blob: b6ff00b98e8e9490117f6183542fcfcc4ca37d5e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
import yaml
import collections
from parameterized import parameterized
import generate_dart_toc
from unittest import mock
class GenDartTocTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_configure_yaml(self):
self.assertIn(collections.OrderedDict, yaml.Dumper.yaml_representers)
'success_only_title', "t1", None, None,
collections.OrderedDict({"title": "t1"})),
'success_all_fields', "t1", "p1", ["i1"],
"title": "t1",
"path": "p1",
"section": ["i1"]
def test_create_toc_item(
self, name, title, path, subitems, expected_result):
result = generate_dart_toc.build_toc_item(title, path, subitems)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
'success_single', [
"qualifiedName": "a",
"packageName": "foo",
"type": "library"
], [
"qualifiedName": "a",
"packageName": "foo",
"type": "library",
"members": []
'success_multiple_unrelated', [
"qualifiedName": "a",
"packageName": "foo",
"type": "library"
}, {
"qualifiedName": "b",
"packageName": "foo",
"type": "library"
], [
"qualifiedName": "a",
"packageName": "foo",
"type": "library",
"members": []
}, {
"qualifiedName": "b",
"packageName": "foo",
"type": "library",
"members": []
'success_multiple_nested', [
'qualifiedName': 'a',
"packageName": "foo",
'type': 'library'
}, {
'qualifiedName': 'a.A',
"packageName": "foo",
'type': 'class',
'enclosedBy': {
'name': 'a',
'type': 'library'
}, {
'qualifiedName': 'a.A.==',
"packageName": "foo",
'type': 'method',
'enclosedBy': {
'name': 'A',
'type': 'class'
], [
'name': 'a',
'type': 'library'
'qualifiedName': 'a.A.==',
"packageName": "foo",
'type': 'method',
'name': 'A',
'type': 'class'
'success_same_qualifiedName_diffpackage', [
"qualifiedName": "a",
"packageName": "foo",
"type": "library"
}, {
"qualifiedName": "a",
"packageName": "bar",
"type": "library"
}, {
'qualifiedName': 'a.A',
"packageName": "foo",
'type': 'class',
'enclosedBy': {
'name': 'a',
'type': 'library'
], [
'name': 'a',
'type': 'library'
'members': [],
'packageName': 'foo',
'qualifiedName': 'a.A',
'type': 'class'
'packageName': 'foo',
'qualifiedName': 'a',
'type': 'library'
'members': [],
'packageName': 'bar',
'qualifiedName': 'a',
'type': 'library'
]), ('success_none', [{
"type": "not_in_enclosed"
}], [])
def test_treeify_event(self, name, data, expected_results):
index = generate_dart_toc.treeify_index(data)
self.assertEqual(index, expected_results)
"success_no_members", {
"name": "foo",
"href": "localhost"
}, [
"title": "foo",
"path": "/reference/dart/localhost",
"sub_items": []
"success_with_members", {
'type': 'class',
'name': 'A',
'href': 'A@local',
'name': 'agent',
'type': 'library'
'members': []
}, [
"title": "A",
"path": "/reference/dart/A@local",
"sub_items": []
}, {
"title": "a",
"path": "/reference/dart/a@local",
"sub_items": [{
'heading': 'Classes'
}, {}]
def test_element_to_toc_item(self, name, element, expected_calls):
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc, 'build_toc_item') as bld_itm:
bld_itm.return_value = {}
for call in expected_calls:
def test_noargs_main(self):
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc, 'configure_yaml'):
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc,
'build_toc_content') as bld_cnt:
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc.os.path,
'isfile') as check_file:
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc,
'open') as mock_file:
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc.yaml,
'dump') as mock_yaml:
opened_file_mock = mock_file().__enter__()
check_file.return_value = True
fake_content = mock.MagicMock()
bld_cnt.return_value = fake_content
generate_dart_toc.no_args_main("index", "outfile")
def test_noargs_main_no_index_file(self):
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc.os.path,
'isfile') as check_file:
check_file.return_value = False
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
generate_dart_toc.no_args_main("index", "outfile")
def test_noargs_main_no_content(self):
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc, 'configure_yaml'):
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc,
'build_toc_content') as bld_cnt:
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc.os.path,
'isfile') as check_file:
check_file.return_value = True
bld_cnt.return_value = None
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
generate_dart_toc.no_args_main("index", "outfile")
("no_library", [], {
"toc": [{}]
"name": "foo",
"packageName": "bar"
}], {
"toc": [{}, {
"heading": "bar"
}, []]
"single_library_no_pkg", [{
"name": "foo"
}], {
"toc": [{}, {
"heading": "Libraries"
}, []]
"multi_library_with_pkg", [
"name": "test",
"packageName": "pack"
"name": "foo",
"packageName": "bar"
], {
"toc": [
{}, {
"heading": "bar"
}, [], {
"heading": "pack"
}, []
"multi_library_no_pkg", [
"name": "test"
"name": "foo"
], {
"toc": [{}, {
"heading": "Libraries"
}, [], []]
def test_build_toc_content(self, name, libraries, expected_result):
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc, 'open'):
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc.json, 'load'):
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc,
'treeify_index') as tr_ind:
with mock.patch.object(generate_dart_toc,
'build_toc_item') as bld_toc:
with mock.patch.object(
'element_to_toc_item') as elem_to_toc:
tr_ind.return_value = libraries
bld_toc.return_value = {}
elem_to_toc.return_value = []
result = generate_dart_toc.build_toc_content("test")
self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)