reduces the ratio of *subject_delta and *reference_delta.
static void Reduce(uint32_t* subject_delta, uint32_t* reference_delta);
// Produces the product of the rates. If exact is true, DCHECKs on loss of
// precision.
static void Product(uint32_t a_subject_delta, uint32_t a_reference_delta,
uint32_t b_subject_delta, uint32_t b_reference_delta,
uint32_t* product_subject_delta, uint32_t* product_reference_delta,
bool exact = true);
// Produces the product of the rates and the int64_t as an int64_t. Returns
// kOverflow on overflow.
static int64_t Scale(int64_t value, uint32_t subject_delta, uint32_t reference_delta);
// Returns the product of the rates. If exact is true, DCHECKs on loss of
// precision.
static TimelineRate Product(TimelineRate a, TimelineRate b, bool exact = true) {
uint32_t result_subject_delta;
uint32_t result_reference_delta;
Product(a.subject_delta(), a.reference_delta(), b.subject_delta(), b.reference_delta(),
&result_subject_delta, &result_reference_delta, exact);
return TimelineRate(result_subject_delta, result_reference_delta);
TimelineRate() : subject_delta_(0), reference_delta_(1) {}
explicit TimelineRate(uint32_t subject_delta)
: subject_delta_(subject_delta), reference_delta_(1) {}
explicit TimelineRate(float rate_as_float)
: subject_delta_(rate_as_float > 1.0f ? kFloatFactor
: static_cast<uint32_t>(kFloatFactor * rate_as_float)),
reference_delta_(rate_as_float > 1.0f ? static_cast<uint32_t>(kFloatFactor / rate_as_float)
: kFloatFactor) {
// The expressions above are intended to provide good precision for
// 'reasonable' playback rate values (say in the range 0.0 to 4.0). The
// expressions always produce a ratio of kFloatFactor and a number smaller
// than kFloatFactor. kFloatFactor's value was chosen because floats have
// a 23-bit mantissa, and operations with a larger factor would sacrifice
// precision.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(rate_as_float >= 0.0f);
Reduce(&subject_delta_, &reference_delta_);
TimelineRate(uint32_t subject_delta, uint32_t reference_delta)
: subject_delta_(subject_delta), reference_delta_(reference_delta) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(reference_delta != 0);
Reduce(&subject_delta_, &reference_delta_);
// Determines whether this |TimelineRate| is invertible.
bool invertible() const { return subject_delta_ != 0; }
// Returns the inverse of the rate. DCHECKs if the subject_delta of this
// rate is zero.
TimelineRate Inverse() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(subject_delta_ != 0);
// Note: TimelineRates should be always be in their reduced form. Because
// of this, we do not want to invoke the subject/reference constructor
// (which will attempt to reduce the ratio). Instead, use the default
// constructor and just swap subject/reference.
TimelineRate ret;
ret.subject_delta_ = reference_delta_;
ret.reference_delta_ = subject_delta_;
return ret;
// Scales the value by this rate. Returns kOverflow on overflow.
int64_t Scale(int64_t value) const { return Scale(value, subject_delta_, reference_delta_); }
// Scales the value by the inverse of this rate.
int64_t ScaleInverse(int64_t value) const {
return Scale(value, reference_delta_, subject_delta_);
uint32_t subject_delta() const { return subject_delta_; }
uint32_t reference_delta() const { return reference_delta_; }
// A multiplier for float-to-TimelineRate conversions chosen because floats
// have a 23-bit mantissa.
static constexpr uint32_t kFloatFactor = 1ul << 23;
uint32_t subject_delta_;
uint32_t reference_delta_;
// Tests two rates for equality.
inline bool operator==(TimelineRate a, TimelineRate b) {
return a.subject_delta() == b.subject_delta() && a.reference_delta() == b.reference_delta();
// Tests two rates for inequality.
inline bool operator!=(TimelineRate a, TimelineRate b) { return !(a == b); }
// Returns the ratio of the two rates. DCHECKs on loss of precision.
inline TimelineRate operator/(TimelineRate a, TimelineRate b) {
return TimelineRate::Product(a, b.Inverse());
// Returns the product of the two rates. DCHECKs on loss of precision.
inline TimelineRate operator*(TimelineRate a, TimelineRate b) {
return TimelineRate::Product(a, b);
// Returns the product of the rate and the int64_t. Returns kOverflow on
// overflow.
inline int64_t operator*(TimelineRate a, int64_t b) { return a.Scale(b); }
// Returns the product of the rate and the int64_t. Returns kOverflow on
// overflow.
inline int64_t operator*(int64_t a, TimelineRate b) { return b.Scale(a); }
// Returns the the int64_t divided by the rate. Returns kOverflow on
// overflow.
inline int64_t operator/(int64_t a, TimelineRate b) { return b.ScaleInverse(a); }
} // namespace media