blob: 4788954332a661267e3fcf0e43cf5fd25f5a7559 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Log macro for log's kv-unstable backend.
//! ## Example
//! ```rust
//! use kv_log_macro::info;
//! femme::start(log::LevelFilter::Info).unwrap();
//! info!("hello");
//! info!("hello",);
//! info!("hello {}", "cats");
//! info!("hello {}", "cats",);
//! info!("hello {}", "cats", {
//! cat_1: "chashu",
//! cat_2: "nori",
//! });
//! ```
#![forbid(unsafe_code, future_incompatible, rust_2018_idioms)]
#![deny(missing_debug_implementations, nonstandard_style)]
#![warn(missing_docs, missing_doc_code_examples, unreachable_pub)]
// #![cfg_attr(test, deny(warnings))]
use log::{logger, LevelFilter, Record};
use std::fmt;
// publicly exporting so $crate::Level works.
pub use log::Level;
/// The statically resolved maximum log level.
pub const STATIC_MAX_LEVEL: LevelFilter = LevelFilter::Debug;
/// Returns the current maximum log level.
pub fn max_level() -> LevelFilter {
/// The standard logging macro.
/// ```
/// use kv_log_macro::info;
/// info!("hello");
/// info!("hello",);
/// info!("hello {}", "cats");
/// info!("hello {}", "cats",);
/// info!("hello {}", "cats", {
/// cat_1: "chashu",
/// cat_2: "nori",
/// });
/// ```
macro_rules! log {
// log!(target: "...", "...")
(target: $target:expr, $lvl:expr, $e:expr) => {
$crate::log_impl!(target: $target, $lvl, ($e));
// log!(target: "...", "...", args...)
(target: $target:expr, $lvl:expr, $e:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
$crate::log_impl!(target: $target, $lvl, ($e) $($rest)*);
// log!("...", args...)
($lvl:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => ($crate::log!(target: __log_module_path!(), $lvl, $($arg)+))
macro_rules! log_impl {
// End of macro input
(target: $target:expr, $lvl:expr, ($($arg:expr),*)) => {
let lvl = $lvl;
if lvl <= $crate::STATIC_MAX_LEVEL && lvl <= $crate::max_level() {
&($target, __log_module_path!(), __log_file!(), __log_line!()),
// // Trailing k-v pairs containing no trailing comma
(target: $target:expr, $lvl:expr, ($($arg:expr),*) { $($key:ident : $value:expr),* }) => {
let lvl = log::Level::Info;
if lvl <= $crate::STATIC_MAX_LEVEL && lvl <= $crate::max_level() {
&(__log_module_path!(), __log_module_path!(), __log_file!(), __log_line!()),
Some(&[$((__log_stringify!($key), &$value)),*])
// Trailing k-v pairs with trailing comma
(target: $target:expr, $lvl:expr, ($($e:expr),*) { $($key:ident : $value:expr,)* }) => {
$crate::log_impl!(target: $target, $lvl, ($($e),*) { $($key : $value),* });
// Last expression arg with no trailing comma
(target: $target:expr, $lvl:expr, ($($e:expr),*) $arg:expr) => {
$crate::log_impl!(target: $target, $lvl, ($($e,)* $arg));
// Expression arg
(target: $target:expr, $lvl:expr, ($($e:expr),*) $arg:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
$crate::log_impl!(target: $target, $lvl, ($($e,)* $arg) $($rest)*);
/// Logs a message at the trace level.
macro_rules! trace {
(target: $target:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => (
log!(target: $target, $crate::Level::Trace, $($arg)+);
($($arg:tt)+) => (
log!($crate::Level::Trace, $($arg)+);
/// Logs a message at the debug level.
macro_rules! debug {
(target: $target:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => (
log!(target: $target, $crate::Level::Debug, $($arg)+);
($($arg:tt)+) => (
log!($crate::Level::Debug, $($arg)+);
/// Logs a message at the info level.
macro_rules! info {
(target: $target:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => (
log!(target: $target, $crate::Level::Info, $($arg)+);
($($arg:tt)+) => (
log!($crate::Level::Info, $($arg)+);
/// Logs a message at the warn level.
macro_rules! warn {
(target: $target:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => (
log!(target: $target, $crate::Level::Warn, $($arg)+);
($($arg:tt)+) => (
log!($crate::Level::Warn, $($arg)+);
/// Logs a message at the error level.
macro_rules! error {
(target: $target:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => (
log!(target: $target, $crate::Level::Error, $($arg)+);
($($arg:tt)+) => (
log!($crate::Level::Error, $($arg)+);
/// Determines if a message logged at the specified level in that module will
/// be logged.
macro_rules! log_enabled {
(target: $target:expr, $lvl:expr) => {{
let lvl = $lvl;
lvl <= $crate::STATIC_MAX_LEVEL
&& lvl <= $crate::max_level()
&& $crate::__private_api_enabled(lvl, $target)
($lvl:expr) => {
log_enabled!(target: __log_module_path!(), $lvl)
macro_rules! __log_format_args {
($($args:tt)*) => {
macro_rules! __log_module_path {
() => {
macro_rules! __log_file {
() => {
macro_rules! __log_line {
() => {
macro_rules! __log_stringify {
($($args:tt)*) => {
// WARNING: this is not part of the crate's public API and is subject to change at any time
pub fn __private_api_log(
args: fmt::Arguments<'_>,
level: Level,
&(target, module_path, file, line): &(&str, &'static str, &'static str, u32),
kvs: Option<&[(&str, &dyn log::kv::ToValue)]>,
) {