blob: db34ac7b49686feaab407de2cf657392f26aaa79 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Creates an Assembly Input Bundle from sets of deps.
# NOTE: This is not yet able to support all categories of inputs that are in an
# AIB. That support will be added in future CLs. See the parameters
# below for the categories that are currently supported.
# NOTE: This template DOES NOT use GN metadata, all labels for packages must be
# the actual target that creates the package.
# Parameters
# bundle_name (optional; default: target_name)
# [string] A different name for the bundle, if not the name of the target.
# bundle_dir (optional; default: target_out_dir)
# [path] A different directory to write the bundle into, if not to write it
# to '$target_out_dir/$bundle_name'.
# base_packages [optional]
# [list, GN labels] A list of GN labels of fuchsia_package targets to
# include in the base package set.
# Note: These are direct labels for specific targets, not deps to walk for
# metadata. If the target isn't a package target, it will cause an error
# like:
# "no dependency provides the input <package_name>/package_manifest.json"
# base_driver_packages (optional)
# [list, GN scopes] A list of GN scopes that hold the driver packages to
# include in the base package set. Packages listed here should not be
# listed in the base_packages and will be included automatically in
# the base package set as driver packages. The scope must have a
# `package_target` field pointing to the GN target of the fuchsia_package,
# and `driver_components` field containing a list of relative paths to
# driver components provided by the package, e.g. "meta/"
# cache_packages [optional]
# [list, GN labels] A list of GN labels of fuchsia_package targets to
# include in the cache package set.
# bootfs_packages [optional]
# [list, GN labels] A list of GN labels of fuchsia_package targets to
# include in the bootfs package set.
# Note: These are direct labels for specific targets, not deps to walk for
# metadata. If the target isn't a package target, it will cause an error
# like:
# "no dependency provides the input <package_name>/package_manifest.json"
# bootfs_files_labels [optional]
# [list, GN labels] A list of GN labels of bootfs_files_for_assembly()
# targets to include in bootfs_files provided by this AIB.
# Note: These are direct labels for specific targets, not deps to walk for
# metadata. If the target isn't a bootfs_files_for_assembly target, it will
# cause an error like:
# "no dependency provides the input <package_name>/bootfs_files.json"
# bootfs_files [optional]
# [list, scopes] A list of scopes, defining each bootfs_file and the source,
# label, and destination required to add it in bootfs using assembly.
# Example w/ source-files:
# bootfs_files = [
# {
# source = "gn/path/to/source/file"
# destination = "bin/bar" # path within bootfs
# }
# ]
# Example w/ build-output:
# bootfs_files = [
# {
# label = "//optional/label/creating/source/file"
# source = "gn/path/to/source/file"
# destination = "bin/bar" # path within bootfs
# }
# ]
# config_data_labels [optional]
# [list, GN labels] A list of GN labels of config_data_for_assembly() targets
# to include in the config_data provided by this AIB.
# Note: These are direct labels for specific targets, not deps to walk for
# metadata. If the target isn't a config_data_for_assembly() target, it will
# cause an error like:
# "no dependency provides the input <package_name>/config_data_entry.json"
# config_data [optional]
# [list, scopes] A list of scopes, defining each config_data associated with
# a given package, and the source, label, and destination required to add it
# in bootfs using assembly.
# Example w/ source-files:
# config_data = [
# {
# package_name = "example_package"
# files = [
# {
# source =
# "//src/path_to_config/config1.json"
# destination = "config1.json"
# },
# {
# source = "//src/path_to_config/other_stuff.txt"
# destination = "other_stuff.txt"
# },
# ]
# },
# ]
# Example w/ build-output:
# config_data = [
# {
# package_name = "example_package"
# label = "//src/package/path:example_package"
# files = [
# {
# source =
# "//src/path_to_config/config1.json"
# destination = "config1.json"
# },
# {
# source = "//src/path_to_config/other_stuff.txt"
# destination = "other_stuff.txt"
# },
# ]
# },
# ]
# qemu_kernel (optional; default: false)
# [path] Path to the qemu kernel.
# kernel_cmdline (optional: default: [])
# [list of strings] Kernel cmdline arguments.
# shell_commands (optional; default: empty)
# [list of scopes] A list of scopes that describe the shell commands for each
# listed package
# Example:
# shell_commands = [
# {
# package = "//third_party/sbase"
# components = [ "ls" ]
# },
# ]
# compiled_packages [optional]
# [list of GN scopes] List of GN scopes of `CompiledPackageDefinition`s
# that describe packages that are to be built dynamically by Assembly, for
# example, the `core` package. This is passed directly through to the AIB
# config so all paths should be rebased by the caller.
# Example:
# # Add a core shard
# compiled_packages = [
# {
# name = "core"
# component_shards = [
# {
# component_name = "core"
# shards = rebase_path(
# "//src/sys/process-resolver/meta/process_resolver.core_shard.cml",
# root_build_dir)
# . },
# . ...
# ]
# },
# ]
# component_includes [optional]
# [list of FileEntry] List of source/destination pairs related to a compiled
# package in the compiled_packages list.
# that specifies cml files that can be included by any cml shards in any
# platform AIB for the given package. These files will be included
# in the Assembly Input Bundle.
# create_aib_package (optional; default: true)
# [boolean] Set to true to also create a package that contains the contents
# of the AIB.
# target: '{$target_name}.pkg'
# outputs: [
# '${bundle_dir}/${bundle_name}.pkg/meta.far',
# '${bundle_dir}/${bundle_name}.pkg/package_manifest.json',
# ]
# create_aib_archive (optional; default: true)
# [boolean] Set to true to create a tgz archive that contains the contents of
# the AIB.
# target: '{$target_name}.tgz'
# outputs: [ '${bundle_dir}/${bundle_name}.tgz' ]
# Outputs
# A directory structure and manifest that matches that documented in
# //build/python/modules/assembly/
# manifest path:
# $target_out_dir/$target_name/assembly_config.json
# GN usual meanings
# testonly, visibility
template("assembly_input_bundle") {
bundles_dir = target_out_dir
if (defined(invoker.bundles_dir)) {
bundles_dir = invoker.bundles_dir
bundle_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.bundle_name)) {
bundle_name = invoker.bundle_name
labels = {
# The AIB itself
assembly_input_bundle = "$target_name.bundle"
# The assembly bundle package and archive labels
assembly_input_bundle_package = "${target_name}.pkg"
assembly_input_bundle_archive = "${target_name}.tgz"
bazel_inputs = "${target_name}_bazel_inputs"
bootfs_files = "${target_name}.bootfs_files_list"
config_data = "${target_name}.config_data_list"
config_data_with_verification = "${target_name}.group_with.config_data"
bootfs_files_with_verification = "${target_name}.group_with.bootfs_files"
kernel_cmdline = "${target_name}.kernel_cmdline"
shell_commands_list = "${target_name}.shell_commands.list"
compiled_packages = "${target_name}.compiled_packages"
files = {
# The directory where all the bundle contents are written to
assembly_input_bundle_dir = "${bundles_dir}/${bundle_name}"
# The "official" outputs file that we create in that directory
assembly_input_bundle_config =
# The files that we create as book-keeping between our tasks.
assembly_input_bundle_depfile = "${assembly_input_bundle_dir}.d"
# The manifest of all files in the AIB, used to create pkgs and archives.
assembly_input_bundle_manifest =
# The AIB package's meta.far (optionally used)
assembly_input_bundle_package_metafar =
# The AIB archive and the manifest used to create it (optionally used)
assembly_input_bundle_archive = "${assembly_input_bundle_dir}.tgz"
assembly_input_bundle_archive_manifest =
_gen_files = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}"
shell_commands_list = "${_gen_files}/shell_commands.list"
# The output path for the generated file which collects bootfs_files from
# the invoking scope
bootfs_files = "${assembly_input_bundle_dir}.bootfs_files_list"
# The output path for the generated file which collects config_data from
# the invoking scope
config_data = "${assembly_input_bundle_dir}.config_data_list"
# The output path for the generated file which collects kernel cmdline
# arguments.
kernel_cmdline = "${assembly_input_bundle_dir}.kernel_cmdline"
# The list of user-provided compiled_package_definitions to include in
# the AIB config
compiled_packages = "${assembly_input_bundle_dir}.compiled_packages"
# See if the fuchsia-pkg and archive for the AIB are to be created.
if (!defined(create_aib_package)) {
create_aib_package = true
if (!defined(create_aib_archive)) {
create_aib_archive = true
creation_args = []
creation_inputs = []
creation_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
creation_deps += invoker.deps
# Splits bootfs_files inputs from the invoker into:
# 1) group_with_inputs deps / sources and
# 2) generated_file contents
if (defined(invoker.bootfs_files)) {
bootfs_files_contents = []
_bootfs_files_deps = []
_bootfs_files_sources = []
foreach(definition, invoker.bootfs_files) {
"bootfs_files definitions must include source")
"bootfs_files definitions must include destination")
if (defined(definition.label)) {
_bootfs_files_deps += [ definition.label ]
_bootfs_files_sources += [ definition.source ]
bootfs_files_contents += [
source = rebase_path(definition.source, root_build_dir)
destination = definition.destination
group_with_inputs(labels.bootfs_files_with_verification) {
deps = _bootfs_files_deps
sources = _bootfs_files_sources
generated_file(labels.bootfs_files) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
contents = bootfs_files_contents
outputs = [ "${files.bootfs_files}" ]
output_conversion = "json"
creation_deps += [
creation_args += [
rebase_path(files.bootfs_files, root_build_dir),
creation_inputs += [ files.bootfs_files ]
# Convert the list of config_data_labels into a set of config_data_entry.json
# files that are inputs that define config data entry scopes.
if (defined(invoker.config_data_labels)) {
_config_data_entries = []
foreach(entry_label, invoker.config_data_labels) {
# Assume this is a GN-label to a config_data_for_assembly()
# instantiation, which is similar to packages.
_entry_out_dir = get_label_info(entry_label, "target_out_dir")
_entry_name = get_label_info(entry_label, "name")
_entry_file = "${_entry_out_dir}/${_entry_name}/config_data_entry.json"
_config_data_entries += [ _entry_file ]
creation_args += [
rebase_path(_entry_file, root_build_dir),
creation_deps += invoker.config_data_labels
creation_inputs += _config_data_entries
# Convert the list of bootfs_files_labels into a set of bootfs_files.json
# files that are inputs that define bootfs file entry scopes.
if (defined(invoker.bootfs_files_labels)) {
_bootfs_files = []
foreach(entry_label, invoker.bootfs_files_labels) {
# Assume this is a GN-label to a bootfs_files_for_assembly()
# instantiation, which is similar to packages.
_entry_out_dir = get_label_info(entry_label, "target_out_dir")
_entry_name = get_label_info(entry_label, "name")
_entry_file = "${_entry_out_dir}/${_entry_name}/bootfs_files.json"
_bootfs_files += [ _entry_file ]
creation_args += [
rebase_path(_entry_file, root_build_dir),
creation_deps += invoker.bootfs_files_labels
creation_inputs += _bootfs_files
# Splits config_data inputs from the invoker into:
# 1) group_with_inputs deps / sources and
# 2) generated_file contents
if (defined(invoker.config_data)) {
config_data_contents = []
_config_data_deps = []
_config_data_sources = []
foreach(definition, invoker.config_data) {
"config_data definitions must include package_name")
"config_data definitions must include source")
if (defined(definition.label)) {
_config_data_deps += [ definition.label ]
foreach(file, definition.files) {
assert(defined(file.source), "file must have source in scope")
assert(defined(file.destination), "file must have destination in scope")
_config_data_sources += [ file.source ]
config_data_contents += [
package_name = definition.package_name
source = rebase_path(file.source, root_build_dir)
destination = file.destination
group_with_inputs(labels.config_data_with_verification) {
deps = _config_data_deps
sources = _config_data_sources
generated_file(labels.config_data) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
contents = config_data_contents
outputs = [ "${files.config_data}" ]
output_conversion = "json"
creation_deps += [
creation_args += [
rebase_path(files.config_data, root_build_dir),
creation_inputs += [ files.config_data ]
# Convert each set of package targets into:
# 1) a set of manifests paths in a file
# 2) add that file as an input and argument to the AIB creation action
# 3) add the target labels as dependencies of the AIB creation action
# This defines a set of package sets that can be looped over by name to find
# process. This use of defined() and the invoker is to tolerate undefined,
# optional, parameters to the template, as `invoker[name]` is not supported
# with defined
package_sets = {
base = []
if (defined(invoker.base_packages)) {
foreach(_target, invoker.base_packages) {
base += [
package_target = _target
cache = []
if (defined(invoker.cache_packages)) {
foreach(_target, invoker.cache_packages) {
cache += [
package_target = _target
bootfs = []
if (defined(invoker.bootfs_packages)) {
foreach(_target, invoker.bootfs_packages) {
bootfs += [
package_target = _target
base_drivers = []
if (defined(invoker.base_driver_packages)) {
base_drivers = invoker.base_driver_packages
# Loop over the above sets of packages
]) {
_package_target_details = []
_package_target_details = package_sets[string_replace(set_name, "-", "_")]
_package_targets = []
_manifest_entries = []
# Skip empty package sets
if (_package_target_details != []) {
# 1a) Calculate the manifest path for each package target
foreach(details, _package_target_details) {
"A target must be defined for each package. (this should be unreachable)")
_package_targets += [ details.package_target ]
_package_out_dir =
get_label_info(details.package_target, "target_out_dir")
_package_name = get_label_info(details.package_target, "name")
_manifest_path =
_manifest_path_rebased = rebase_path(_manifest_path, root_build_dir)
if (set_name == "base-drivers") {
"driver_components must be specified for driver targets")
_manifest_entries += [
package_target = _manifest_path_rebased
driver_components = details.driver_components
} else {
_manifest_entries += [ _manifest_path_rebased ]
_manifest_list = "${target_name}.${set_name}_packages.list"
_manifest_list_file = "${target_gen_dir}/${_manifest_list}"
# 1b) Generate a file containing that list
# For base packages this will be a list of package manifests.
# For drivers, this will be a list of DriverDetails, containing
# the package manifests and component file paths.
generated_file(_manifest_list) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
deps = _package_targets
outputs = [ "${_manifest_list_file}" ]
output_conversion = "json"
contents = _manifest_entries
# 2) add the file as an input and argument to the AIB creation action
creation_args += [
rebase_path(_manifest_list_file, root_build_dir),
creation_inputs += [ _manifest_list_file ]
# 3) add the file as a dependency of the AIB creation action (linking the
# actual package deps transitively, to preserve the route by which they
# are added to the AIB:
# +-> AIB.base_packages_list
# +-> [ base package deps ]
# +-> AIB.cache_packages_list
# +-> [ cache package deps ]
creation_deps += [ ":${_manifest_list}" ]
# Only add the shell command packages list if it's non-empty
if (defined(invoker.shell_commands) && invoker.shell_commands != []) {
shell_commands_json_contents = []
foreach(shell_command, invoker.shell_commands) {
"shell_command entries must specify a package name: ${shell_command}")
"shell_command components must be a list of strings pointing to binaries that are components in the package that make up the package: ${shell_command}")
_package_name = get_label_info(shell_command.package, "name")
shell_commands_json_contents += [
package = _package_name
components = shell_command.components
generated_file(labels.shell_commands_list) {
outputs = [ files.shell_commands_list ]
output_conversion = "json"
contents = shell_commands_json_contents
creation_args += [
rebase_path(files.shell_commands_list, root_build_dir),
creation_inputs += [ files.shell_commands_list ]
creation_deps += [ ":${labels.shell_commands_list}" ]
if (defined(invoker.qemu_kernel)) {
creation_args += [
rebase_path(invoker.qemu_kernel, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.kernel_cmdline)) {
generated_file(labels.kernel_cmdline) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
outputs = [ files.kernel_cmdline ]
output_conversion = "json"
contents = invoker.kernel_cmdline
creation_args += [
rebase_path(files.kernel_cmdline, root_build_dir),
creation_inputs += [ files.kernel_cmdline ]
creation_deps += [ ":${labels.kernel_cmdline}" ]
if (defined(invoker.compiled_packages)) {
generated_file(labels.compiled_packages) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
outputs = [ "${files.compiled_packages}" ]
output_conversion = "json"
contents = invoker.compiled_packages
creation_args += [
rebase_path(files.compiled_packages, root_build_dir),
creation_inputs += [ files.compiled_packages ]
creation_deps += [ ":${labels.compiled_packages}" ]
# Create the out-of-tree-usable Assembly Input Bundle
python_action(labels.assembly_input_bundle) {
binary_label = "//build/assembly/scripts:assembly_input_bundle_tool"
# The contents of these folders is dynamic, and managed entirely by this
# action. Further, this action will need to delete items from these
# directories that are not added back (on an incremental build, if an item
# is removed from one of these sets)
# These folders would grow in size forever, if it was not cleaned out on
# each incremental build.
hermetic_action_ignored_prefixes = [
outputs = [ files.assembly_input_bundle_config ]
depfile = files.assembly_input_bundle_depfile
args = [
rebase_path(files.assembly_input_bundle_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(files.assembly_input_bundle_depfile, root_build_dir),
args += creation_args
# If packaging or archiving the AIB, write out the fini manifest needed to
# do so.
if (create_aib_package || create_aib_archive) {
args += [
rebase_path(files.assembly_input_bundle_manifest, root_build_dir),
outputs += [ files.assembly_input_bundle_manifest ]
inputs = creation_inputs
deps = creation_deps
metadata = {
# We insert these barriers to prevent the dependencies of the input bundle
# from leaking into images "higher up" in the dependency chain.
package_barrier = []
assembly_package_barrier = []
config_package_barrier = []
distribution_entries_barrier = []
driver_package_component_files_barrier = []
system_image_package_barrier = []
shell_commands_barrier = []
# Optionally create the fuchsia-pkg for the AIB.
if (create_aib_package) {
assembly_input_bundle_package(labels.assembly_input_bundle_package) {
package_name = bundle_name
package_outdir = "${bundles_dir}/${bundle_name}.pkg"
manifest = files.assembly_input_bundle_manifest
deps = [ ":${labels.assembly_input_bundle}" ]
# Optionally create the archive for the AIB.
if (create_aib_archive) {
assembly_input_bundle_archive(labels.assembly_input_bundle_archive) {
archive_name = bundle_name
archive_outdir = bundles_dir
manifest = files.assembly_input_bundle_manifest
deps = [ ":${labels.assembly_input_bundle}" ]
# If the package was created, include it in the archive.
if (create_aib_package) {
meta_far = files.assembly_input_bundle_package_metafar
deps += [ ":${labels.assembly_input_bundle_package}" ]
# Make generated AIBs available to Bazel builds.
bazel_input_resource_directory(labels.bazel_inputs) {
source_dir = files.assembly_input_bundle_dir
dest_dir = rebase_path(files.assembly_input_bundle_dir, root_out_dir)
deps = [ ":${labels.assembly_input_bundle}" ]
group(target_name) {
deps = [ ":${labels.bazel_inputs}" ]
public_deps = [ ":${labels.assembly_input_bundle}" ]
if (create_aib_package) {
public_deps += [ ":${labels.assembly_input_bundle_package}" ]
if (create_aib_archive) {
public_deps += [ ":${labels.assembly_input_bundle_archive}" ]