blob: 48a7ba0dcf36b1c6bff9ee5eec4758e449b09b4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The proptest developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Provides a parser from syn attributes to our logical model.
use syn::{self, Meta, NestedMeta, Lit, Ident, Attribute, Expr, Type};
use crate::util;
use crate::interp;
use crate::error::{self, Ctx, DeriveResult};
// Public API
/// Parsed attributes in our logical model.
pub struct ParsedAttributes {
/// If we've been ordered to skip this item.
/// This is only valid for enum variants.
pub skip: bool,
/// The potential weight assigned to an enum variant.
/// This must be `None` for things that are not enum variants.
pub weight: Option<u32>,
/// The mode for `Parameters` to use. See that type for more.
pub params: ParamsMode,
/// The mode for `Strategy` to use. See that type for more.
pub strategy: StratMode,
/// Filter expressions if any.
pub filter: Vec<syn::Expr>,
/// True if no_bound was specified.
pub no_bound: bool,
/// The mode for the associated item `Strategy` to use.
pub enum StratMode {
/// This means that no explicit strategy was specified
/// and that we thus should use `Arbitrary` for whatever
/// it is that needs a strategy.
/// This means that an explicit value has been provided.
/// The result of this is to use a strategy that always
/// returns the given value.
/// This means that an explicit strategy has been provided.
/// This strategy will be used to generate whatever it
/// is that the attribute was set on.
/// This means that an explicit *regex* strategy has been provided.
/// We don't reuse `Strategy(..)` so that we can produce better and
/// more tailored error messages.
/// The mode for the associated item `Parameters` to use.
pub enum ParamsMode {
/// Nothing has been specified. The children are now free to
/// specify their parameters, and if nothing is specified, then
/// `<X as Arbitrary>::Parameters` will be used for a type `X`.
/// We've been ordered to use the Default value of
/// `<X as Arbitrary>::Parameters` for some field where applicable.
/// For the top level item, this means that `Parameters` will be
/// the unit type. For children, it means that this child should
/// not count towards the product type that is being built up.
/// An explicit type has been specified on some item.
/// If the top level item has this specified on it, this means
/// that `Parameters` will have the given type.
/// If it is specified on a child of the top level item, this
/// entails that the given type will be added to the resultant
/// product type.
impl ParamsMode {
/// Returns `true` iff the mode was explicitly set.
pub fn is_set(&self) -> bool {
if let ParamsMode::Passthrough = *self { false } else { true }
/// Converts the mode to an `Option` of an `Option` of a type
/// where the outer `Option` is `None` iff the mode wasn't set
/// and the inner `Option` is `None` iff the mode was `Default`.
pub fn into_option(self) -> Option<Option<Type>> {
use self::ParamsMode::*;
match self {
Passthrough => None,
Specified(ty) => Some(Some(ty)),
Default => Some(None),
impl StratMode {
/// Returns `true` iff the mode was explicitly set.
pub fn is_set(&self) -> bool {
if let StratMode::Arbitrary = self { false } else { true }
/// Parse the attributes specified on an item and parsed by syn
/// into our logical model that we work with.
pub fn parse_attributes(ctx: Ctx, attrs: &[Attribute])
-> DeriveResult<ParsedAttributes>
let attrs = parse_attributes_base(ctx, attrs)?;
if attrs.no_bound {
/// Parse the attributes specified on a type definition...
pub fn parse_top_attributes(ctx: Ctx, attrs: &[Attribute])
-> DeriveResult<ParsedAttributes>
parse_attributes_base(ctx, attrs)
/// Parses the attributes specified on an item and parsed by syn
/// and returns true if we've been ordered to not set an `Arbitrary`
/// bound on the given type variable the attributes are from,
/// no matter what.
pub fn has_no_bound(ctx: Ctx, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> DeriveResult<bool> {
let attrs = parse_attributes_base(ctx, attrs)?;
error::if_anything_specified(ctx, &attrs, error::TY_VAR);
/// Parse the attributes specified on an item and parsed by syn
/// into our logical model that we work with.
fn parse_attributes_base(ctx: Ctx, attrs: &[Attribute])
-> DeriveResult<ParsedAttributes>
let acc = parse_accumulate(ctx, attrs);
Ok(ParsedAttributes {
skip: acc.skip.is_some(),
weight: acc.weight,
filter: acc.filter,
// Process params and no_params together to see which one to use.
params: parse_params_mode(ctx, acc.no_params, acc.params)?,
// Process strategy and value together to see which one to use.
strategy: parse_strat_mode(ctx, acc.strategy, acc.value, acc.regex)?,
no_bound: acc.no_bound.is_some()
// Internals: Initialization
/// The internal state of the attribute parser.
struct ParseAcc {
skip: Option<()>,
weight: Option<u32>,
no_params: Option<()>,
params: Option<Type>,
strategy: Option<Expr>,
value: Option<Expr>,
regex: Option<Expr>,
filter: Vec<Expr>,
no_bound: Option<()>,
// Internals: Extraction & Filtering
fn parse_accumulate(ctx: Ctx, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> ParseAcc {
let mut state = ParseAcc::default();
// Get rid of attributes we don't care about:
for attr in attrs {
if is_proptest_attr(&attr) {
// Flatten attributes so we deal with them uniformly.
state = extract_modifiers(ctx, &attr).into_iter()
// Accumulate attributes into a form for final processing.
.fold(state, |state, meta| dispatch_attribute(ctx, state, meta))
/// Returns `true` iff the attribute has to do with proptest.
/// Otherwise, the attribute is irrevant to us and we will simply
/// ignore it in our processing.
fn is_proptest_attr(attr: &Attribute) -> bool {
util::eq_simple_path("proptest", &attr.path)
/// Extract all individual attributes inside one `#[proptest(..)]`.
/// We do this to treat all pieces uniformly whether a single
/// `#[proptest(..)]` was used or many. This simplifies the
/// logic somewhat.
fn extract_modifiers(ctx: Ctx, attr: &Attribute) -> Vec<Meta> {
// Ensure we've been given an outer attribute form.
if !is_outer_attr(&attr) {
match attr.interpret_meta() {
Some(Meta::List(list)) => return list.nested.into_iter()
.filter_map(|nm| extract_metas(ctx, nm)).collect(),
Some(Meta::Word(_)) => error::bare_proptest_attr(ctx),
Some(Meta::NameValue(_)) => error::literal_set_proptest(ctx),
None => error::no_interp_meta(ctx),
fn extract_metas(ctx: Ctx, nested: NestedMeta) -> Option<Meta> {
match nested {
NestedMeta::Literal(_) => {
// This is the only valid form.
NestedMeta::Meta(meta) => Some(meta),
/// Returns true iff the given attribute is an outer one, i.e: `#[<attr>]`.
/// An inner attribute is the other possibility and has the syntax `#![<attr>]`.
/// Note that `<attr>` is a meta-variable for the contents inside.
fn is_outer_attr(attr: &Attribute) -> bool {
syn::AttrStyle::Outer ==
// Internals: Dispatch
/// Dispatches an attribute modifier to handlers and
/// let's them add stuff into our accumulartor.
fn dispatch_attribute(ctx: Ctx, mut acc: ParseAcc, meta: Meta) -> ParseAcc {
// Dispatch table for attributes:
let name =;
let name = name.as_ref();
match name {
// Valid modifiers:
"skip" => parse_skip(ctx, &mut acc, meta),
"w" | "weight" => parse_weight(ctx, &mut acc, &meta),
"no_params" => parse_no_params(ctx, &mut acc, meta),
"params" => parse_params(ctx, &mut acc, meta),
"strategy" => parse_strategy(ctx, &mut acc, &meta),
"value" => parse_value(ctx, &mut acc, &meta),
"regex" => parse_regex(ctx, &mut acc, &meta),
"filter" => parse_filter(ctx, &mut acc, &meta),
"no_bound" => parse_no_bound(ctx, &mut acc, meta),
// Invalid modifiers:
name => dispatch_unknown_mod(ctx, name),
fn dispatch_unknown_mod(ctx: Ctx, name: &str) {
match name {
"no_bounds" =>
error::did_you_mean(ctx, name, "no_bound"),
"weights" | "weighted" =>
error::did_you_mean(ctx, name, "weight"),
"strat" | "strategies" =>
error::did_you_mean(ctx, name, "strategy"),
"values" | "valued" | "fix" | "fixed" =>
error::did_you_mean(ctx, name, "value"),
"regexes" | "regexp" | "re" =>
error::did_you_mean(ctx, name, "regex"),
"param" | "parameters" =>
error::did_you_mean(ctx, name, "params"),
"no_param" | "no_parameters" =>
error::did_you_mean(ctx, name, "no_params"),
name =>
error::unkown_modifier(ctx, name),
// TODO: consider levenshtein distance.
// Internals: no_bound
/// Parse a no_bound attribute.
/// Valid forms are:
/// + `#[proptest(no_bound)]`
fn parse_no_bound(ctx: Ctx, acc: &mut ParseAcc, meta: Meta) {
parse_bare_modifier(ctx, &mut acc.no_bound, meta, error::no_bound_malformed)
// Internals: Skip
/// Parse a skip attribute.
/// Valid forms are:
/// + `#[proptest(skip)]`
fn parse_skip(ctx: Ctx, acc: &mut ParseAcc, meta: Meta) {
parse_bare_modifier(ctx, &mut acc.skip, meta, error::skip_malformed)
// Internals: Weight
/// Parses a weight.
/// Valid forms are:
/// + `#[proptest(weight = <integer>)]`
/// + `#[proptest(weight = "<expr>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(weight(<integer>))]`
/// + `#[proptest(weight("<expr>""))]`
/// The `<integer>` must also fit within an `u32` and be unsigned.
fn parse_weight(ctx: Ctx, acc: &mut ParseAcc, meta: &Meta) {
use std::u32;
error_if_set(ctx, &acc.weight, &meta);
// Convert to value if possible:
let value = normalize_meta(meta.clone())
// Evaluate the expression into a value:
// Ensure that `val` fits within an `u32` as proptest requires that:
.filter(|&value| value <= u128::from(u32::MAX))
.map(|value| value as u32);
if let v@Some(_) = value {
acc.weight = v;
} else {
error::weight_malformed(ctx, meta)
// Internals: Filter
/// Parses an explicit value as a strategy.
/// Valid forms are:
/// + `#[proptest(filter(<ident>))]`
/// + `#[proptest(filter = "<expr>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(filter("<expr>")]`
fn parse_filter(ctx: Ctx, acc: &mut ParseAcc, meta: &Meta) {
if let Some(filter) = match normalize_meta(meta.clone()) {
Some(NormMeta::Lit(Lit::Str(lit))) => lit.parse().ok(),
Some(NormMeta::Word(ident)) => Some(parse_quote!( #ident )),
_ => None,
} {
} else {
error::filter_malformed(ctx, meta)
// Internals: Strategy
/// Parses an explicit value as a strategy.
/// Valid forms are:
/// + `#[proptest(regex = "<string>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(regex("<string>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(regex(<ident>)]`
fn parse_regex(ctx: Ctx, acc: &mut ParseAcc, meta: &Meta) {
error_if_set(ctx, &acc.regex, &meta);
if let expr@Some(_) = match normalize_meta(meta.clone()) {
Some(NormMeta::Word(fun)) => Some(function_call(fun)),
Some(NormMeta::Lit(lit@Lit::Str(_))) => Some(lit_to_expr(lit)),
_ => None,
} {
acc.regex = expr;
} else {
/// Parses an explicit value as a strategy.
/// Valid forms are:
/// + `#[proptest(value = <literal>)]`
/// + `#[proptest(value = "<expr>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(value("<expr>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(value(<literal>)]`
/// + `#[proptest(value(<ident>)]`
fn parse_value(ctx: Ctx, acc: &mut ParseAcc, meta: &Meta) {
parse_strategy_base(ctx, &mut acc.value, meta)
/// Parses an explicit strategy.
/// Valid forms are:
/// + `#[proptest(strategy = <literal>)]`
/// + `#[proptest(strategy = "<expr>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(strategy("<expr>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(strategy(<literal>)]`
/// + `#[proptest(strategy(<ident>)]`
fn parse_strategy(ctx: Ctx, acc: &mut ParseAcc, meta: &Meta) {
parse_strategy_base(ctx, &mut acc.strategy, meta)
/// Parses an explicit strategy. This is a helper.
/// Valid forms are:
/// + `#[proptest(<> = <literal>)]`
/// + `#[proptest(<> = "<expr>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(<>("<expr>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(<>(<literal>)]`
/// + `#[proptest(<>(<ident>)]`
fn parse_strategy_base(ctx: Ctx, loc: &mut Option<Expr>, meta: &Meta) {
error_if_set(ctx, &loc, &meta);
if let expr@Some(_) = match normalize_meta(meta.clone()) {
Some(NormMeta::Word(fun)) => Some(function_call(fun)),
Some(NormMeta::Lit(lit)) => extract_expr(lit),
_ => None,
} {
*loc = expr;
} else {
error::strategy_malformed(ctx, meta)
/// Combines any parsed explicit strategy, value, and regex into a single
/// value and fails if both an explicit strategy / value / regex was set.
/// Only one of them can be set, or none.
fn parse_strat_mode
(ctx: Ctx, strat: Option<Expr>, value: Option<Expr>, regex: Option<Expr>)
-> DeriveResult<StratMode>
Ok(match (strat, value, regex) {
(None, None, None ) => StratMode::Arbitrary,
(None, None, Some(re)) => StratMode::Regex(re),
(None, Some(vl), None ) => StratMode::Value(vl),
(Some(st), None, None ) => StratMode::Strategy(st),
_ => error::overspecified_strat(ctx)?,
// Internals: Parameters
/// Combines a potentially set `params` and `no_params` into a single value
/// and fails if both have been set. Only one of them can be set, or none.
fn parse_params_mode(ctx: Ctx, no_params: Option<()>, ty_params: Option<Type>)
-> DeriveResult<ParamsMode>
Ok(match (no_params, ty_params) {
(None, None ) => ParamsMode::Passthrough,
(None, Some(ty)) => ParamsMode::Specified(ty),
(Some(_), None ) => ParamsMode::Default,
(Some(_), Some(_) ) => error::overspecified_param(ctx)?,
/// Parses an explicit Parameters type.
/// Valid forms are:
/// + `#[proptest(params(<type>)]`
/// + `#[proptest(params("<type>")]`
/// + `#[proptest(params = "<type>"]`
/// The latter form is required for more complex types.
fn parse_params(ctx: Ctx, acc: &mut ParseAcc, meta: Meta) {
error_if_set(ctx, &acc.params, &meta);
let typ = match normalize_meta(meta) {
// Form is: `#[proptest(params(<type>)]`.
Some(NormMeta::Word(ident)) => Some(ident_to_type(ident)),
// Form is: `#[proptest(params = "<type>"]` or,
// Form is: `#[proptest(params("<type>")]`..
Some(NormMeta::Lit(Lit::Str(lit))) => lit.parse().ok(),
_ => None,
if let typ@Some(_) = typ {
acc.params = typ;
} else {
/// Parses an order to use the default Parameters type and value.
/// Valid forms are:
/// + `#[proptest(no_params)]`
fn parse_no_params(ctx: Ctx, acc: &mut ParseAcc, meta: Meta) {
parse_bare_modifier(ctx, &mut acc.no_params, meta, error::no_params_malformed)
// Internals: Utilities
/// Parses a bare attribute of the form `#[proptest(<attr>)]` and sets `loc`.
fn parse_bare_modifier
(ctx: Ctx, loc: &mut Option<()>, meta: Meta, malformed: fn(Ctx))
error_if_set(ctx, loc, &meta);
if let Some(NormMeta::Plain) = normalize_meta(meta) {
*loc = Some(());
} else {
/// Emits a "set again" error iff the given option `.is_some()`.
fn error_if_set<T>(ctx: Ctx, loc: &Option<T>, meta: &Meta) {
if loc.is_some() {
error::set_again(ctx, meta)
/// Constructs a type out of an identifier.
fn ident_to_type(ident: Ident) -> Type {
Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, path: ident.into() })
/// Extract a `lit` in `NormMeta::Lit(<lit>)`.
fn extract_lit(meta: NormMeta) -> Option<Lit> {
if let NormMeta::Lit(lit) = meta {
} else {
/// Extract expression out of literal if possible.
fn extract_expr(lit: Lit) -> Option<Expr> {
match lit {
Lit::Str(lit) => lit.parse().ok(),
lit@Lit::Int(_) => Some(lit_to_expr(lit)),
// TODO(centril): generalize to other literals, e.g. floats
_ => None,
/// Construct an expression from a literal.
fn lit_to_expr(lit: Lit) -> Expr {
syn::ExprLit { attrs: vec![], lit }.into()
/// Construct a function call expression for an identifier.
fn function_call(fun: Ident) -> Expr {
parse_quote!( #fun() )
/// Normalized `Meta` into all the forms we will possibly accept.
enum NormMeta {
/// Accepts: `#[proptest(<word>)]`
/// Accepts: `#[proptest(<word> = <lit>)]` and `#[proptest(<word>(<lit>))]`
/// Accepts: `#[proptest(<word>(<word>))`.
/// Normalize a `meta: Meta` into the forms accepted in `#[proptest(<meta>)]`.
fn normalize_meta(meta: Meta) -> Option<NormMeta> {
Some(match meta {
Meta::Word(_) => NormMeta::Plain,
Meta::NameValue(nv) => NormMeta::Lit(nv.lit),
Meta::List(ml) => if let Some(nm) = util::match_singleton(ml.nested) {
match nm {
NestedMeta::Literal(lit) => NormMeta::Lit(lit),
NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Word(word)) => NormMeta::Word(word),
_ => return None
} else {
return None