blob: b1693c15059a4f175eda6539c06d7ecebd35dddc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.usb.peripheral;
using zx;
const uint32 MAX_CONFIG_DESCRIPTORS = 5;
const uint32 MAX_STRING_DESCRIPTORS = 255;
const uint32 MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 127;
struct FunctionDescriptor {
uint8 interface_class;
uint8 interface_subclass;
uint8 interface_protocol;
alias ConfigurationDescriptor = vector<FunctionDescriptor>:MAX_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTORS;
/// The fields in DeviceDescriptor match those in usb_descriptor_t in the USB specification,
/// except for the string fields.
struct DeviceDescriptor {
uint16 bcd_usb;
uint8 b_device_class;
uint8 b_device_sub_class;
uint8 b_device_protocol;
uint8 b_max_packet_size0;
uint16 id_vendor;
uint16 id_product;
uint16 bcd_device;
string:MAX_STRING_LENGTH manufacturer;
string:MAX_STRING_LENGTH product;
string:MAX_STRING_LENGTH serial;
uint8 b_num_configurations;
/// Events protocol that is used as a callback to inform the client
/// of the completion of various server-side events.
/// This callback interface can be registered using the SetStateChangeListener
/// method on the Device protocol.
protocol Events {
/// Invoked when a function registers
FunctionRegistered() -> ();
/// Invoked when all functions have been cleared.
protocol Device {
/// Sets the device's descriptors, adds the functions and creates the child devices for the
/// configuration's interfaces.
/// At least one function descriptor must be provided.
SetConfiguration(DeviceDescriptor device_desc,
vector<ConfigurationDescriptor>:MAX_CONFIG_DESCRIPTORS config_descriptors)
-> () error zx.status;
/// Tells the device to remove the child devices for the configuration's interfaces
/// and reset the list of functions to empty.
/// The caller should wait for the `FunctionsCleared` event.
ClearFunctions() -> ();
/// Adds a state change listener that is invoked when a state change completes.
SetStateChangeListener(request<Events> listener);