blob: 89d2f6059e94bb3c161a921e73e511ca8e0ad510 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script is to be sourced by other scripts that live in
# the same dir as this one, and should not executed by itself.
# Since this script is to be sourced at the beginning,
# it does not assume or require any other variables to be predefined.
# By sourcing this script, the following symbols are defined:
# default_project_root (variable)
# msg (function)
# relpath (function)
# timetrace (function)
# HOST_PLATFORM (variable): prebuilt subdir for the host platform
# python (variable): path to prebuilt python interpreter for the host
# This script caches some computed values in environment variables
# to avoid repetitive work in related scripts.
# Environment variables used and exported by this script:
# _FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_relpath_uses
script="$0" # This is the name of the invoking script, not this one.
script_basename="$(basename "$script")"
script_dir="$(dirname "$script")"
function msg() {
echo "[$script_basename]: $@"
function timetrace() {
# Uncomment one of the following:
# $EPOCHREALTIME has microsecond resolution and is is available in bash 5.0+
# This is preferred, as it incurs the least measurement overhead.
msg "[@$EPOCHREALTIME]" "$@"
# exec'ing date can be slower, ~2ms
# msg "[@$(date +%H:%M:%S.%N)]" "$@"
# leave only this line uncommented to quickly disable all calls:
# This should point to $FUCHSIA_DIR for the Fuchsia project.
# ../../ because this script lives in build/rbe.
# The value is an absolute path.
readonly default_project_root="$(realpath "$script_dir"/../..)"
# OS/Arch detection logic can also be found in 'tools/devshell/lib/'
[[ -n "${_FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_host_os+x}" ]] || {
# This is cached to avoid repeating calls to uname.
detected_os="$(uname -s)"
case "$detected_os" in
Darwin) export _FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_host_os="mac" ;;
Linux) export _FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_host_os="linux" ;;
*) echo >&2 "Unknown operating system: $detected_os" ; exit 1 ;;
[[ -n "${_FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_host_arch+x}" ]] || {
# This is cached to avoid repeating calls to uname.
detected_arch="$(uname -m)"
case "$detected_arch" in
x86_64) export _FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_host_arch="x64" ;;
arm64) export _FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_host_arch="arm64" ;;
*) echo >&2 "Unknown machine architecture: $detected_arch" ; exit 1 ;;
# This points to the host platform subdir of our prebuilt tools.
# Point to our prebuilt python3.
readonly python="$default_project_root"/prebuilt/third_party/python3/"$HOST_PLATFORM"/bin/python3
function _check_realpath_works_for_relative_paths() {
if which realpath
# GNU coreutils' realpath is different from BSD utils' realpath.
# Test if it is usable for calculating relative paths.
realpath -s --relative-to=.. "$script" 2>&1 > /dev/null || return 1
return 0 # success
# realpath doesn't even exist
return 1
fi 2>&1 > /dev/null
[[ -n "${_FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_relpath_uses+x}" ]] || {
# realpath doesn't ship with Mac OS X (provided by coreutils package).
# We only want it for calculating relative paths.
# Work around this using Python as needed.
if _check_realpath_works_for_relative_paths
export _FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_relpath_uses=realpath
test -x "$python" || {
echo "*** Python interpreter not found at expected location: $python."
exit 1
export _FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_relpath_uses="$python"
# By this point, _FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_relpath_uses is definitely set.
case "$_FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_relpath_uses" in
function relpath() {
local -r from="$1"
local -r to="$2"
# Preserve symlinks.
realpath -s --relative-to="$from" "$to"
function relpath() {
local -r from="$1"
local -r to="$2"
local -r _python="$_FUCHSIA_RBE_CACHE_VAR_relpath_uses"
"$_python" -c "import os; print(os.path.relpath('$to', start='$from'))"