blob: f13fa09031c56cf6505baa52bd57eefb50b9e02b [file] [log] [blame]
use ring;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use crate::msgs::message::{BorrowMessage, Message, MessagePayload};
use crate::msgs::deframer::MessageDeframer;
use crate::msgs::fragmenter::{MessageFragmenter, MAX_FRAGMENT_LEN};
use crate::msgs::hsjoiner::HandshakeJoiner;
use crate::msgs::base::Payload;
use crate::msgs::codec::Codec;
use crate::msgs::enums::{ContentType, ProtocolVersion, AlertDescription, AlertLevel};
use crate::error::TLSError;
use crate::suites::SupportedCipherSuite;
use crate::cipher;
use crate::vecbuf::{ChunkVecBuffer, WriteV};
use crate::key;
use crate::prf;
use crate::rand;
use crate::quic;
use crate::record_layer;
#[cfg(feature = "logging")]
use crate::log::{warn, debug, error};
use std::io;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
/// Generalises `ClientSession` and `ServerSession`
pub trait Session: quic::QuicExt + Read + Write + Send + Sync {
/// Read TLS content from `rd`. This method does internal
/// buffering, so `rd` can supply TLS messages in arbitrary-
/// sized chunks (like a socket or pipe might).
/// You should call `process_new_packets` each time a call to
/// this function succeeds.
/// The returned error only relates to IO on `rd`. TLS-level
/// errors are emitted from `process_new_packets`.
/// This function returns `Ok(0)` when the underlying `rd` does
/// so. This typically happens when a socket is cleanly closed,
/// or a file is at EOF.
fn read_tls(&mut self, rd: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<usize, io::Error>;
/// Writes TLS messages to `wr`.
/// On success the function returns `Ok(n)` where `n` is a number
/// of bytes written to `wr`, number of bytes after encoding and
/// encryption.
/// Note that after function return the session buffer maybe not
/// yet fully flushed. [`wants_write`] function can be used
/// to check if output buffer is not empty.
/// [`wants_write`]: #tymethod.wants_write
fn write_tls(&mut self, wr: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<usize, io::Error>;
/// Like `write_tls`, but writes potentially many records in one
/// go via `wr`; a `rustls::WriteV`. This function has the same semantics
/// as `write_tls` otherwise.
fn writev_tls(&mut self, wr: &mut dyn WriteV) -> Result<usize, io::Error>;
/// Processes any new packets read by a previous call to `read_tls`.
/// Errors from this function relate to TLS protocol errors, and
/// are fatal to the session. Future calls after an error will do
/// no new work and will return the same error.
/// Success from this function can mean new plaintext is available:
/// obtain it using `read`.
fn process_new_packets(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError>;
/// Returns true if the caller should call `read_tls` as soon
/// as possible.
fn wants_read(&self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if the caller should call `write_tls` as soon
/// as possible.
fn wants_write(&self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if the session is currently perform the TLS
/// handshake. During this time plaintext written to the
/// session is buffered in memory.
fn is_handshaking(&self) -> bool;
/// Sets a limit on the internal buffers used to buffer
/// unsent plaintext (prior to completing the TLS handshake)
/// and unsent TLS records.
/// By default, there is no limit. The limit can be set
/// at any time, even if the current buffer use is higher.
fn set_buffer_limit(&mut self, limit: usize);
/// Queues a close_notify fatal alert to be sent in the next
/// `write_tls` call. This informs the peer that the
/// connection is being closed.
fn send_close_notify(&mut self);
/// Retrieves the certificate chain used by the peer to authenticate.
/// For clients, this is the certificate chain of the server.
/// For servers, this is the certificate chain of the client,
/// if client authentication was completed.
/// The return value is None until this value is available.
fn get_peer_certificates(&self) -> Option<Vec<key::Certificate>>;
/// Retrieves the protocol agreed with the peer via ALPN.
/// A return value of None after handshake completion
/// means no protocol was agreed (because no protocols
/// were offered or accepted by the peer).
fn get_alpn_protocol(&self) -> Option<&[u8]>;
/// Retrieves the protocol version agreed with the peer.
/// This returns None until the version is agreed.
fn get_protocol_version(&self) -> Option<ProtocolVersion>;
/// Derives key material from the agreed session secrets.
/// This function fills in `output` with `output.len()` bytes of key
/// material derived from the master session secret using `label`
/// and `context` for diversification.
/// See RFC5705 for more details on what this does and is for.
/// For TLS1.3 connections, this function does not use the
/// "early" exporter at any point.
/// This function fails if called prior to the handshake completing;
/// check with `is_handshaking()` first.
fn export_keying_material(&self,
output: &mut [u8],
label: &[u8],
context: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<(), TLSError>;
/// Retrieves the ciphersuite agreed with the peer.
/// This returns None until the ciphersuite is agreed.
fn get_negotiated_ciphersuite(&self) -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite>;
/// This function uses `io` to complete any outstanding IO for
/// this session.
/// This is a convenience function which solely uses other parts
/// of the public API.
/// What this means depends on the session state:
/// - If the session `is_handshaking()`, then IO is performed until
/// the handshake is complete.
/// - Otherwise, if `wants_write` is true, `write_tls` is invoked
/// until it is all written.
/// - Otherwise, if `wants_read` is true, `read_tls` is invoked
/// once.
/// The return value is the number of bytes read from and written
/// to `io`, respectively.
/// This function will block if `io` blocks.
/// Errors from TLS record handling (ie, from `process_new_packets()`)
/// are wrapped in an `io::ErrorKind::InvalidData`-kind error.
fn complete_io<T>(&mut self, io: &mut T) -> Result<(usize, usize), io::Error>
where Self: Sized, T: Read + Write
let until_handshaked = self.is_handshaking();
let mut eof = false;
let mut wrlen = 0;
let mut rdlen = 0;
loop {
while self.wants_write() {
wrlen += self.write_tls(io)?;
if !until_handshaked && wrlen > 0 {
return Ok((rdlen, wrlen));
if !eof && self.wants_read() {
match self.read_tls(io)? {
0 => eof = true,
n => rdlen += n
match self.process_new_packets() {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(e) => {
// In case we have an alert to send describing this error,
// try a last-gasp write -- but don't predate the primary
// error.
let _ignored = self.write_tls(io);
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e));
match (eof, until_handshaked, self.is_handshaking()) {
(_, true, false) => return Ok((rdlen, wrlen)),
(_, false, _) => return Ok((rdlen, wrlen)),
(true, true, true) => return Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof)),
(..) => ()
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Protocol {
#[cfg(feature = "quic")]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SessionRandoms {
pub we_are_client: bool,
pub client: [u8; 32],
pub server: [u8; 32],
static TLS12_DOWNGRADE_SENTINEL: &[u8] = &[0x44, 0x4f, 0x57, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x52, 0x44, 0x01];
impl SessionRandoms {
pub fn for_server() -> SessionRandoms {
let mut ret = SessionRandoms {
we_are_client: false,
client: [0u8; 32],
server: [0u8; 32],
rand::fill_random(&mut ret.server);
pub fn for_client() -> SessionRandoms {
let mut ret = SessionRandoms {
we_are_client: true,
client: [0u8; 32],
server: [0u8; 32],
rand::fill_random(&mut ret.client);
pub fn set_tls12_downgrade_marker(&mut self) {
pub fn has_tls12_downgrade_marker(&mut self) -> bool {
// both the server random and TLS12_DOWNGRADE_SENTINEL are
// public values and don't require constant time comparison
&self.server[24..] == TLS12_DOWNGRADE_SENTINEL
fn join_randoms(first: &[u8], second: &[u8]) -> [u8; 64] {
let mut randoms = [0u8; 64];
/// TLS1.2 per-session keying material
pub struct SessionSecrets {
pub randoms: SessionRandoms,
hash: &'static ring::digest::Algorithm,
pub master_secret: [u8; 48],
impl SessionSecrets {
pub fn new(randoms: &SessionRandoms,
hashalg: &'static ring::digest::Algorithm,
pms: &[u8])
-> SessionSecrets {
let mut ret = SessionSecrets {
randoms: randoms.clone(),
hash: hashalg,
master_secret: [0u8; 48],
let randoms = join_randoms(&ret.randoms.client, &ret.randoms.server);
prf::prf(&mut ret.master_secret,
b"master secret",
pub fn new_ems(randoms: &SessionRandoms,
hs_hash: &[u8],
hashalg: &'static ring::digest::Algorithm,
pms: &[u8]) -> SessionSecrets {
let mut ret = SessionSecrets {
randoms: randoms.clone(),
hash: hashalg,
master_secret: [0u8; 48]
prf::prf(&mut ret.master_secret,
b"extended master secret",
pub fn new_resume(randoms: &SessionRandoms,
hashalg: &'static ring::digest::Algorithm,
master_secret: &[u8])
-> SessionSecrets {
let mut ret = SessionSecrets {
randoms: randoms.clone(),
hash: hashalg,
master_secret: [0u8; 48],
pub fn make_key_block(&self, len: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut out = Vec::new();
out.resize(len, 0u8);
// NOTE: opposite order to above for no good reason.
// Don't design security protocols on drugs, kids.
let randoms = join_randoms(&self.randoms.server, &self.randoms.client);
prf::prf(&mut out,
b"key expansion",
pub fn get_master_secret(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut ret = Vec::new();
pub fn make_verify_data(&self, handshake_hash: &[u8], label: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut out = Vec::new();
out.resize(12, 0u8);
prf::prf(&mut out,
pub fn client_verify_data(&self, handshake_hash: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
self.make_verify_data(handshake_hash, b"client finished")
pub fn server_verify_data(&self, handshake_hash: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
self.make_verify_data(handshake_hash, b"server finished")
pub fn export_keying_material(&self,
output: &mut [u8],
label: &[u8],
context: Option<&[u8]>) {
let mut randoms = Vec::new();
if let Some(context) = context {
assert!(context.len() <= 0xffff);
(context.len() as u16).encode(&mut randoms);
// --- Common (to client and server) session functions ---
enum Limit {
pub struct SessionCommon {
pub negotiated_version: Option<ProtocolVersion>,
pub is_client: bool,
pub record_layer: record_layer::RecordLayer,
suite: Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite>,
peer_eof: bool,
pub traffic: bool,
pub early_traffic: bool,
pub message_deframer: MessageDeframer,
pub handshake_joiner: HandshakeJoiner,
pub message_fragmenter: MessageFragmenter,
received_plaintext: ChunkVecBuffer,
sendable_plaintext: ChunkVecBuffer,
pub sendable_tls: ChunkVecBuffer,
/// Protocol whose key schedule should be used. Unused for TLS < 1.3.
pub protocol: Protocol,
#[cfg(feature = "quic")]
pub(crate) quic: Quic,
impl SessionCommon {
pub fn new(mtu: Option<usize>, client: bool) -> SessionCommon {
SessionCommon {
negotiated_version: None,
is_client: client,
record_layer: record_layer::RecordLayer::new(),
suite: None,
peer_eof: false,
traffic: false,
early_traffic: false,
message_deframer: MessageDeframer::new(),
handshake_joiner: HandshakeJoiner::new(),
message_fragmenter: MessageFragmenter::new(mtu.unwrap_or(MAX_FRAGMENT_LEN)),
received_plaintext: ChunkVecBuffer::new(),
sendable_plaintext: ChunkVecBuffer::new(),
sendable_tls: ChunkVecBuffer::new(),
protocol: Protocol::Tls13,
#[cfg(feature = "quic")]
quic: Quic::new(),
pub fn is_tls13(&self) -> bool {
match self.negotiated_version {
Some(ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_3) => true,
_ => false
pub fn get_suite(&self) -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite> {
pub fn get_suite_assert(&self) -> &'static SupportedCipherSuite {
pub fn set_suite(&mut self, suite: &'static SupportedCipherSuite) -> bool {
match self.suite {
None => {
self.suite = Some(suite);
Some(s) if s == suite => {
self.suite = Some(suite);
_ => false
pub fn decrypt_incoming(&mut self, encr: Message) -> Result<Message, TLSError> {
if self.record_layer.wants_close_before_decrypt() {
let rc = self.record_layer.decrypt_incoming(encr);
if let Err(TLSError::PeerSentOversizedRecord) = rc {
pub fn has_readable_plaintext(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_buffer_limit(&mut self, limit: usize) {
pub fn process_alert(&mut self, msg: Message) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
if let MessagePayload::Alert(ref alert) = msg.payload {
// Reject unknown AlertLevels.
if let AlertLevel::Unknown(_) = alert.level {
// If we get a CloseNotify, make a note to declare EOF to our
// caller.
if alert.description == AlertDescription::CloseNotify {
self.peer_eof = true;
return Ok(());
// Warnings are nonfatal for TLS1.2, but outlawed in TLS1.3.
if alert.level == AlertLevel::Warning {
if self.is_tls13() {
} else {
warn!("TLS alert warning received: {:#?}", msg);
return Ok(());
error!("TLS alert received: {:#?}", msg);
} else {
/// Fragment `m`, encrypt the fragments, and then queue
/// the encrypted fragments for sending.
pub fn send_msg_encrypt(&mut self, m: Message) {
let mut plain_messages = VecDeque::new();
self.message_fragmenter.fragment(m, &mut plain_messages);
for m in plain_messages {
/// Like send_msg_encrypt, but operate on an appdata directly.
fn send_appdata_encrypt(&mut self,
payload: &[u8],
limit: Limit) -> usize {
// Here, the limit on sendable_tls applies to encrypted data,
// but we're respecting it for plaintext data -- so we'll
// be out by whatever the cipher+record overhead is. That's a
// constant and predictable amount, so it's not a terrible issue.
let len = match limit {
Limit::Yes => self.sendable_tls.apply_limit(payload.len()),
Limit::No => payload.len()
let mut plain_messages = VecDeque::new();
&mut plain_messages);
for m in plain_messages {
fn send_single_fragment(&mut self, m: BorrowMessage) {
// Close connection once we start to run out of
// sequence space.
if self.record_layer.wants_close_before_encrypt() {
// Refuse to wrap counter at all costs. This
// is basically untestable unfortunately.
if self.record_layer.encrypt_exhausted() {
let em = self.record_layer.encrypt_outgoing(m);
/// Are we done? ie, have we processed all received messages,
/// and received a close_notify to indicate that no new messages
/// will arrive?
pub fn connection_at_eof(&self) -> bool {
self.peer_eof && !self.message_deframer.has_pending()
/// Read TLS content from `rd`. This method does internal
/// buffering, so `rd` can supply TLS messages in arbitrary-
/// sized chunks (like a socket or pipe might).
pub fn read_tls(&mut self, rd: &mut dyn Read) -> io::Result<usize> {
pub fn write_tls(&mut self, wr: &mut dyn Write) -> io::Result<usize> {
pub fn writev_tls(&mut self, wr: &mut dyn WriteV) -> io::Result<usize> {
/// Send plaintext application data, fragmenting and
/// encrypting it as it goes out.
/// If internal buffers are too small, this function will not accept
/// all the data.
pub fn send_some_plaintext(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
self.send_plain(data, Limit::Yes)
pub fn send_early_plaintext(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
if data.is_empty() {
// Don't send empty fragments.
return Ok(0);
Ok(self.send_appdata_encrypt(data, Limit::Yes))
fn send_plain(&mut self, data: &[u8], limit: Limit) -> io::Result<usize> {
if !self.traffic {
// If we haven't completed handshaking, buffer
// plaintext to send once we do.
let len = match limit {
Limit::Yes => self.sendable_plaintext.append_limited_copy(data),
Limit::No => self.sendable_plaintext.append(data.to_vec())
return Ok(len);
if data.is_empty() {
// Don't send empty fragments.
return Ok(0);
Ok(self.send_appdata_encrypt(data, limit))
pub fn start_traffic(&mut self) {
self.traffic = true;
/// Send any buffered plaintext. Plaintext is buffered if
/// written during handshake.
pub fn flush_plaintext(&mut self) {
if !self.traffic {
while !self.sendable_plaintext.is_empty() {
let buf = self.sendable_plaintext.take_one();
self.send_plain(&buf, Limit::No)
// Put m into sendable_tls for writing.
fn queue_tls_message(&mut self, m: Message) {
/// Send a raw TLS message, fragmenting it if needed.
pub fn send_msg(&mut self, m: Message, must_encrypt: bool) {
#[cfg(feature = "quic")]
if let Protocol::Quic = self.protocol {
if let MessagePayload::Alert(alert) = m.payload {
self.quic.alert = Some(alert.description);
} else {
debug_assert!(if let MessagePayload::Handshake(_) = m.payload { true } else { false },
"QUIC uses TLS for the cryptographic handshake only");
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
m.payload.encode(&mut bytes);
self.quic.hs_queue.push_back((must_encrypt, bytes));
if !must_encrypt {
let mut to_send = VecDeque::new();
self.message_fragmenter.fragment(m, &mut to_send);
for mm in to_send {
} else {
pub fn take_received_plaintext(&mut self, bytes: Payload) {
pub fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let len =;
if len == 0 && self.connection_at_eof() && self.received_plaintext.is_empty() {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted,
"CloseNotify alert received"));
pub fn start_encryption_tls12(&mut self, secrets: &SessionSecrets) {
let (dec, enc) = cipher::new_tls12(self.get_suite_assert(), secrets);
pub fn send_warning_alert(&mut self, desc: AlertDescription) {
warn!("Sending warning alert {:?}", desc);
pub fn send_fatal_alert(&mut self, desc: AlertDescription) {
warn!("Sending fatal alert {:?}", desc);
let m = Message::build_alert(AlertLevel::Fatal, desc);
self.send_msg(m, self.record_layer.is_encrypting());
pub fn send_close_notify(&mut self) {
debug!("Sending warning alert {:?}", AlertDescription::CloseNotify);
fn send_warning_alert_no_log(&mut self, desc: AlertDescription) {
let m = Message::build_alert(AlertLevel::Warning, desc);
self.send_msg(m, self.record_layer.is_encrypting());
#[cfg(feature = "quic")]
pub(crate) struct Quic {
/// QUIC transport parameters received from the peer during the handshake
pub params: Option<Vec<u8>>,
pub alert: Option<AlertDescription>,
pub hs_queue: VecDeque<(bool, Vec<u8>)>,
pub early_secret: Option<ring::hkdf::Prk>,
pub hs_secrets: Option<quic::Secrets>,
pub traffic_secrets: Option<quic::Secrets>,
#[cfg(feature = "quic")]
impl Quic {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
params: None,
alert: None,
hs_queue: VecDeque::new(),
early_secret: None,
hs_secrets: None,
traffic_secrets: None,