blob: 097f0dc8f03db559aea32fe974e0434d8f2cf746 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{bail, ensure, format_err},
fidl_fuchsia_wlan_mlme::{BssDescription, DeviceInfo, SaeFrame},
fidl_fuchsia_wlan_sme as fidl_sme,
self, auth, nonce::NonceReader, psk, rsna::UpdateSink, Error, NegotiatedProtection,
pub struct Rsna {
pub negotiated_protection: NegotiatedProtection,
pub supplicant: Box<dyn Supplicant>,
impl PartialEq for Rsna {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.negotiated_protection == other.negotiated_protection
pub trait Supplicant: std::fmt::Debug + std::marker::Send {
fn start(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn reset(&mut self);
fn on_eapol_frame(
&mut self,
update_sink: &mut UpdateSink,
frame: eapol::Frame<&[u8]>,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn on_sae_handshake_ind(&mut self, update_sink: &mut UpdateSink) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>;
fn on_sae_frame_rx(
&mut self,
update_sink: &mut UpdateSink,
frame: SaeFrame,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>;
fn on_sae_timeout(
&mut self,
update_sink: &mut UpdateSink,
event_id: u64,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>;
fn get_auth_cfg(&self) -> &auth::Config;
fn get_auth_method(&self) -> auth::MethodName;
impl Supplicant for wlan_rsn::Supplicant {
fn start(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn reset(&mut self) {
fn on_eapol_frame(
&mut self,
update_sink: &mut UpdateSink,
frame: eapol::Frame<&[u8]>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
wlan_rsn::Supplicant::on_eapol_frame(self, update_sink, frame)
fn on_sae_handshake_ind(&mut self, update_sink: &mut UpdateSink) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
wlan_rsn::Supplicant::on_sae_handshake_ind(self, update_sink)
fn on_sae_frame_rx(
&mut self,
update_sink: &mut UpdateSink,
frame: SaeFrame,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
wlan_rsn::Supplicant::on_sae_frame_rx(self, update_sink, frame)
fn on_sae_timeout(
&mut self,
update_sink: &mut UpdateSink,
event_id: u64,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
wlan_rsn::Supplicant::on_sae_timeout(self, update_sink, event_id)
fn get_auth_cfg(&self) -> &auth::Config {
fn get_auth_method(&self) -> auth::MethodName {
pub fn get_wpa2_rsna(
device_info: &DeviceInfo,
credential: &fidl_sme::Credential,
bss: &BssDescription,
) -> Result<Protection, anyhow::Error> {
let a_rsne_bytes = match bss.rsne.as_ref() {
None => return Err(format_err!("RSNE not present in BSS")),
Some(rsne) => &rsne[..],
// Credentials supplied and BSS is protected.
let (_, a_rsne) = rsne::from_bytes(a_rsne_bytes)
.map_err(|e| format_err!("invalid RSNE {:02x?}: {:?}", a_rsne_bytes, e))?;
let s_rsne = a_rsne.derive_wpa2_s_rsne()?;
let negotiated_protection = NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&s_rsne)?;
let psk = compute_psk(credential, &bss.ssid[..])?;
let supplicant = wlan_rsn::Supplicant::new_wpa_personal(
// Note: There should be one Reader per device, not per SME.
// Follow-up with improving on this.
.map_err(|e| format_err!("failed to create ESS-SA: {:?}", e))?;
Ok(Protection::Rsna(Rsna { negotiated_protection, supplicant: Box::new(supplicant) }))
pub fn compute_psk(
credential: &fidl_sme::Credential,
ssid: &[u8],
) -> Result<auth::Config, anyhow::Error> {
match credential {
fidl_sme::Credential::Password(password) => {
psk::compute(&password[..], ssid).map(auth::Config::ComputedPsk)
fidl_sme::Credential::Psk(psk) => {
ensure!(psk.len() == 32, "PSK must be 32 octets but was {}", psk.len());
fidl_sme::Credential::None(..) => bail!("expected credentials but none provided"),
_ => bail!("unsupported credentials configuration for computing PSK"),
pub fn get_wpa3_rsna(
device_info: &DeviceInfo,
credential: &fidl_sme::Credential,
bss: &BssDescription,
) -> Result<Protection, anyhow::Error> {
let password = match credential {
fidl_sme::Credential::Password(pwd) => pwd.to_vec(),
_ => bail!("Unexpected credential type"),
let a_rsne_bytes = match bss.rsne.as_ref() {
None => return Err(format_err!("RSNE not present in BSS")),
Some(rsne) => &rsne[..],
let (_, a_rsne) = rsne::from_bytes(a_rsne_bytes)
.map_err(|e| format_err!("invalid RSNE {:02x?}: {:?}", a_rsne_bytes, e))?;
let s_rsne = a_rsne.derive_wpa3_s_rsne()?;
let negotiated_protection = NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&s_rsne)?;
let supplicant = wlan_rsn::Supplicant::new_wpa_personal(
auth::Config::Sae {
mac: device_info.mac_addr.clone(),
peer_mac: bss.bssid.clone(),
.map_err(|e| format_err!("failed to create ESS-SA: {:?}", e))?;
Ok(Protection::Rsna(Rsna { negotiated_protection, supplicant: Box::new(supplicant) }))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{
fake_protected_bss_description, fake_unprotected_bss_description,
use wlan_common::assert_variant;
const CLIENT_ADDR: [u8; 6] = [0x7A, 0xE7, 0x76, 0xD9, 0xF2, 0x67];
fn test_get_rsna_password_for_unprotected_network() {
let bss = fake_unprotected_bss_description(b"foo_bss".to_vec());
let credential = fidl_sme::Credential::Password("somepass".as_bytes().to_vec());
let rsna = get_wpa2_rsna(&fake_device_info(CLIENT_ADDR), &credential, &bss);
assert!(rsna.is_err(), "expect error when password is supplied for unprotected network")
fn test_get_rsna_no_password_for_protected_network() {
let bss = fake_protected_bss_description(b"foo_bss".to_vec());
let credential = fidl_sme::Credential::None(fidl_sme::Empty);
let rsna = get_wpa2_rsna(&fake_device_info(CLIENT_ADDR), &credential, &bss);
assert!(rsna.is_err(), "expect error when no password is supplied for protected network")
fn test_get_rsna_psk() {
let bss = fake_protected_bss_description(b"foo_bss".to_vec());
let credential = fidl_sme::Credential::Psk(vec![0xAA; 32]);
get_wpa2_rsna(&fake_device_info(CLIENT_ADDR), &credential, &bss)
.expect("expected successful RSNA with valid PSK");
fn test_wpa2_get_auth_method() {
let bss = fake_protected_bss_description(b"foo_bss".to_vec());
let credential = fidl_sme::Credential::Psk(vec![0xAA; 32]);
let protection = get_wpa2_rsna(&fake_device_info(CLIENT_ADDR), &credential, &bss)
.expect("expected successful RSNA with valid PSK");
assert_variant!(protection, Protection::Rsna(rsna) => {
assert_eq!(rsna.supplicant.get_auth_method(), auth::MethodName::Psk);
fn test_wpa2_get_auth_config() {
let bss = fake_protected_bss_description(b"foo_bss".to_vec());
let credential = fidl_sme::Credential::Psk(vec![0xAA; 32]);
let protection = get_wpa2_rsna(&fake_device_info(CLIENT_ADDR), &credential, &bss)
.expect("expected successful RSNA with valid PSK");
assert_variant!(protection, Protection::Rsna(rsna) => {
assert_variant!(rsna.supplicant.get_auth_cfg(), auth::Config::ComputedPsk(_));
fn test_get_rsna_invalid_psk() {
let bss = fake_protected_bss_description(b"foo_bss".to_vec());
// PSK too short
let credential = fidl_sme::Credential::Psk(vec![0xAA; 31]);
get_wpa2_rsna(&fake_device_info(CLIENT_ADDR), &credential, &bss)
.expect_err("expected RSNA failure with invalid PSK");
fn test_get_rsna_wpa3() {
let bss = fake_wpa3_bss_description(b"foo_bss".to_vec());
let credential = fidl_sme::Credential::Password(vec![0xBB; 8]);
get_wpa3_rsna(&fake_device_info(CLIENT_ADDR), &credential, &bss)
.expect("expected successful SAE RSNA with valid credential");
fn test_wpa3_get_auth_method() {
let bss = fake_wpa3_bss_description(b"foo_bss".to_vec());
let credential = fidl_sme::Credential::Password(vec![0xBB; 8]);
let protection = get_wpa3_rsna(&fake_device_info(CLIENT_ADDR), &credential, &bss)
.expect("expected successful SAE RSNA with valid credential");
assert_variant!(protection, Protection::Rsna(rsna) => {
assert_eq!(rsna.supplicant.get_auth_method(), auth::MethodName::Sae);
fn test_wpa3_get_auth_config() {
let bss = fake_wpa3_bss_description(b"foo_bss".to_vec());
let credential = fidl_sme::Credential::Password(vec![0xBB; 8]);
let protection = get_wpa3_rsna(&fake_device_info(CLIENT_ADDR), &credential, &bss)
.expect("expected successful SAE RSNA with valid credential");
assert_variant!(protection, Protection::Rsna(rsna) => {
assert_variant!(rsna.supplicant.get_auth_cfg(), auth::Config::Sae { .. });
fn test_get_rsna_wpa3_psk_fails() {
let bss = fake_wpa3_bss_description(b"foo_bss".to_vec());
let credential = fidl_sme::Credential::Psk(vec![0xAA; 32]);
get_wpa3_rsna(&fake_device_info(CLIENT_ADDR), &credential, &bss)
.expect_err("expected WPA3 RSNA failure with PSK");