Get started with the Fuchsia SDK

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on setting up the Fuchsia SDK development environment on your host machine using a terminal or Visual Studio Code (VS Code). Then the guide walks through the basic workflows of building, running, debugging, and testing Fuchsia components using the Fuchsia SDK.

Important: The Fuchsia SDK is in active development. At the moment, Fuchsia does not support general public usage of the Fuchsia SDK. The APIs in the SDK are subject to change without notice.

Which development environment are you using for this guide?

{% dynamic if request.query_string.env == “terminal” %}

Complete the following sections:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Clone the SDK samples repository
  3. Start the emulator
  4. Build and run the sample component
  5. View symbolized logs
  6. Debug the sample component
  7. Inspect components
  8. Run tests

{% dynamic elif request.query_string.env == “vscode” %}

Complete the following sections:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Clone the SDK samples repository
  3. Configure a VS Code workspace
  4. Start the emulator
  5. Build and run the sample component
  6. View symbolized logs
  7. Debug the sample component
  8. Inspect components
  9. Run tests

{% dynamic endif %}

Found an issue? Please let us know{:.external}.

Prerequisites {:#prerequisites .numbered}

This guide requires that your host machine meets the following criteria:

  • An x64-based machine running Linux or macOS.
  • Has at least 15 GB of storage space.
  • Supports virtualization for running a QEMU{:.external}-based emulator.
  • IPv6 is enabled.
  • Git{:.external} is installed. {% dynamic if request.query_string.env == “vscode” %}
  • Visual Studio Code{:.external} is installed. {% dynamic endif %}

Clone the SDK samples repository {:#clone-the-sdk-samples-repository .numbered}

{% dynamic if request.query_string.env == “terminal” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic elif request.query_string.env == “vscode” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic endif %}

{% dynamic if request.query_string.env == “vscode” %}

Configure a VS Code workspace {:#configure-a-vs-code-workspace .numbered}

<<_common/>> {% dynamic endif %}

Start the emulator {:#start-the-emulator .numbered}

{% dynamic if request.query_string.env == “terminal” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic elif request.query_string.env == “vscode” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic endif %}

Build and run the sample component {:#build-and-run-the-sample-component .numbered}

{% dynamic if request.query_string.env == “terminal” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic elif request.query_string.env == “vscode” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic endif %}

View symbolized logs {:#view-symbolized-logs .numbered}

{% dynamic if request.query_string.env == “terminal” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic elif request.query_string.env == “vscode” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic endif %}

Debug the sample component {:#debug-the-sample-component .numbered}

{% dynamic if request.query_string.env == “terminal” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic elif request.query_string.env == “vscode” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic endif %}

Inspect components {:#inspect-components .numbered}

{% dynamic if request.query_string.env == “terminal” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic elif request.query_string.env == “vscode” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic endif %}

Run tests {:#run-tests .numbered}

{% dynamic if request.query_string.env == “terminal” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic elif request.query_string.env == “vscode” %} <<_common/>> {% dynamic endif %}

Congratulations! You're now all set with the Fuchsia SDK!

Next steps {:#next-steps}

Learn more about the Fuchsia platform and tools in Fuchsia SDK Fundamentals.


Update the environment to the latest SDK {:#update-the-environment-to-the-latest-sdk}

To update your development environment to use the latest version of the Fuchsia SDK, do the following:

  1. In a terminal, go to your fuchsia-getting-started directory:

    cd $HOME/fuchsia-getting-started
  2. Update the project repository and its submodules to the latest version:

    git pull --rebase --recurse-submodules
  3. Update the Fuchsia SDK toolchain and dependencies:

    tools/bazel build @fuchsia_sdk//:fuchsia_toolchain_sdk
  4. Check the new version of the Fuchsia SDK:

    tools/ffx sdk version

    Verify that the SDK version is now the latest release version.

Clean up the environment {:#clean-up-the-environment}

If you run into a problem while following this guide and decide to start over from the beginning, consider running the commands below to clean up your development environment (that is, to clean up directories, build artifacts, downloaded files, symlinks, configuration settings, and more).

Remove the package repositories created in this guide:

tools/ffx repository remove workstation-packages
tools/ffx repository server stop

Remove all existing configurations and data of ffx:

  • {Linux}

    tools/ffx daemon stop
    rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/Fuchsia/ffx
  • {macOS}

    tools/ffx daemon stop
    rm -rf $HOME/Library/Caches/Fuchsia/ffx
    rm -rf $HOME/Library/Fuchsia/ffx
    rm -rf $HOME/Library/Preferences/Fuchsia/ffx
    rm -rf $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Fuchsia/ffx

When Bazel fails to build, try the commands below:

  • {Linux}

    Note: Running bazel clean or deleting the $HOME/.cache/bazel directory deletes artifacts downloaded by Bazel, which can be around 4 GB. This means Bazel will need to download dependencies again next time you run bazel build.

    tools/bazel clean --expunge
    tools/bazel shutdown && rm -rf $HOME/.cache/bazel
  • {macOS}

    Note: Running bazel clean or deleting the /private/var/temp/bazel$USER directory deletes artifacts downloaded by Bazel, which can be around 4 GB. This means Bazel will need to download dependencies again next time you run bazel build.

    tools/bazel clean --expunge
    tools/bazel shutdown && rm -rf /private/var/tmp/bazel$USER

Remove the fuchsia-getting-started directory and its artifacts:

Caution: If the SDK samples repository is cloned to a different location than $HOME/fuchsia-getting-started, adjust the directory in the command below. Be extremely careful with the directory path when you run the rm -rf <DIR> command.

rm -rf $HOME/fuchsia-getting-started

Other clean up commands:

killall ffx
killall pm

Update the firewall rules {:#update-the-firewall-rules}

When you launch the sample component (for instance, using the command tools/bazel run), you might run into an issue where the command hangs for a long time and eventually fails with the following error:

Lifecycle protocol could not start the component instance: InstanceCannotResolve

In that case, you may need to update the firewall rules on your host machine.

If you’re using the ufw firewall, run the following commands:

sudo ufw allow proto tcp from fe80::/10 to any port 8083 comment 'Fuchsia Package Server'
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from fc00::/7 to any port 8083 comment 'Fuchsia Package Server'

However, for other non-ufw-based firewalls, you will need to ensure that port 8083 is available for the Fuchsia package server.

Check if your Linux machine supports KVM virtualization {:#check-if-your-linux-machine-supports-kvm-virtualization}

To check if your Linux machine supports KVM hardware virtualization, run the following command:


This command prints output similar to the following:

$ lscpu
Architecture:            x86_64
  CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
  Address sizes:         46 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
  Byte Order:            Little Endian
Virtualization features:
  {{ '<strong>' }}Virtualization:        VT-x{{ '</strong>' }}
  Hypervisor vendor:     KVM
  Virtualization type:   full

If you see the following field in the output, your machine supports KVM hardware virtualization:

  Virtualization:        VT-x

Note: If your machine supports KVM hardware virtualization, see Set up KVM virtualization on a Linux machine to verify that KVM is configured correctly.

On the other hand, for machines that support AMD virtualization, you may see the following field in the output:

  Virtualization:        AMD-V

However, if your output does not have the Virtualization field at all, while the Hypervisor vendor and Virtualization type fields may still be shown (see the example output below), your machine does not support hardware virtualization.

$ lscpu
Virtualization features:
  Hypervisor vendor:     KVM
  Virtualization type:   full

Set up KVM virtualization on a Linux machine {:#set-up-kvm-virtualization-on-a-linux-machine}

Note: The instructions in this section require that your Linux machine supports KVM hardware virtualization.

To verify that KVM is configured correctly on your Linux machine, run the following bash shell script:

if [[ -w /dev/kvm ]] && grep '^flags' /proc/cpuinfo | grep -qE 'vmx|svm'; then echo 'KVM is working'; else echo 'KVM not working'; fi

Verify that this shell script prints the following output:

KVM is working

If the output is KVM is working, KVM hardware virtualization is enabled on your Linux machine.

However, if the output is KVM not working, do the following to enable KVM hardware virtualization:

  1. Add yourself to the kvm group on your Linux machine:

    sudo usermod -a -G kvm ${USER}
  2. Reboot the machine.

  3. Run the bash shell script above again.

    Verify that the output now prints KVM is working.