blob: b19592a493bc2eb53f08f85c91611f5c240bf1b8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates a partitions config to be consumed by the Image Assembler.
# Arguments:
# output_path (optional)
# [path] Board config output location.
# Defaults to $target_out_dir/$target_name.json
# hw_revision (required)
# [string] The name of the hardware revision.
# This is placed in the flash manifest to ensure partitions are not
# flashed to the wrong hardware.
# bootloader_partitions (optional)
# [list] List of bootloaders to use when flashing or updating.
# Each entry will have the following format.
# {
# image = "path/to/image"
# type = "bl2"
# name = "boot1"
# }
# If a name is not provided, then the bootloader will not be flashed, but
# will still be included in the update package.
# bootstrap_partitions (optional)
# [list] List of OEM images to flash when using:
# ffx target flash --product fuchsia
# Each entry will have the following format. A file is only flashed to the
# partition if the conditional fastboot arg equals the specified value.
# {
# path = "path/to/image"
# partition = "partition"
# condition = {
# variable = "variable"
# value = "value
# }
# }
# unlock_credentials (optional)
# [list] List of zip files containing the credentials used to unlock
# a device in fastboot mode.
# zbi_a (optional)
# zbi_b (optional)
# zbi_r (optional)
# [string] The name of the zbi partitions for each slot.
# vbmeta_a (optional)
# vbmeta_b (optional)
# vbmeta_r (optional)
# [string] The name of the vbmeta partitions for each slot.
# fvm (optional)
# [string] The name of the fvm partition.
# fxfs (optional)
# [string] The name of the fxfs partition.
template("generated_partitions_config") {
assert(defined(invoker.hw_revision), "Need to define hw_revision")
output_path = "$target_out_dir/$target_name.json"
if (defined(invoker.output_path)) {
output_path = invoker.output_path
bootloaders = []
if (defined(invoker.bootloader_partitions)) {
foreach(part, invoker.bootloader_partitions) {
assert(defined(part.image), "All bootloaders must define a path")
assert(defined(part.type), "All bootloaders must define a type")
path = rebase_path(part.image, root_build_dir)
if (defined( {
bootloaders += [
image = path
type = part.type
name =
} else {
bootloaders += [
image = path
type = part.type
bootstraps = []
if (defined(invoker.bootstrap_partitions)) {
foreach(part, invoker.bootstrap_partitions) {
bootstraps += [
image = rebase_path(part.path, root_build_dir)
name = part.partition
condition = part.condition
credentials = []
if (defined(invoker.unlock_credentials)) {
foreach(cred, invoker.unlock_credentials) {
credentials += [ rebase_path(cred, root_build_dir) ]
generated_file(target_name) {
outputs = [ output_path ]
output_conversion = "json"
# Aggregate all the non-bootloader partitions.
_partitions = []
if (defined(invoker.zbi_a) && invoker.zbi_a != "") {
_partitions += [
name = invoker.zbi_a
type = "ZBI"
slot = "A"
if (defined(invoker.zbi_b) && invoker.zbi_b != "") {
_partitions += [
name = invoker.zbi_b
type = "ZBI"
slot = "B"
if (defined(invoker.zbi_r) && invoker.zbi_r != "") {
_partitions += [
name = invoker.zbi_r
type = "ZBI"
slot = "R"
if (defined(invoker.vbmeta_a) && invoker.vbmeta_a != "") {
_partitions += [
name = invoker.vbmeta_a
type = "VBMeta"
slot = "A"
if (defined(invoker.vbmeta_b) && invoker.vbmeta_b != "") {
_partitions += [
name = invoker.vbmeta_b
type = "VBMeta"
slot = "B"
if (defined(invoker.vbmeta_r) && invoker.vbmeta_r != "") {
_partitions += [
name = invoker.vbmeta_r
type = "VBMeta"
slot = "R"
if (defined(invoker.fvm) && invoker.fvm != "") {
_partitions += [
name = invoker.fvm
type = "FVM"
if (defined(invoker.fxfs) && invoker.fxfs != "") {
_partitions += [
name = invoker.fxfs
type = "Fxfs"
contents = {
hardware_revision = invoker.hw_revision
bootloader_partitions = bootloaders
partitions = _partitions
bootstrap_partitions = bootstraps
unlock_credentials = credentials