ELF Runner

The ELF runner is the runner responsible for launching components based on standard executable files (ELF format).

A capability to the ELF runner service is offered to the root component under the name elf. For other components to use the ELF runner, the capability must be explicitly routed to them.

For a detailed explanation of how processes are created, please see //docs/concepts/booting/program_loading.md.

Using the ELF Runner

To use the ELF runner, the component must:

  • Add a use declaration for the ELF runner.
  • Add a program block, containing the binary and (optionally) program arguments that should be used.

The ELF runner receives instructions from the program section of the component manifest. The binary field holds the path to an executable file in the package the manifest comes from, and the args field holds any additional string arguments that should be provided to the process when it is created.

This is an example manifest that launches bin/echo with the arguments Hello and world!. It assumes that the ELF runner capability has been offered to the component under the name elf:

    "program": {
        "binary": "bin/echo",
        "args": [ "Hello", "world!" ],
    "use": [
        { "runner": "elf" },


Components have a lifecycle. Components run by the ELF runner can integrate with the lifecycle if you add a lifecycle attribute to your component manifest. Currently stop is the only method in the Lifecycle protocol.

    "program": {
        "binary": "bin/echo",
        "lifecycle": { stop_event: "notify" },
    "use": [
        { "runner": "elf" },

The program should take the handle to the Lifecycle channel and serve the Lifecycle protocol on that channel. The component should exit after receiving and processing the stop call. For an example see this sample code.

The ELF Runner monitors the process it started for the program binary of the component. If this process exits, the ELF runner will terminate the component‘s execution context, which includes the component’s job and all subprocesses.