tree: 29a854a4d26b25c4bf009242a7e2d741190f321e [path history] [tgz]
  1. agent.fidl
  2. agent_controller.fidl
  3. annotation.fidl
  5. component_context.fidl
  6. fuchsia.modular.api
  7. intent.fidl
  8. lifecycle.fidl
  9. module_context.fidl
  10. module_data.fidl
  11. module_manifest.fidl
  12. module_state.fidl
  13. puppet_master.fidl
  15. session_restart_controller.fidl
  16. session_shell.fidl
  17. story_command.fidl
  18. story_controller.fidl
  19. story_info.fidl
  20. story_options.fidl
  21. story_provider.fidl
  22. story_shell.fidl
  23. story_shell_factory.fidl
  24. story_state.fidl
  25. surface.fidl

Modular FIDL API

Public SDK Approved APIs

Modular has a large surface area which is undergoing significant change. For this reason, not all FIDL services are approved for external use. Here are the currently approved APIs:

  • fuchsia.modular.Agent
  • fuchsia.modular.PuppetMaster (with the exception of method PuppetMaster.WatchSession()).
  • fuchsia.modular.StoryPuppetMaster

NOTE: All structs and tables assocated with the services above are implicitly included.