blob: 9123aa769459d8753d5b5b6c6dc18710bbb3598b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generic utilities for working with depfiles
import enum
import dataclasses
import re
from typing import Callable, Iterable
class TokenType(enum.Enum):
PATH = 0 # anything that isn't the others
COLON = 1 # ':'
SPACE = 2 # [ \t]
NEWLINE = 3 # [\n\r]
LINECONTINUE = 4 # '\\' (also start of escape-sequence)
COMMENT = 5 # '#...'
ESCAPED = 6 # e.g. '\t'
class Token(object):
text: str
type: TokenType
_SPACE_RE = re.compile(r'[ \t]+')
_NEWLINE_RE = re.compile(r'\r?\n')
_PATH_RE = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_/.+-]+')
_COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r'#[^\n]*')
def _lex_line(line: str) -> Iterable[Token]:
prev: Token = None
while line: # is not empty
next_char = line[0]
if prev and prev.type == TokenType.LINECONTINUE:
newline_match = _NEWLINE_RE.match(line)
if newline_match:
newline =
yield prev
prev = None
yield Token(text=newline, type=TokenType.NEWLINE)
line = line[len(newline):]
# otherwise, we don't handle escaped sequences yet
new = Token(text=prev.text + next_char, type=TokenType.ESCAPED)
raise ValueError(f'Escape sequences are not handled yet: {new}')
if next_char == ':':
yield Token(text=next_char, type=TokenType.COLON)
line = line[1:]
if next_char == '\\':
prev = Token(text=next_char, type=TokenType.LINECONTINUE)
# do not yield yet, look at text that follows
line = line[1:]
space_match = _SPACE_RE.match(line)
if space_match:
spaces =
yield Token(text=spaces, type=TokenType.SPACE)
line = line[len(spaces):]
newline_match = _NEWLINE_RE.match(line)
if newline_match:
newline =
yield Token(text=newline, type=TokenType.NEWLINE)
line = line[len(newline):]
comment_match = _COMMENT_RE.match(line)
if comment_match:
comment =
yield Token(text=comment, type=TokenType.COMMENT)
line = line[len(comment):]
path_match = _PATH_RE.match(line)
if path_match:
path =
yield Token(text=path, type=TokenType.PATH)
line = line[len(path):]
raise ValueError(f'[depfile.lex] Unrecognized text: "{line}"')
if prev:
yield prev
def lex(lines: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[Token]:
"""Divides depfile text into tokens."""
for line in lines:
yield from _lex_line(line)
def _transform_paths(tokens: Iterable[Token],
transform: Callable[[str], str]) -> Iterable[Token]:
"""Space-preserving path transformation."""
for token in tokens:
if token.type == TokenType.PATH:
yield Token(text=transform(token.text), type=TokenType.PATH)
yield token
def unlex(tokens: Iterable[Token]) -> str:
"""Concatenates tokens' text."""
return ''.join(token.text for token in tokens)
def transform_paths(text: str, transform: Callable[[str], str]) -> str:
"""Applies an arbitrary transformation to depfile paths."""
return unlex(
_transform_paths(lex(text.splitlines(keepends=True)), transform))
# TODO( implement parser, if needed