blob: 30dfea40de5b73876ccbc49d52169bcbccf47b87 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import("config.gni") # icu_flavors, icu_fixup_deps
set_defaults("icu_rustc_library") {
configs = default_common_binary_configs + default_rust_configs
# An ICU-aware rustc_library.
# Args:
# - icu_deps: list(label): the target labels that need to be fixed up for
# ICU product assembly. Otherwise the same as deps.
# - icu_non_rust_deps: list(label): Same as above, but for non_rust_deps.
# - icu_test_deps: list(label): Same as above, but for test_deps.
# - icu_data_deps: list(label): Same as above, but for data_deps.
# - All other args are forwarded verbatim from the invoker.
# Refer to icu_source_set.gni for detailed comments on some constructs below,
# the ideas of which are commonly reused in all icu_* templates.
template("icu_rustc_library") {
_main_target_name = target_name
if (defined( {
_main_target_name =
foreach(icu_flavor, icu_flavors) {
_icu_target_name =
rustc_library(_icu_target_name) {
# All flavored crates must have the same name as the unflavored crate.
# However, their output files will have flavored names.
# The `rustc_library` template uses the `name` parameter to achieve this.
name = _main_target_name
configs = []
configs = invoker.configs
if (defined(invoker.test_configs)) {
test_configs = invoker.test_configs
# Since the library names are also crate names, we must place each flavored
# library in a separate directory, but with the same base name.
output_dir = "${target_out_dir}/out.${_icu_target_name}"
# We don't need tests for flavored libraries.
with_unit_tests = false
_flavored_icu_deps = [
# Because with_unit_tests = false
if (defined(invoker.icu_deps)) {
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
foreach(icu_dep, invoker.icu_deps) {
_relabel = get_label_info(icu_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
deps += [ "${_relabel}.icu_${}_${icu_flavor.commit_id}(${current_toolchain})" ]
if (defined(invoker.icu_test_deps)) {
if (!defined(test_deps)) {
test_deps = []
foreach(icu_dep, invoker.icu_test_deps) {
_relabel = get_label_info(icu_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
test_deps += [ "${_relabel}.icu_${}_${icu_flavor.commit_id}(${current_toolchain})" ]
if (defined(invoker.icu_data_deps)) {
if (!defined(data_deps)) {
data_deps = []
foreach(icu_dep, invoker.icu_data_deps) {
_relabel = get_label_info(icu_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
data_deps += [ "${_relabel}.icu_${}_${icu_flavor.commit_id}(${current_toolchain})" ]
if (defined(configs)) {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//src/lib/icu:version" ]
if (defined(invoker.icu_non_rust_deps)) {
if (!defined(non_rust_deps)) {
non_rust_deps = []
non_rust_deps += icu_fixup_deps + _flavored_icu_deps
non_rust_deps -= icu_fixup_deps
foreach(icu_dep, invoker.icu_non_rust_deps) {
_relabel = get_label_info(icu_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
non_rust_deps += [ "${_relabel}.icu_${}_${icu_flavor.commit_id}(${current_toolchain})" ]
rustc_library(target_name) {
configs = []
configs = invoker.configs
if (defined(invoker.test_configs)) {
test_configs = invoker.test_configs
if (defined(invoker.icu_deps)) {
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += invoker.icu_deps
if (defined(invoker.icu_non_rust_deps)) {
if (!defined(non_rust_deps)) {
non_rust_deps = []
non_rust_deps += invoker.icu_non_rust_deps
if (defined(invoker.icu_test_deps)) {
if (!defined(test_deps)) {
test_deps = []
test_deps += invoker.icu_test_deps
if (defined(invoker.icu_data_deps)) {
if (!defined(data_deps)) {
data_deps = []
data_deps += invoker.icu_data_deps