blob: 99fec2ebc1de9941e4090e2cfc446fd88f9afa09 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import shutil
import stat
import sys
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
FUCHSIA_ROOT = os.path.dirname( # $root
os.path.dirname( # scripts
os.path.dirname( # sdk
SCRIPT_DIR))) # bazel
sys.path += [os.path.join(FUCHSIA_ROOT, 'third_party', 'mako')]
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
from mako.template import Template
sys.path += [os.path.join(FUCHSIA_ROOT, 'scripts', 'sdk', 'common')]
from files import copy_tree, make_dir
import template_model as model
class SdkWorkspaceInfo(object):
'''Gathers information about an SDK workspace that is necessary to generate
tests for it.
def __init__(self):
# Map of target to list of header files.
# Used to verify that including said headers works properly.
self.headers = defaultdict(list)
# Whether the workspace has C/C++ content.
self.with_cc = False
# Whether the workspace has Dart content.
self.with_dart = False
# Supported target arches.
self.target_arches = []
# List of FIDL libraries in the workspace.
# Names have already been modified to match Bazel conventions.
self.fidl_libraries = []
def write_file(path, template_name, data, is_executable=False):
'''Writes a file based on a Mako template.'''
base = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates')
lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[base, os.path.join(base, 'tests')])
template = lookup.get_template(template_name + '.mako')
with open(path, 'w') as file:
if is_executable:
st = os.stat(path)
os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
def create_test_workspace(sdk, output, workspace_info):
# Remove any existing output.
shutil.rmtree(output, True)
# Copy the base tests.
copy_tree(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'tests', 'common'), output)
if workspace_info.with_cc:
copy_tree(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'tests', 'cc'), output)
if workspace_info.with_dart:
copy_tree(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'tests', 'dart'), output)
workspace = model.TestWorkspace(os.path.relpath(sdk, output),
write_file(os.path.join(output, 'WORKSPACE'), 'workspace', workspace)
# .bazelrc file.
crosstool = model.Crosstool(workspace_info.target_arches)
write_file(os.path.join(output, '.bazelrc'), 'bazelrc', crosstool)
# file
write_file(os.path.join(output, ''), 'run_py', crosstool,
if workspace_info.with_cc:
# Generate tests to verify that headers compile fine.
for target, files in workspace_info.headers.items():
if not files:
dir = os.path.join(output, 'headers', target[2:])
write_file(make_dir(os.path.join(dir, 'BUILD')),
'headers_build', {
'dep': target,
'headers': files,
write_file(make_dir(os.path.join(dir, '')),
'headers', {'headers': files})
# Tests that generated FIDL bindings are usable.
for library in workspace_info.fidl_libraries:
dir = os.path.join(output, 'fidl', library)
write_file(make_dir(os.path.join(dir, 'BUILD')), 'fidl_build', {
'library': library,
write_file(make_dir(os.path.join(dir, '')),
'fidl_headers', {
'header': library.replace('_', '/') + '/cpp/fidl.h',
return True